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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. So Cat Mario is basically Assist Mode behind an amiibo paywall? Yikes.
  2. I'm on the more new stuff-boat. While I've had plenty to play in 2020 due to indies, I would love a bit more to play from Nintendo themselves.
  3. Was all the footage in the trailer from Bowser's Fury or was there some SM3DW in it as well? Can't remember the levels.
  4. It's not often that we get an announcement of when a new trailer will drop. But excited, I'm looking forward to seeing if Bowser's Fury can warrant another buy from me - I did enjoy the core game very much on Wii U.
  5. Marathon is 42.2 because, well, 42! But yes, in the US, they don't do science properly so have kept miles, while we here in Europe swear by the metric system. It's a common discussion.
  6. Experience doesn't matter, it seems. But then you kept 400m - I assume that doesn't mean 6*600 miles? And your goal is still in metric - 5K. Sorry, couldn't help it. But it seems like a good programme, even though it's for very experienced runners - running 6 days a week is tough. I know my feet would be killing me (I have a high arch in my foot - slightly supinated - and thus land with a lot of weight on the front of the foot, causing pain on longer runs and very hard skin that hurts).
  7. I'm currently playing The Last Campfire. About 3/5 into the game now and it's chill, relaxing. The puzzles are on the easy side, never spent more than a few minutes and almost always clear them first try. The overworld puzzles are a bit less obvious at times and require a good bit of exploration, which is nice. The game looks good and Ember controls fine (though I could have used that the dash was more a constant run). It shows some technical hiccups, though. It's funny, I've just played Doom Eternal where there was absolutely no frame drops or slowdowns despite being incredibly fast-paced. This, however, has some issues with some stuttering and a second of freezing every minute or so. It doesn't matter but it does seem a bit sloppy. The game is not really good but it's a fine game and I feel it's worth going through it, especially since I got it when it was discounted in December and it's a short game.
  8. I regret this decision. :/ Really could have used a good adventure game now.
  9. The Danish government has just announced that everyone who wants to get the vaccine here in Denmark will have got the second dose by June 27th at the latest. That's great! Soon we will have a normal country again (with a new massive debt to mink farmers and other people).
  10. Ouch, a steep price... It's a good game but not worth that much.
  11. This is out on January 14th. A physical edition has been announced, courtesy of Limited Run Games. https://limitedrungames.com/collections/scott-pilgrim-vs-the-world-the-game/products/switch-limited-run-94-scott-pilgrim-vs-the-world-the-game Do they ship to Europe? Or is there a European vendor?
  12. You do 20 burpees, rest for a short amount of time, then do 19, rest, 18, rest ... All the way to 1 burpee after which the clock stops. It'll be a total of 210 burpees. The other one is also a good one. Suicide burpees. You could do that with any exercise; squats, swings, lunges, running... I think you'd better aim for 200 and then go as far beyond as possible once there. I know someone who did the burpee year challenge. The last couple of months were terrible, I figure. You need to go beyond 300 burpees every day, it would take half an hour every single day. It was impressive following him.
  13. Got inspired by the burpees and did the famous challenge of 20-19-18-...-2-1 burpees for time. Rest as needed between, I took about 30 seconds between each set in the 10s and then just went with the flow for the remaining sets (between 1 second and 20 seconds I believe). My time was 18:36. When I did it last time it was 19:26 so a nice improvement.
  14. On the official Discord channel, PR Manager for Team Cherry mentioned that the game is content complete and in the final stages of testing. He however also said that the game is not out until it's ready. Edit: Sorry, this is misleading. He's just stating something about when he thinks a release date should be announced.
  15. I also watched it this weekend. I found it alright up until the two last episodes where things just got a bit too much, and the ending was extremely lackluster and flat. I found the mystery interesting and we played with the idea that it was all in Astrid's head. Yesterday I watched I'm thinking of ending things and I urge you to not make that mistake, though! It started out well but it just fell short and was really mediocre. I was thinking about ending it before it finished but I'm glad I at least stuck until the end.
  16. I'm really enjoying this game - a lot more than I expected. I'm now at the penultimate level, it seems When I posted the above reply, I had just got through the first level and didn't really feel it but the game has really opened up. It's really polished and paced exceptionally well. It's still old-school in the sense that you must just kill everything that moves and basically have unlimited ammo. I die a lot but it's fine, I never lose any progress. I've encountered a single bug that made me restart the mission. During a fight, the game crashed and once reloaded, I couldn't progress further into the level. Just restarted the mission and got through it no problem. The game runs smoothly on Switch, never experienced a single frame drop. Incredible. However, in handheld, the monsters look like something from a GameCube game up close. It doesn't matter, though. I just chainsaw them to pixels and then I don't notice.
  17. Made it to level 40 with no problem at all - even got about 700,000 XP into it. So now I'm toning down a bit again, no need to catch everything anymore which is a relief. Also - got a Sandile on the day of Christmas eve. Finally. Walking it around to get the candy to evolve it now.
  18. 5 reps for body weight in squat and bench, and 2*bodyweight in deadlift. Those are the big three lifts that are easily measured. Or you could go for a total of 200 kg for 1 rep across all three.
  19. Placeholder seems like the most likely explanation but it's really interesting nonetheless. Given Nintendo's and Microsoft's good relationship over the past couple of years, it's not that farfetched to believe that these titles could find their way to Switch in some form.
  20. I think it's a case of Pixar not being outstanding anymore - meant literally, animation movies over the past two decades have really risen in quality and Pixar started that trend. I think that somewhat flattens the impact of Pixar movies themselves. That Rabbit hole short movie was fun, though.
  21. I watched the stand-up show Ari Eldjárn: Pardon My Icelandic on Netflix the other day. That was frigging hilarious, very well-written material and a great performance. I don't usually watch stand-up in foreign languages as I think stand-up is mostly best when it displays the culture that I know of but this was great. Recommended.
  22. My 3 year old liked watching it. It had a lot of colour and a cat. Also, it's emotionally light (even with the heavy topic of death and birth) and there is next to no sinister or sad part of it. I think children will like it. I also found the funny parts very visual all in all. Overall, I found it quite one-dimensional, which is unusual from a Pixar movie. It was clear from after the meeting with 22 what was going to happen and that they were looking at life in a wrong way. I think that makes me less likely to watch it again, even though I enjoyed watching it.
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