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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. LOL @ that Fuzzy-Felt tunic.
  2. @Dcubed, you definitely don't need to type before and after. *EDIT* I think it's a bit unfair how the original DS versions are so blownup. If you scale these down to 256 × 192 (the actual resolution of the NDS screens) the difference is a little less insane:
  3. Absolutely. Plus he's clearly clued-up when it comes to game development, due to his background. And even though a lot of his ideas aren't popular, I appreciate the direction that he's trying to take. His heart is very much in the right place I reckon.
  4. Yeah, I did briefly try that tactic. But then I'd get jumped by those other things that hide under the water while in 1st person view. Guess I should be taking them out first. Will give it a another go tonight though. Might see about changing some of my gear or actually use some items for a change. I've not used many items at all since I started playing this game. My inventory is full of stuff that I have never even used once/have no idea what it's for. *EDIT* The bow tactic paid off, finally made it through the swamp! Am now in the...
  5. Actually, it's looking a lot less likely. I made it through the castle without much trouble at all, but now I'm in an area which completely takes the piss. It's a swamp full of these bastards that fire ridiculously fast homing magic attacks at you, literally every second! Yet it's difficult to move because of the water, and these beams mess you up, even if you block 'em. Must have died at least 10 times in this area, just trying to get from one end to the other. No kidding. Not sure if I'll even make it through the swamp of doom at this rate.
  6. I'm still a big fan of Iwata as well (despite the current situation at Nintendo), he's just such a likable chap.
  7. Hardly. Pretty sure there's more than 1 person that wants Iwata to step down.
  8. Guess I should probably dig out my copy of Jam with the Band and download some more tunes before it's too late...
  9. That is mental.
  10. Really looking forward to this.
  11. I think Ubisoft have seriously messed up with this game, regardless of the Wii U version fiasco. I mean it feels like it should have come out centuries ago! My interest in it has long gone at this point. GTA V satisfied that open world action game itch very nicely indeed, and I won't be needing another fix anytime soon. They clearly revealed Watch Dogs waaaay too early.
  12. Well, I've been insanely hyped for this game since 2012 when it was first revealed. In fact I've been dying to get my hands on this series, since 2009 when the DS version hit Japan! My excitement certainly hasn't fizzled out, but I'm probably an exception to the rule. And you're right, it's definitely a smart move for Nintendo to surprise people with announcements close to launch.
  13. A mixture of the two really. Essentially a Circle Pad, but the part your thumb touches would be identical to the grips that are on the GamePad at present, rather than the concave grip of the 3DS Circle Pad. It's a bit of a compromise between form and functionality. Nintendo themselves appeared to originally be going more for form with the prototype GamePad design, but then decided that full analog sticks were more functional. Which of course they are, even if they do look a bit weird sticking out of the GamePad.
  14. You can:
  15. I suppose it does look cheap compared to the original, but it's just so much nicer to use. The main negatives to the XL for me are its reduced portability and the shockingly bad speaker quality. That one's not really an issue though, as I always use headphones.
  16. But what is it you despise, the matte finish?
  17. Hehehe! Typical / nando /. But really, you hate the XL?! It's awwwwwwwesome! :awesome: Glossy devices might look cool in promo shots: but in reality... Not so cool.
  18. Personally I'd love a hybrid of the Wii U GamePad and 3DSXL, combining certain aspects from both of those devices. Here's my attempt at a mockup: And a side by side with the current GamePad: The screen size is identical on both, but the display looks bigger on my redesign due to the reduced fat. Basically, it's a much smaller (and in that case, probably lighter ) version of the GamePad, with the matte finish of the 3DSXL, and a slight button reconfiguration. :awesome: The control sticks are like the Circle Pad of the 3DS/original GamePad design, but with the grip style from the finalised GamePad. The Power and TV Control buttons would be moved to a side, and the mic to the side under the screen. There would also be no need for a battery indicator, if it was built-in to the home button: Everything else is more or less the same, so it's really just about the size and surface material.
  19. Can we get a title change/merge with the Tomodachi Life Direct thread please?
  20. So cute: The animation on this pose is just perfect: Priceless. I don't think you have much influence on the game outside of setting up the personality of your Miis. It's more of a sit back and watch the craziness kind of thing.
  21. Same here. Cheers, @Ike.
  22. Euro version is more like the Japanese one, and the original: Meh, who cares. We're getting the game!!!!!!!!! It's not the sort of thing you play because you've never played anything like it! Don't be a fool man, get this game!! You could have an apartment full of Pokémon trainer Miis or something.
  23. Box Art, with a slight modification:
  24. They should run with that for the advertising of this game.
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