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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Yes!!!. Overtook Eights and won the middle league!!!!. Was guaranteed a promotion, but didn't think i'd win the league. Congrats to everyone who earned a promotion this season. I'll quite happily sign-up to the cup, if there are any spaces left. I think i'll celebrate my win.
  2. Yeah, wasn't as good as i thought. Could have been a lot better.
  3. Watching it, as recommended by @ReZourceman
  4. Sounds interesting indeed.
  5. Epic have a deal for the 20th, season pass as it were. 2400ms for it, including a liquid metal weapon skin Season Pass And, there is an additional character to be found on the Gears Facebook page. Free to all!!!.
  6. 6-0 win last game, just checked the results now. Which means a promotion to the top league!!!!!, with 1 game to go.
  7. I got a USB fan, not that it helps in this situation. USB lights are alright, i have seen some in action.
  8. Note to self Don't go out and drink so much that you can't recall much, except waking up on the stairs 3 hours after leaving a pub. Neck is hurting now because of that. Also, i would need to stop blanking out flirts. Could of scored a girls number yesterday, but because of myself and being a complete twit i missed out.
  9. Got myself a awesome 4 days off work now. And i think i worked my last 5 day shift in calls as well, just got a mix-match of shifts left now.
  10. Don't get many family gatherings myself, well not on my Dad's side of the family. On my Mothers side, always seeing my Aunt and Uncle. Mainly because they live right up the road from me. So no wonder really. Last big gathering we had for both sides of the family, was a funeral on both sides. Not the best occasions to meet, but it was the last time i saw many people. Ain't seen them since to be honest.
  11. Health and well-being is the number 1 priority, and i congratulate him for sticking out for this long.
  12. I've had about 4 hours sleep in 4 days, I'm worn out and practically keeping myself going with coffee. Seems to work, for now
  13. Jimbob


    I do tweet daily, mainly random thoughts as always. Link to follow me is in my Sig
  14. Happy Birthday Molly. Hope someone can pass on the good wishes.
  15. Ok, i'll add you at the end. Gonna get this moving again, been at the station a little longer than expected this has. New "updated" list of play, use this as of now. Jimbob - Complete Cube Jay Dannyboy Coolness Paj EEVILMURRAY Smeagol The Peeps Moogleviper heroicjanitor Diageo Supergrunch Rummy Rez (possible) Game begins (again). Cuboid, you are up my friend.
  16. Hope Ubi stick to their guns and give us a new protagonist with 3 (or 5 if you count Brotherhood and Revelations). Not that i wouldn't mind playing another AC game with Ezio, it would be stale.
  17. Thats if AC3 ever exists. Number of times Ubi have used Ezio as the main character is enough, but who knows what is going through their minds.
  18. Who knows. If Brotherhood is anything to go by, i wouldn't mind a little more time running around as Desmond. Just as long, as you mentioned, it has a point.
  19. Everyone is getting the luck in the job market, congrats to everyone who got work. Wishing you all the best in the jobs.
  20. Sheesh, if you ever find who compromised your account, take them to a small claims court if you can.
  21. Jimbob


    I use + but not as often as Facebook. Only post the stuff thats worth posting on Google+
  22. Jimbob

    Fable III

    If you are after a few of the co-op achievements, drop us a line.
  23. Competition between the Star Wars and Gears consoles, both sound equally as good as each other.
  24. This one has been a cert on my journey to work and home each day this week.
  25. True, but i still reckon he'd buy some. If it appeared in Aylesbury.
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