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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. I've read all but the last book, only because i havn't got around to purchasing it yet. They are darn good books, having started to read them when i was 10. Think i saw the first movie in the cinema when i was around 11 or 12, can't really remember. All i know is that i havn't seen all the movies, only the first 2.
  2. I last transferred stuff over 3 years ago, it wasn't too bad when i did it then. Plug the kit into the new console, run the disk and it copies it all over. THEN, you have to transfer the licenses over. This is done on the X-Box site, and doesn't take too long. I think the process takes 15 mins tops Edit: I see the question is already answered.
  3. Yep, i'm scared of that as well. I don't particulary wish to die alone. I'm not really scared of anything else too much, i do fear being "jumped" at night.
  4. Had to buy this Because my 3+ year Elite decided to red-ring, and i promised myself i would get one once the older console broke.
  5. I've heard of this, and have been meaning to watch some of them for a while. I think i shall take a watch later.
  6. "Drinks with" Try it
  7. It would depend on what was asked for me to consider doing the task for £2k. I am capable of doing what-ever really, and it would probably depend on how drunk i am as well.
  8. My Elite has Red Ring'd, and it is over the 3 years Warranty period as well (damn it, always does these things). I thought something was up when the picture wasn't 100% clear, had blocks on the screen which wouldn't clear. Oh well, think it's time to get one of them slims now.
  9. I'll have to send you the quiet audio separatly Dazz, i didn't read the whole page.
  10. I stopped using it because of the problems i've had with it, always stopped Youtube from working properly.
  11. Quite entertaining, i typed in "slaps" and got a wrestling scene. I did type in "Error 404" as well, and got the Error 404 scene. "Sleeps with", you know that one. "Rides" is good.
  12. I don't get it
  13. Jimbob


    I'm followed by them as well. I just laugh really that Monmouthsire CC keep requesting to follow me, even after i blocked them.
  14. Now that you mention that, everything could be classed as a license-owned product. You do make an interesting point though. Do we really own what we think we own?. Perhaps, or perhaps not. It could be that in this circumstance, that we own these items. But in the media-sense, we don't. Who really knows the answer to this, because i don't Haha, wish that only be true.
  15. Sweet, that is bloomin sweet there Ville.
  16. Aye, not bad there. 3 good eps. All with the usual funny stuff, which is nice. (to be fair)
  17. A draw today, not too bad.
  18. Recording mine now, i'm thinking of doing a two parter. One for the opening part, and the other for my solo-lines. Hope thats ok. Edit: Here are my parts, have also sent the files to Dazz I'm thinking of re-doing part 2, brightness is a bit off.
  19. Congrats Elli, nice to see life sorted after uni. Not many can say that, thats for sure.
  20. The camera i got is actually a web-cam, best £40 i've spent. I have to tweak it for night-time, as you saw on the video thats the quality i get at night.

  21. "The Pope is your brother, no matter how evil he is he is still your brother"
  22. Someone has to do that kind of work, hands down to them for climbing such a tower. I couldn't even do that, not that i am scared of heights or anything.
  23. I've fixed up some better video recording stuff (aka managed to get my Creative Web-cam/Video cam to do it's proper job). Basically, i plugged it into a USB 2.0 port and it goes smooth. Better sound quality as well, so no more phone-recording. Should have my piece up in the next 24 hours.
  24. If he came near me, i reckon i could throw a few eggs that way. People say he's the devil, or even the Sith leader. I mean, you decide on that
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