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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. I know, then the show-up charge is given out. Worst cost ever. I've seen plenty of 80's stuff, it's as good as ever.
  2. My eyes bled and i was contemplating suicide when watching Titanic 2
  3. What i don't want from Kinect is to be forced to buy it to continue to play games. If that occurs, i'll completly give-up on MS. (But it sounds as if we won't be forced, as gaming will still continue to use the standard controller)
  4. The live action movie with John Goodman was what i call a definitive live-action Flintstone movie (the sequel was cack).
  5. What next, Mario causes plumbers to attack you.
  6. Quite awesome that.
  7. The Liars and Cheats DLC is a great expansion to the multi-player Free-roam area. Plus includes multi-player Poker and Liars Dice, an Attack and Defend area and races. Oh, and the awesome Explosive Rifle which does as the name says. It's a pretty good addition i think, compared to the Legends and Killers pack (not much new, just gang-areas and 1 weapon) As for this Single player pack, it does sound quite promising. And one that i will be getting as well.
  8. Can't get it to work, may try again later.
  9. You just don't get cartoons like this no more. I used to love watching The Flintstones, especially when they finished Cartoon Network off at 6:30pm (before it turned crap with 24 hour running times). I don't remember many episodes though, but i do remember the early ones without Pebbles and Bam-Bam and some of the new ones with them.
  10. I couldn't help but do a search, and this popped up I don't think it would work, i mean it was filmed in 2D. Even with the tech, i don't think it would be a good transfer over to 3D.
  11. "So, you say that the guy wearing the gloves CAN handle the ball. So, why's the striker handling 2 of them"
  12. I'm not 100% sure that i will get this on release, as i may not have the monies for it. Well, not after FIII anyway.
  13. It did, and Sonic 2 took me 10 years to beat using Sonic. 10 years!!!. That is the longest i've ever taken on 1 single game, and i beat it via the Mega Drive collection on the GC.
  14. Jimbob

    Fable III

    Haha, excellent. Liking the "Predator" styled achievement as well. As always, Lionhead have a sense of humour. I see i shall be spending a lot of time in Albion/Aurora. And this time around, i will attempt a 100% completion (unlike Fable II) Edit: Just seen the "Trading" achievement. Crap, just as long as it isn't 1 per game.
  15. Haha, loving all these cheap-ass movie concepts. What next is what i say now.
  16. Jimbob

    Fable III

    There is a mobile app coming October 1st, for Smartphones. Basically it is along the lines of "Pub Games", make money and transfer over to the main game. (i'm surprised there isn't much chatter on this (the game in general))
  17. This could be the end of Sega, because the price makes no sense for a part-game.
  18. I know, and i stick to my previous comment.
  19. Excellent, and it works as well.
  20. We do, and we don't want them broken (very unlikely)
  21. Hope so, not worth it if it is priced at 800ms points. For only 1 ep, this will cost more to get all 4 eps than it would to buy a 360 game off a shelf in a shop
  22. Wouldn't surprise me at all.
  23. Go as this guy Problem solved. All you need is a tub of hair-wax, leather jacket, jeans and a white t-shirt.
  24. Oh dear. I had to laugh at that as well, seriously. What are they thinking.
  25. A bit pricey, for part of a game. I was expecting 600ms at most for this.
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