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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. It doesn't matter, it isn't an art competition. You can use any means to create the picture. Paint, GIMP, Paintshop Pro, Pen and Paper, Paint.NET etc. Practically anything that can be used to create a picture can be used. No photo-shopping pictures, it's all about your hand-style drawing.
  2. Jimbob

    Fable III

    Collectors Edition (Click Product Details) The Standard Edition comes with the pre-order bonus stuff only.
  3. Cool I'm working on the beginning stuff, hopefully should get this game going soon.
  4. As you would have guessed by now, i am hosting this round of Forum Telephone. For those who havn't played this brilliant game before, here is a link to the previous thread. Contains all the information you need to get going, as well as links to previous games. Forum Telephone v4 The rules are exactly the same as last time, and here they are I have PM'd everyone who took part in the last game. Always looking for new players. Sign-up today, and let the fun begin
  5. Ok, if everyone is alright with it. I can host a new game, just have to confirm with Rummy. If he says yes, watch this space.
  6. Honestly now, i can't live a life without speaking to at least 1 person face to face. Sure you get days where all you want to do is to spend it alone, and that is fine. Because the human being has this inside of them, that they need to spend time alone and really relax and sort themselves out. I seem to spent a few hours alone each day, most of the time it is in the morning and at night/evenings where i tend to browse the net, play games or watch TV/DVD's (that is at the moment, with my current status of employment equaling not applicable). Jay is right, you cannot learn life alone. Because if you know nothing already, what can you learn?. You need to get out there and see the world around you. Learn how people cope with different problems. Learning is the key to life, and something which can present us with our mistakes and achievements made throughout. Life is also filled with risks, some of which are good and some are bad. But hey, that is life really. Take the risks, get out there and see what you can do with them. You may end up with new friends, a new job or even a new girl/boyfriend. Who knows where you will end up. I took a medium risk a few years back, and ended up in the best job i ever had. Why did i do it?. Well, there is no good to come from saying you'll do it. Do it, and the worst that can happen is "no". I don't really understand how people can hide away from life, it is their decision after all and we can't change it for them. We can put forward ideas and suggestions and see if that changes their minds. It is the person who hides who makes the choice after all.
  7. Jimbob

    Fable III

    I got a DVD on pre-order with Amazon, so shall see the on-time delivery for myself next week. But, am going off-topic now. Downloading that Kingmaker app, just to see what the fuss is about really.
  8. I'm promising myself right now that i won't buy this, unless it comes out as a complete set on disk. Then i will purchase.
  9. Jimbob

    Fable III

    I had a tweet from GAME saying that the pre-order bonus's are for both versions, and that they are available in-store as well as online. Just in case you wanted to know. I've had a CE version on order for 2 months now, only problem is i have to go into town to get it. It's funny really, as GAME on-line don't seem to accept my card/the bank refuses to allow payment through. And Amazon don't seem to get my DVD/Blu-ray pre-orders to me on time, so i don't trust them with a game pre-order. Thats my own opinion though, could be different with yourself Murr.
  10. Jimbob

    Fable III

    Ditto, which version have you ordered?
  11. So in theory, we are all aliens. I knew there was something fishy with the neighbours.
  12. McDonalds Pound-saver menu, because you will save pounds when you know what REALLY goes into our burgers.
  13. Had a game off last week, which was lucky as i hadn't set tactics or a team.
  14. I was wondering about this a little while back. Still, a bit more patience is in order. Unless someone wants to run it (me)
  15. A complete waste of points i think, a practical re-hash of the previous 3 titles (and perhaps S&K as well).
  16. I'm pitting a guess at say, Halloween!! An easy way to get the "Legend" achievement, make a copy of your multi-player save. Cross over then restore the original file. Just did it now, works a treat.
  17. Was watching "Some Like it Hot" last night, a decent movie i thought to be fair. I knew he passed away (Thursday i think, not sure). A truely great actor who (as the Times have said) took fame and had fun.
  18. Yeah, all the outcomes of different means of attack. Thats pretty much how i see it, if you decided to go back in-time and try and prevent something. Going back to the planet discussion, life would most likely be found along the shadow-line of the planet. Unless, it had already adapted itself to live in either the light or dark sections. You know life, it has the habit of adapting and evolving.
  19. I hope that is a joke, because if it isn't i think Epic will recieve thousands of hate mail letters/e-mails.
  20. It's probably so that MS can "attempt" to really push Kinect more, and make this a "Holiday" game. As i think they don't have anything else for that period to release worth pushing.
  21. "Hey Dad, so when do i start then?"
  22. Happy Birthday Odders, have a good one.
  23. Enjoy, have a good trip. Don't do anything i wouldn't do.
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