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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. I really don't like how my work colleagues are treating me and fellow colleagues who are at high risk of being made redundant. I don't get any work, i have to beg for it. No-one talks to me anymore and i've nearly had enough. There is one prick in particular who really doesn't like us. I'm fighting to stay, but chances could be low.
  2. I just don't think living alone is financially ok. I'd be broke within 2 weeks, and always stuck in. With living with parents, its cheap rent and cheap accomadation so going out has no problems at all.
  3. True Lies Another classic Arnie movie, complete with the classic "You're Fired" line. Can't find no faults with this no matter how many times i watch it. 10/10
  4. I believe it has to relitivly true. I'm considering applying for this once i can think of something to write it on.
  5. I'm 22 at the moment, will be 23 in about 3 weeks time. I still live at home, have no car and currently no g/f. I feel older, but i'm still a kid at heart. The sound of moving out and "Living On My Own" doesn't sound too daunting to me, yes it does sound scary and all that. But i am of the age where this isn't so bad. I just won't move out until A/ my mates have money and wish to or B/ i find a nice female
  6. Exactly But hey, if we are all wrong and Schumacher really is/was the Stig then i could be right in thinking "Blue Stig" or any other colour they may choose. But the promo trailer shows Stig staring at a T-Rex whilst it is growling, and they are using "White Stig". Anyway, back onto tonights episode. Can't believe how close it was between May and Clarkson, felt sorry for Hammond. Which made me think, where was the rain for May and Clarkson and why was it only following Hammond?
  7. Sums it up. I'm also off to experience the lethal injection. Must be more fun than what this could turn out to be.
  8. With "different" results. Honest, i've noticed the Stig being more "beefed" up that Schumacher was in the suit. I'm still going on the belief that they swapped Stig for Schumacher just for the Ferrari FXX part. Would Ferrari trust the Stig with it, probably not.
  9. Did anyone catch the end, i literately cried with laughter.
  10. I reckon as well it could be bluff to shut up everyone once and for all. I reckon the real one if there is a real one, won't ever be revealed.
  11. Hehe, the papers were wrong. Welcome next week ................... Blue Stig!!
  12. Got my Dad the usual card and Terry's Chocolate Orange. He always expects it, may try a different gift idea next year to confuse him.
  13. Cleaning my room earlier, i dug out my DS caked in dust. It still works as well, as it hasn't been on since November 2008. Apart from that discovery, the weekends been quite good. Booze orientated etc as always. Edit: I just decided i shall sell my DS as i don't ever seem to use it anymore. Anyone have a clue as to how i should send it and what type of packaging i should use in the event that it sells. By the way, i'm selling it with 4 games in boxes.
  14. Can't wait. Shall be tuning in later.
  15. The fight would have to be fair, so wheels probably not a good idea. Feet would be more fairer. As for an environment, i say a beach or a river with land either side for the Dino
  16. To be fair, this has gone way off topic now.
  17. It seems totally pointless for any of them places to become independent. Past Kings/Queens have fought tirelessly to bring these countries into one to form the United Kingdom and look how well that is.
  18. Hahaha, awesome.
  19. This guy would win, hands down. But a more important question to be raised is who would win between.................. Chuck Norris and Darth Vader!!!
  20. Happy Birthday, have an awesome day.
  21. I'm probably about to re-join the unemployment world, once my work has finished with its 44 redundancies of which i am in the high risk category. I placed my appeal to HR today in a sealed envelope, so have to see how that goes. I hated it last time i was out of work, 8 months to be honest and i don't really wish to return to the world of dole junkies (sorry, only way to describe them)
  22. I'll take a look at them extras in detail later
  23. It can be lucky with what questions come up. Some of them can be easier than others, and some can be re-worded differently and seem easier. Thats how i got better marks on my Maths GCSE re-sit exam 1.
  24. Ok, an update. I am one of the 4 that could be made redundant now. Received the letter today, which i did not wish to receive at all (and who does btw). I have a meeting tomorrow to discuss my score and possible appeal case. I may try one appeal to see if i can keep my job, but if that fails then i won't try number 2.
  25. Righteo, sounds to me like a bit of mis-communication between the tatooist and the 18 yr old in question.
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