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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Got my Dad the usual card and Terry's Chocolate Orange. He always expects it, may try a different gift idea next year to confuse him.
  2. Cleaning my room earlier, i dug out my DS caked in dust. It still works as well, as it hasn't been on since November 2008. Apart from that discovery, the weekends been quite good. Booze orientated etc as always. Edit: I just decided i shall sell my DS as i don't ever seem to use it anymore. Anyone have a clue as to how i should send it and what type of packaging i should use in the event that it sells. By the way, i'm selling it with 4 games in boxes.
  3. Can't wait. Shall be tuning in later.
  4. The fight would have to be fair, so wheels probably not a good idea. Feet would be more fairer. As for an environment, i say a beach or a river with land either side for the Dino
  5. To be fair, this has gone way off topic now.
  6. It seems totally pointless for any of them places to become independent. Past Kings/Queens have fought tirelessly to bring these countries into one to form the United Kingdom and look how well that is.
  7. Hahaha, awesome.
  8. This guy would win, hands down. But a more important question to be raised is who would win between.................. Chuck Norris and Darth Vader!!!
  9. Happy Birthday, have an awesome day.
  10. I'm probably about to re-join the unemployment world, once my work has finished with its 44 redundancies of which i am in the high risk category. I placed my appeal to HR today in a sealed envelope, so have to see how that goes. I hated it last time i was out of work, 8 months to be honest and i don't really wish to return to the world of dole junkies (sorry, only way to describe them)
  11. I'll take a look at them extras in detail later
  12. It can be lucky with what questions come up. Some of them can be easier than others, and some can be re-worded differently and seem easier. Thats how i got better marks on my Maths GCSE re-sit exam 1.
  13. Ok, an update. I am one of the 4 that could be made redundant now. Received the letter today, which i did not wish to receive at all (and who does btw). I have a meeting tomorrow to discuss my score and possible appeal case. I may try one appeal to see if i can keep my job, but if that fails then i won't try number 2.
  14. Righteo, sounds to me like a bit of mis-communication between the tatooist and the 18 yr old in question.
  15. Sounds very interesting. Good luck on the trip and enjoy yourself my friend.
  16. I've had situations similar to that in the past. I'm actually hiding myself as "In a Relationship" because i am fed-up of the females being childish. The childishness has ceased since. Basically all these females ever did was claim to like me, we get talking then they bull me with some false excuse and bugger off. Even my last g/f was too ashamed to state she was in a relationship with me, she kept remaining single on FB. I really ought to change my status back to single, it remains at "In a Relationship even to this day. Anyway I really do wish work would get on with informing the rest of the company who is being made redundant. Half already know, some knew yesterday. But my department have no idea and i think a few others still are in the dark about it. I'm hoping i am not within the 4 leaving my department, but i have a funny feeling i will be. It has been a month and a half nearly since being told about potential redundancies and it is eating me inside (not literratly btw)
  17. Happy Birthday dude, have a great day. Too bad about the weather (this may only be at my end, so if its good weather enjoy!!!!)
  18. I ordered from Play-Asia. As i am a novice of importing (ok, i did import a whole DVD series in a few years back). This is the first game i've imported as such. They seem good so far.
  19. The Play Asia order i have is currently pending/packing as we speak. Should have it by the weekend or early next week. May keep my GAME order active in case my mate wishes for a copy, but i may persuade him to import.
  20. Oh yes indeed. Mr Stay Puft has never looked so good in HD.
  21. ^ I see now, thats probably what i've been doing wrong. I'll take a look at my browser and shall investigate the mIRC program later. After a level of Force Unleashed, and before the pub.
  22. Its lucky it is region-free otherwise us 360 owners are in for a long wait (until October 31st). I feel sorry for Wii owners looking to get this as the US Version is region locked for the Wii, so they have to wait until October 31st. Its out now in America (16th June), so me thinks us 360 owners will get it some point either next week or early week after.
  23. I'm planning on getting this once i've beat a few more titles in my collection. Or when the price comes down a bit, whatever comes first.
  24. Just about to order Ghostbusters from Play-Asia. Currently watching: Ghostbusters (Blu-ray). What a great time to be a Ghostbusters fan.
  25. Awesome, my copy arrived as well on Saturday. Now then, just have to find out as and when Ghostbusters II comes on Blu-ray. My recent purchases
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