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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. New Bishes - 50 points
  2. Do derelict rail lines count, if so I got a few round my area I can use for bishing
  3. Norton.................... Destroy it, immediatly. Norton is a plague for all computers. I did use Norton in the past, but as soon as i learned more about computers, i ridded myself of it and purchased Kaspersky. Had no issues with it. Except Norton, that was a nightmare. It let in too much, used too many resources and was a pain in the back-side to get rid of it.
  4. Lovely jubbley peeps Updated list Jimbob - Complete Peeps - Complete Cube - Complete jayseven - Complete EEVILMURRAY - Complete Coolness - Complete Smeagol Paj! Rez Rummy Dannyboy Diageo Moogleviper heroicjanitor
  5. To go with his interpretation of how Zelda's lullaby went, would have been a crack.
  6. Yeah, there were occasions where i was feeling left out of some convo's, but in the end, i was having fun chatting with Brains, Marcamillan and Arnie in the cubicle we "took" over. Ended up talking about Pokemon and stuff.
  7. Make the most of it whilst we still have it!!!
  8. Compared to the complete no-plan Saturday (which was awesome, but plans were needed) the Sunday was a more relaxed, planned day. Even the rain couldn't stop us having fun.
  9. Unlucky dude. Oh well, at least they contacted you back. Unlike many employers who don't even bother doing this.
  10. Sent mine in couple of days ago.
  11. Indeed they did, until i discovered the show presented by a certain French-man on Channel 4. You know what show i am on about, c'maaan people.
  12. So apart from Neighbours and Home and Away (which ain't repeats, unless shown on 5* or Fiver afterwards). Is there anything that isn't a repeat or a naff show shown on 5??. I'll get back to you, if i find a list.
  13. Did anyone ever find a normal pack of M&M's in that building??. Or was it one of them impossible tasks that would never be solved.
  14. Yeah, they are forgotten gems indeed. Need more lovin they do!!!.
  15. Oh, the legendary Molyneux language. Weapons morph as you use them, getting sharper and precise per strike More like Weapons change shape, depending on which enemy you hit most of Not the same thing. If Molyneux says one thing, take it with the entire salt-shaker. Not just a pinch. He says one thing, and what he says never comes into the light of day.
  16. Bought it handset only. So, keeping my current plan (at a reduced cost, wiped the expensive insurance and the extras Voda threw). Used to pay £39 p/m, now only pay £25. Handset cost me £140, including part-exchanging my old Nokia. Had to purchase a case and a memory card for it though, so price went to around £150 with that included. I admit, that is one heck of a bargain you have. Good purchase!!
  17. Never heard of that statement before, never called anyone a weapon in my life. Tend to use "Tool" more often though, don't know why really. Just slips out when someone does something stupid.
  18. Oh these classic titles. Hard to find these days for a reasonable price, had to purchase mine from America at one point.
  19. Still read occasionally Official X360 mag. Not often though, seem to find all the information i need online these days. But, when i did read the mags, i read this. Yes, i was a loyal reader of this magazine. Great reviews, great writers. Always gave, in my opinion, honest opinions on how things were in the world of gaming. Had a few mentions myself in both this, and the Gamecube incarnation of this.
  20. Have to admit, the HTC Wildfire S is one damn good phone. A great phone for anyone new to the Android Market. Only been using it for around a week, and it is the best phone i've had in a long time. Those on Nokia still, i recommend getting this phone.
  21. +3, i +1'd that statement!!
  22. You had to include the "McDonalds" aftermath didn't you Mr Rez. -1 point!!. Buttery Buscuit Base re-mix +2 points.
  23. Oh...................... BBC had Neighbours, then got rid to 5. Who had Home and Away before 5 got it then??.
  24. Team Fez ready and waiting!!.
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