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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Jack Tretton is set to step down as SCEA CEO by April 1st
  2. Finally, a release date. It's going to be a busy weekend with both Mario Kart and this out.
  3. I quite liked the whole crowd boo'ing everytime Trips and Steph got on the microphone and spoke, could hardly hear them over the crowd. Kept chanting "over-rated" at Batista (as well as boo'ing him). But yeah, i got bored of the consistent "CM Punk" chants after about half-hour. Not exactly a hijacking, what would have been more better is the crowd not even showing up at the arena. That would be sending a message to the WWE, saying we don't like the current product. But that was never going to happen.
  4. I see a certain high-street retailer has the LE on order, may pop in and pre-order it on my way home. For some reason, i've started to distrust online retailers. Had a recent issue with Shopto, they didn't dispatch my order for Thief until the Friday after i spotted they mucked up the postage. Not fussed on a keyring, but that Blue Shell Trophy is something i am interested in. Why can't May get here sooner.
  5. Those screens.......... I've died and gone to heaven i think.
  6. Isn't that the Shine Tower from Sunshine in the Toad Circuit image?
  7. Got all the pinks myself, just 6 blues away from completion. Should be done today or tomorrow, got 20 passes sitting on my 3DS and 300 play coins.
  8. Sign me up, i'll post some stuff over.
  9. If people don't mind, once a date is sorted out i can arrange overnight accomodation again this year for people wishing to stay on the Saturday.
  10. It's going to be a good season, here's hoping that these Red Bull issues cross into the season and we get a new champion. I don't want to see another Vettel run-away season like last year.
  11. A very good concept for a game, which i congratulate you for. Jonnas got lucky, who knows where the game would have gone to if i hadn't died in the first night.
  12. Re-watching Mighty Morphin Power Rangers on Netflix recently, wow. The nostalga has gone and now i can't really get myself to watch the whole series. Terrible acting, terrible lip-syncing. And as i discovered (and check the Power Ranger thread), terrible editing. One episode i saw had a Japanese chap holding the Megazord up from behind, bad editing. If i ever get around to watching the rest of the series, there is the Thunder, Ninja and Trojan eras to watch. Then there is Zeo, Turbo, Space etc. But i don't think i'll get past Turbo (if at all). And i've also been watching Saved by the Bell (i've got no shame, a fine series which i am currently on Season 3 and enjoying it very much.), Dinosaurs and most recently The Demon Headmaster (all the series is on YouTube). Completly forgot how eree that was as a child, mainly watched it for nostalgia. The story is easy enough to follow.
  13. Not used it in a while, i'll have a look at get back to you.
  14. That would sell me the game. Origins wasn't too bad of a game, but a next-gen Arkham game is something i'll be looking at closely. I'd be expecting more details at E3 or something.
  15. Jimbob

    Drive Club

    If that's true, it's about time a release date was annouced.
  16. I think it's one of the perfect games to get a PS4 for in my opinion.
  17. One can hope that happens. Sounds damn good to me. The HijackRAW movement will be interesting, seeing some of the comments on various sites. People plan to chant "Thankyou Jesse", cheer the Wyatt Family and Sheild. And turn their backs to HHH, Steph and any segment featuring Batista/Orton. What i would love to see is the crowd not chanting/cheering/doing anything during the Batista/Orton segments
  18. Put my pre-order down, booked a day off work on the 21st. Gonna be a good weekend!!!. Pre-ordered the standard edition, not fussed on the additional content.
  19. And it's in a perfect slot as well, especially with the traditional gaming droughts of the Summer. Could be the Summer for Ubisoft.
  20. Even though i bought Thief over the weekend (and started it), i intend to finish playing Tomb Raider before i proceed. And that is what i've done today. Put about 5+ hours into the game, uncovering more secrets than i did the first time i played it last year on the 360. Can't really say a lot about the game that has not been said before. But my progress so far.
  21. I don't mind usually what region they are, but i doubt a US Blu-ray would work on a UK PS4 (could be wrong)
  22. Had an argument with HMV with the price, they said if you can find a price lower in any store they will match it. Sainsbury's, That's Entertainment and CEX (all of whom have New sections) were selling the Blu-ray for £32.99. Took pictures, and they refused to match price as they claimed they were pre-owned. Oh well, my money went to Amazon.
  23. Just post it on Beiber's body, and i'll forgive you if Beiber is next.
  24. Where he seems right at home.
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