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Everything posted by RedShell
Same here. Cheers, @Ike.
Euro version is more like the Japanese one, and the original: Meh, who cares. We're getting the game!!!!!!!!! It's not the sort of thing you play because you've never played anything like it! Don't be a fool man, get this game!! You could have an apartment full of Pokémon trainer Miis or something.
Box Art, with a slight modification:
They should run with that for the advertising of this game.
Mario Kart 8 and Tomodachi Life have already guaranteed 2014 as a vintage year in gaming for me. Happiness overload.
YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!!!! I can't stop smiling.
Damn. Really hope this doesn't slow 'em down.
Still don't reckon it's anything Nintendo need to look at doing. I mean when a Direct is on the way, it already gets mentioned on their website, on Twitter/Facebook/Miiverse/whatever, posted on NeoGaf, on here etc... Do we really need it to also appear on a blog?
As someone that recently-ish picked up a PS3 (last September) I'd definitely recommend it, @Fierce_LiNk. Not only can the console now be purchased on the cheap, but there are so many bargains to be had on the games as well! I've been filling the gaps in Nintendo's release schedule quite nicely with it. So far I've got through: Grand Theft Auto V The Last of Us Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate LittleBigPlanet Resident Evil 5 Bayonetta After Burner Climax Everybody's Golf Space Channel 5: Part 2 Tokyo Jungle And I'm currently playing Dark Souls II. Still lots left for me to check out as well, plus I'm also considering a PS4 in the future. Being late to the party can indeed be awesome.
But it completely lacks Zaz. Blog: Nintendo Direct: Press Conference:
So I finally got this game last week (@Hero\-of\-Time posted the deal on here. Was the Deadly Six Edition too, which I wasn't expecting. :awesome: Anyway, I finished it last night and let's just say I'm really glad I waited to buy it at a reduced price. This game is all over the shop! One minute it's awesome, and the next it's horrendous. I know Sonic games have never been renowned for consistency, but man... this one takes the piss. It's a shame too, as the foundations were in place here to make a truly great Sonic game. My biggest issue with Lost World, is the controls/gameplay mechanics are presented to the player in such an obscure way. I reckon the only people that will really understand how to properly play this game are the developers themselves! Those ? symbols that briefly appear on screen to describe actions, feel like a total afterthought. Another thing I dislike (never been a fan of this though) are the automated sections during gameplay. You know, the ones where you get to watch as Sonic goes really fast and does cool shit while you do nothing at all. The amount of time it takes for Sonic to spin and bounce off springs during these sections is particularly annoying. And what's with the way Sonic dies!? It's so dull! There's like a really muted sound effect and then he's suddenly just lying on the floor. A split second later the message "Try Again" appears. Terrible! At least when this happens: It's got some impact to it (no pun intended) not to mention comedy value. In fact, that GIF pretty much summarizes everything that is good about Sonic Lost World, as it's also from one of the best stages in the game, which funnily enough also has the best music: Audio Excellent tune. But hey, the Nintendo themed DLC is interesting (not to mention surreal) and despite all of those criticisms I did kind of enjoy the game. It just could've been so much more. The Sonic Cycle continues...
I doubt Nintendo have got the balls to announce/showcase another Wii Music at E3, but would bloody love it if they did. I'll get a sequel to one of my favorite Wii Games, and get to watch hilarious meltdowns on the internet! Win-win.
Yeah, it's a really annoying move in Pokémon (especially when playing online ) called substitute. *EDIT* Beaten by the Pokémon Master.
I'd prefer a press conference, think the majority of people would to be honest. But at the end of the day, we (the peeps viewing online) get to see exactly the same trailers either way. And we'll still get the hands-on stuff from the showroom floor, so it doesn't actually make all that much difference. Excited for this years E3 though. With Mario, Pikmin, Mario Kart and Smash Bros. out of the way, it means Nintendo pretty much have to produce stuff from other franchises, or new surprises!
Still can't get my head around how any Nintendo fan was disappointed by the SM3DW E3 trailer. I was bouncing off the walls when I first saw that.
I finally made it through the underground areas (horribly annoying areas I might add ) down that hole in Majula, and defeated The Rotten. :awesome: Looks like it's time for me to head back to that castle then. Must be near the end now, right? Anyway, my death total last time I checked was 168. Carked it a few more times down that bloody hole though, so will be a bit higher now. Want to try and beat @Sheikah's 220.
Love it.
Awesome stuff. Did not see that 3DS/Wii U release date split coming. Smart move though I reckon. And NeoGaf is dead. Quality.
Would love it if he was a playable character! Kicking ass online as Tingle would be extremely entertaining. Ulala and Goemon are my top choices for 3rd party characters. Never gonna happen though, unfortunately. I reckon they'll be announcing Pac-Man as a newcomer tonight.
That artwork is adorable. Yeah, I'm getting that vibe as well. Seeing that screen's got me tempted to make a Harry Redknapp Mii for use in this game.
Not sure, don't think there is one though. Which is a shame, as Ustream can be pretty awful and I ended up missing a massive chunk of the last worldwide ND when the European stream went tits-up. There probably isn't going to be any region specific stuff in the ND tonight though, so watching the US version is the way to go I reckon.
Well, I've got Plan C ready : Apparently there will be a US YouTube stream as well, that'll be Plan B.
I was actually expecting it to be around £20, so I'm happy.
Another theory going around is that it could mess with antigravity or the track somehow. Think that's probably a bit too out there though. What does everyone reckon that speaker item will do? I had a laugh the other day imagining it to temporarily allow voice chat.
Much larger team working on Smash Wii U/3DS though, surely. And I'm willing to bet quite a bit was recycled from Brawl, which must have helped speed up the process too. I'll be astonished if the game isn't coming out this year. Still reckon it's gonna be a summer title. Anyway, not long to go before we get a rough idea!