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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Everything works my end, it is much faster than before.
  2. Telephone??, getting near the 48 hour mark now. If you can't make it, i'll forward to the next person. I can re-add you to the end if you want.

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  3. So, how do you write your name in the snow then?
  4. Are you sure it wasn't
  5. I'd make them watch the prequels first, then the sequels/originals. Hey, it works as well. Just tell them that the better 3 are coming up after these and that you'll understand the originals more this way.
  6. I completly gave up with the game ages ago. It did start out fun, but it got really repetitive by the 5th mission. To the point where, to play was a chore.
  7. What can I expect them to do to my happiness? Depends if you like the job, it could go the way will wrote. Or something different. You may not get to sleep during the day, thus be miserable at night because of sans sleep. Will my social life suffer? If you like to go out and socialize in the evenings, then yes. It will affect your social life. Because (if you are on a 4 on, 4 off rota for example) your days off could be different to that of friends days off. What are your shift patterns anyway??. Will I become a vampire? There is a chance, but it is a slim one to be honest. My opinion of night shifts. The pay is excellent, but it isn't compensation to what it can do to you physically and mentally. You'll probably have no time to do anything outside of working days, then the first day off as such from work will be bad. Unless you stay up all day instead of sleeping, then sleep at night. Leaves you 3 nights of social, or 4 if you decide to nap. If and when you decide to leave work, it will take time to get back into a routine of "normality".
  8. Righteo as promised we shall begin. Below is the list of participants, i have sent to the first person on the list. Remember to CC me with all entries as well as sending onto the next person in line. 48 hours per person to complete, lets begin. Have fun everyone. Jimbob (Host/Complete) Jayseven Paj Meen Ha Dannyboy-the-Dane Supergrunch The Peeps Moogleviper Rez Diageo TNT Rummy Edit: Yeah, forgot to add. Let us know here when done, allows the easier way to keep things moving. Jay complete
  9. Forgot to set tactics and a squad, but still won. Lucky really.
  10. Jimbob


    Depends really. With blokes, i only accept a hand-shake and/or hand on shoulder*. Females is a completly different kettle of fish, that is when i hug. *Only accept if i'm mates with them, return the favour as well.
  11. Happy Birthday to 2 great members.
  12. Sames happened with "Perfect Day" as well, peeps just don't seem to want to share their vocal talents
  13. Most Europeans get work here.
  14. I recommend downloading the demo, because from what i see of it so far it isn't worth spending 1200 points on it. And thats from the demo perspective, which i downloaded. It's slow, a bit buggy and all that. Recommendation, wait until it drops down in price. Or better still, wait and see if a release of a disk version (with all eps on) comes out.
  15. With a new series of "Men Behaving Badly" coming, Martin Clunes isn't impressed with Niel Morressy's replacement.
  16. I have no problems filling in a few gaps.
  17. No problemo. I'll start Friday if i get no more sign-ups by then, if i get minimum of 2 more before hand i'll start sooner.
  18. You want in on the telephone game sir, need a few more sign-ups?.

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  19. Got 9 so far, i'll hold until Thursday/Friday to see if we can make it past 12. If not, i will start the telephone at some point Friday. Thats a promise.
  20. 2-0 win today, against Eights. Last meet, he won. This is retribution for that loss i think.
  21. I'm not a full user no more, as in i'm online but don't chat to everyone as i used to. Mainly chat to NE members and old mates when they come on really, thats about it. I don't use FB chat, mainly because it is crap, buggy and horrendous
  22. I do try and add to the CV with minor additions, things that i've done once or twice. I don't think it works with employers somehow. So i keep it only with everything i've done more than once, still doesn't work. You could say you are European on the CV. Hey, its not a lie is it?.
  23. Congrats there dude
  24. C'mon, it's probably the best thing to happen to the long-term benefit claimers.
  25. I see people who shout out of cars as "immature", because it doesn't take guts to do it to be fair. You can shout out, and be off within moments. I've had people shout at me out of a car window, then the car stalled and they couldn't get it going. So i laughed at them as i walked past
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