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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. I'm still curious as to how this is going to play on 3DS. I can't get my head around doing smash attacks with the circle pad, it doesn't really feel right. I'll no doubt be spending much more time with the Wii U version, and probably shouldn't bother with the 3DS one, but I want to check out the exclusive stuff.
  2. You should jump straight into Dark Souls II, I reckon you'd love it. It's got the same clunky but strategic gameplay that Monster Hunter has. You need to keep an eye on your stamina and health at all times, get too greedy with your attacks and it's game over. Just like MH it's very challenging, but also a lot of fun.
  3. That's part of what gives the game its charm. You're supposed to be annoyed by the CPU karts, they want you to hate them! And they are what separates the men from the boys in SMK. You either complain and give up, or you keep practicing and improve your driving skill to the level where the CPU can't even touch you! Like this: :awesome: We've discussed this before, H-o-T. But for the benefit of @Blade and anyone else that hasn't played SMK before... OK, so depending on which character you pick, the game will assign 2 of the remaining characters to be your main rivals. For example, if you pick Mario then your rivals will be Donkey Kong Jr. and Princess. If you pick Luigi it'll be Mario and Yoshi. Peach will get Bowser and Toad, etc... These 2 rival karts will be complete and utter bastards. Always on your tail when you're in the lead, and if you do manage to take one of 'em out with an attack, they will speed up like crazy in order to catch up to you. To keep being your rival. They (and the other CPU opponents) also have access to special attacks which the player does not, and they ain't shy about using them! Princess Peach and Toad will try to shrink you with Poison Mushrooms. Yoshi will use his Eggs. Bowser chucks Fireballs. Mario & Luigi have an infinite amount of Invincibility Stars. And the same applies to DK Jr. & Koopa Troopa, but with Bananas and Green Shells respectively. Most of these attacks are very predictable though. The map screen will switch to a rear view mirror when an attack is incoming, giving you ample chance to avoid it. And when a rival who's ahead of you is attacking, you can see it a few seconds in advance. The worst one is Mario & Luigi's Invincibility, because they just come out of nowhere without any waring sign. So yeah, it's always best to steer clear of them as a rule of thumb. Many people consider the above as cheating AI, but I think it's one of the things that makes the game so great, and so funny. I wouldn't call you wrong (everyone's entitled to their opinion) but you're wrong, very wrong.
  4. 50cc is easy peasy.100cc isn't too bad. 150cc?... Well, let's just say that you wouldn't want to be playing it with the GamePad. I'd recommend using a Classic/Pro controller instead, just in case. But yeah, out of all the MK games, SMK is definitely the one that requires the most skill to master. The CPU karts on 150cc are insane. They'll be on your tail the entire time, so any mistakes you make will really hurt. And items won't help you out as much as they can in modern MK titles either, there's generally a lot less luck involved. I definitely think you should give it a try though, Blade (obviously I'm biased, but whatever ) especially if your main reason for not, is just the graphics.
  5. Oh come on, don't do this to me.
  6. Good luck with that. Never forget... I can't wait to see what gems the SMK Miiverse community will produce. Complaints about the difficulty are guaranteed! :awesome:
  7. Yes!
  8. Yeah, I mean they probably don't want to be releasing it too close to MK8. But having said that, if we're going to be seeing Bayonetta 2, Hyrule Warriors, Yarn Yoshi, X and Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem this year as well, then they're going to need to get it released as soon as possible. Unless of course Nintendo are planning to cram everything in to the last two months of the year, as usual.
  9. I still reckon there's a pretty good chance of that. And it would definitely help Nintendo at E3 if they ended their press conference or Nintendo Direct (or whatever the hell they're gonna do this year) with... "Surprise! Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS is available right now!" :awesome:
  10. Congrats. New Game+? :p
  11. Nice. I'm currently at 30 hours played and feel like I've barely scratched the surface of this game! Anyway, I now have access to the NPC that trades boss weapons. But is it just me, or are they all kind of crappy? I'm tempted to just use the boss souls for leveling up instead.
  12. Arrgghh! Now I'm even more confused!
  13. The idea of a track editor in Mario Kart is certainly interesting. I personally love track editors (or any kind of creative feature in games for that matter) and I also love Mario Kart (it is by far my favorite VG franchise of all time), but for some reason I'm not sure about combining the two. And that doesn't really make any sense, does it? Surely if you love both things, then bringing them together is definitely the way to go. But for some inexplicable reason (and believe me, I've tried to understand it) I just can't decide if I'd want a track editor in MK, or not. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. So yeah, guess I agree with both sides of the argument. To be honest I just want the bloody game now, the features (apart from online of course) are irrelevant. At the end of the day it's more Mario Kart, and that's good enough for me.
  14. In that case...
  15. Another free trial starting today. [tweet]446697356285992960[/tweet]
  16. Sorry for bumping such an old thread, but this vid had me in stitches. I actually needed to pause it a couple of times to stop myself from passing out! : Can't wait for Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie, which should be released this year. Also, I need to get myself a copy of Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing.
  17. Yeah, I've got no intention of doing that (I barely manage to get over HR100 on Monster Hunter as well) just curious what the max level was. Cheers for that. I'd noticed my character was getting a bit sluggish, but didn't know why.Now I'm going around without any leg armour, in just my pants, but at least I can roll fast again. No kidding. Did my first invasion (first one where the other player didn't run away at least ) and it was awesome!Seriously exhilarating stuff. Nearly didn't make it (was down to a tiny amount of health, one hit would have killed me) but I just kept attacking them like a nutter and somehow managed to win! Got a Token of Spite, but seeing what it's used for I'm not exactly sure I want one. Also, do you steal souls from people you kill as well?! I'm not certain, but before invading I think I only had 17 souls (had just leveled up) but upon returning to my world I had 304. I haven't actually been invaded yet (perhaps I should use that Token of Spite ) but what happens if you take out an invader, is there a "reward" for that too? This game is mental.
  18. That was exactly my point. This can definitely happen, even if Nintendo don't officially support such a feature.
  19. True, but I don't think there's any risk of that kind of thing happening with MK8 at all. The online will almost certainly be on par with what was done in MK Wii, and we already know of one improvement/new online feature in the form of MKTV and Miiverse integration. Personally I'm not expecting Voice Chat, certainly not for random games, but you never know... Anyway, as long as it's quick and easy to find/setup games (they need to lose that watch the race you're joining thing IMO), and they bring back onscreen player usernames (which were annoyingly absent in MK7) I'll be more than happy.
  20. Yeah, was noticing I kept going over the weight limit after equipping some rings. In fact, I've only got 1 shield and 1 sword equipped now, to be able to keep those rings and the best armour all equipped that the same time. By the way, do you think it's worth buying the fall damage ring from the cat in Majula? I've got enough souls to level up to 55, or get that ring, but I can't decide. Whoa! For some reason I thought the level cap was 100. Don't tell me it's 999?
  21. Beautiful. On the subject of Yoshi and piano, everyone needs to check this out (pretty sure I've posted this before, but it can't be posted enough IMO ): For those that weren't familiar, he's a Ragtime pianist called Tom Brier and there are loads of vids on that channel of him sight-reading various VG tunes. It's pretty incredible.
  22. That looks/sounds awesome! Will definitely be checking it out at some point.
  23. I disagree, I think Nintendo have actually put out quite a few titles in recent times that were very much considering the western market.But the thing is, it's the kind of stuff that doesn't excite your typical gamer, like Brain Training, Nintendogs, Style Boutique, Wii Chess, Endless Ocean, Wii Fit... So yeah, hardcore gamers that don't enjoy the majority of Nintendo's output (think they're too Japanese or whatever) might have reason to complain, but they also have a shitload of alternatives in order to get their western gaming fix, in the form of the PS3/4, 360/XBONE and PC! The expectation or demand that Nintendo should westernize is bizarre, it just gives me the impression that there are quite a few people in denial about being Nintendo fans. Very nice.Unfortunately, going on how this kind of thing usually pans out, it'd probably be more like this: May - Mario Kart June - July - August - September - October - Yarn Yoshi November - Bayonetta 2, Hyrule Warriors December - Smash bros., X, Metroid Prime Nah, surely Nintendo will be forced to spread things out this year, due to having no 3rd party support.
  24. Hehehe! True.
  25. That's criminal if it's not in there. Keep us posted. Touching Fuzzy and getting dizzy in 3D would be so awesome.
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