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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Na, got the Epic edition on order. £90 (with point deductions)
  2. I would take it back anyway, get a new one or something. It sounds like these problems will persist as well. And, being a Dell laptop/PC, you are limited to taking it to a Dell-registered repair shop.
  3. Who said this game sucks, because i will be round to defend the honour of this great title as well. Spent many hours on this gem.
  4. Sent a request to @Cube for the next round.
  5. I deserve a Falcon Punch for not wishing the Captain a happy birthday on the day........................ Still, hope it was a good day for you sir.
  6. GAME seem to be doing the same with Gears as GTA IV, processing orders earlier in order to meet demand. Had an email earlier stating this.
  7. Draw today, think I'm through to the semis on that result.
  8. Oh yes indeed, someone else who likes the gem of tea.
  9. Hehe, beyond Z-List now. Now just a commoner like the rest of us.
  10. A punching bag usually gets the stress and anger out of me. If not, a nice mug of tea usually does the trick. No sugar, just the milk.
  11. Oh well, what was the point of choice. We were finally given dates for when we can go to cust-ops, which is the next stage from the phones. Best thing was, we were allowed to choose when to go up. Starting on the week beginning 12th September right up until the week beginning 3rd October. I initially chose the 19th September as i knew everyone would pick the 12th, as most people hate listening to whining moaning people who just want free money. It was confirmed i'd go on the 19th.............. until yesterday. It was cancelled and i was put on the 3rd October to go to training, which is crap. What was the point of choice if i wasn't going to get the choice. I asked my boss why i was put on the 3rd, expecting the answer to be "we ran out of spaces". But it wasn't that answer, it was basically "I can't be asked to do my job anymore, so you'll go up when i can be asked to sort things out". I'm not the only one being messed around, 4 others in my team are having the same treatment.
  12. Aye, my day off is also confirmed. Only because of a bugger-up with my training to cust-ops, which i should have gone on the 19th but thats another story.
  13. I've been noticing this occuring as well, can get slightly annoying at times.
  14. Few hiccups, hope they be passed now. Jimbob - Complete Cube - Passed it over Jay - Complete Dannyboy Coolness Paj EEVILMURRAY Smeagol The Peeps Moogleviper heroicjanitor Diageo Supergrunch Rummy Rez Cube, as you passed it on. An opportunity to be placed further in the list has arisen.
  15. Happy Birthday guys, hope you have/had a good day
  16. Sent a request to Peeps.
  17. The first 2 are decent enough, it's from 3 onwards that the standards slip further.
  18. Sweet Google animation!!! Congrats Mr Paul on the placement.
  19. I'm just trying to get the co-op achievements done before the 3rd comes out.
  20. Are you one who dislikes every movie after "The Wedding" or "2"
  21. Aye, it has definetly aged and shows it. The original Perfect Dark is unplayable these days, i can't look at it for more than a few minutes without getting a head-ache or something. I never as such had issues with the framerate when playing Goldeneye and Perfect Dark multiplayer on the N64, even with 4 players. Ok it did lag a bit in places, but other than that, they were fine for me.
  22. I havn't seen it in stores around my area, not sure if it is available anywhere else though. But to be honest, i doubt it can be found brand-new anywhere these days.
  23. What the bleepin heck was that.................????
  24. 15 days to go for this. In preparation for it, am playing Gears 2 on Insane with a mate in co-op. I am determined to get all the single-player achievements before the 3rd arrives. Of which i'll be on it the majority of the time. Completly avoiding the Gears 2 multiplayer, it's crap compared to the 3rd's one.
  25. Best be interesting, i've seen them all. And they all suck past "Band Camp". I will see this, as i do like the series.
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