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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Did you know, she lives 20 miles from where i live. May 1999 Nintendo's E3 2008 When we finally found out that Nintendo had nearly lost it
  2. The moment when the above becomes readable with correct spelling (joke, type as you like).
  3. Happy Birthday guys
  4. And look at how times have changed from that era. Jeez, there are some desperate men in there.
  5. I couldn't help but laugh at that, honestly i can't believe they even made the movie.
  6. Back to winning ways, 4-0 result. A change of tactics was needed, and it prevaled.
  7. Such an awesome film. It is a pure nostalgia movie, reminding me of much of my teenage years. And, it is one movie that i can watch even to this day and not think it isn't for me. I think it set the line for this type of movie, and no other movie has reached it yet. It's a shame they have milked it near-dry and beyond with all the re-hash sequels. They should have ended it at the Wedding, or if they had to do one special "Band Camp". Other than that, the rest beyond were garbage.
  8. Crazy Taxi will be the one re-launch* title i shall buy *Dreamcast re-launch anyway
  9. Game is up on XBLA, you can download the original for 800ms points. And, for 400ms points more there is the DX upgrade.
  10. Another "rate" thread, thought i'd seen the back of them.
  11. Anything before 12pm is too early for me. People who drink before then either deem it ok for themselves or are dependant on the alcohol. I've seen people outside Weatherspoons at 7am waiting to go in for a pint, now that in my opinion, is far too early.
  12. Depends on what the situation is, but i can get a bit firey (spelling probably wrong there) in arguments. Sometimes, i'm wrong and don't win them. But i do win the occasional argument, only because i know i am right. By firey, i mean in the face. Outside of arguments, i am quite a nice person. As those who know me will confirm this. I do let you know if i need "me" time, and i do like speaking to loads of peeps.
  13. Your math is wrong, 2+2=-49 because i said so. Ok!!
  14. New 360 arrived, boy is it smaller than i thought. Only issue i found so far is that the built-in wireless doesn't get as good signal (if any) than the adaptor i bought. Not sure where the internal wireless adaptor is, so i'm using the new adaptor i had. Getting good signal with that.
  15. You do have to feel sorry for Lionel, to the point where i do want to share my crisps with him. I mean, no-one shared anything with him during that ad.
  16. Oh yes, they are excellent. Especially that particular flavour
  17. Hence, the Rich Tea was invented.
  18. I honestly couldn't agree more. Much of todays modern, hot music is pure garbage. Bring back the 70's and 80's music, thats what i say. I think about the above line, and boy i sound old.
  19. Jaffa Cake's have nothing on this Bow before the might of the Bourbon Buscuit. My personal favourite buscuit, beats the Custard Creme, Digestive and the Mighty Hob Nob to top spot in my eyes.
  20. Hairy Knees, what are These!!.
  21. First loss in a while today, i kind of expected that to happen.
  22. Sorry dude, just sold my last one. Wish i could see the footage, the screen-shots do look sleek. Plus, i would very much like to wipe the Bioshock games to completion.
  23. I did use to like rap, but i've grown out of that type of music. I'm more into rock than i've ever been before now. I don't even keep with the times anymore, heck i don't even follow the UK charts and listen to stuff from there. People have in the past, told me to listen to chart music. But it doesn't appeal to me at all.
  24. Who?? (Yes, i know who he is. I just like to attempt at not knowing who he is, because he's crap)
  25. Indeed, i probably won't look back. Console is on the way, Game dispatched it earlier. Makes a change, these past few times Game have refused my card first time.
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