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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. I've got good news for you, your maths isn't quite as good as your swimming but that's actually within target
  2. Yeah that's the one. At least with anime movie adaptations of popular franchises, even if the story is corny, you expect the animation to ramp up a few notches. That felt like a filler arc and the animation I think actually dipped below the quality of the show. And they way they force every character into it....
  3. I'm not set on either side of this, in fact I've played so much Stardew Valley on my own that a shared experience sounds like it could be really pleasant in comparison. You guys have sold me on the idea in fact, and I'm looking forward to it more. But at the same time, would it hurt to have multiple islands, multiple options? One shared, and one solo? Or multiple solo? Not everybody wants the same thing. I gather that in the GC era it was a technical limitation before a design decision, because you needed a whole memory card for your island, that can't be the case now.
  4. Going to see the second MHA movie in cinemas this week. Didn't really like the first movie at all, no idea if this one is meant to be better but should be a cool experience just seeing it on the big screen!
  5. Am I understanding right that you're forced to share a single island with all people that use your console? Both me and my SO are the kind that would want to complete whole collections (fishing etc) by ourselves, start to finish... is this the new two-versions-of-every-Pokemon scam? Why not let me have as many islands as I want? As many saves? Share if I want, don't share if I don't want? Edit: I should point out I've not played AC games in the past so if this isn't new, that's on me. Still super disappointing.
  6. I wouldn't even consider Bioshock that much of a "jumpscare" type game. It definitely has that creepy alone-in-the-dark vibe but once you power yourself up a bit there's not too much to fear. Definitely give it another try because the atmosphere and story is well worth it. I say this as someone with absolutely 0% chance of playing jumpy horror games like Amnesia etc.
  7. That's a great offering. The Bioshock games are so brilliant, I envy anyone getting to play them for the first time.
  8. Well its been out in Japan for months and reported to include a large amount of good quality, well received content content. Unless money is a deciding factor in whether to pick the game up at all, I would go for the complete package. Otherwise if you end up loving it and want more, you'll have to buy both.
  9. Definitely wait for this one. Unless you’ve got a PS Vita, then just get Persona 4 Golden instead.
  10. How does Quest + Link Cable compare to OG Rift? Seems like a good update just for the wirelessness.
  11. It sounds like a Quest with a link cable is a much better idea than an S, is that right? Or is there some drawback to the Quest over the S? Since you get portability, and it has more cameras so it can do the hand-tracking, the S seems to be being left in the dust.
  12. Did you play the first two? How does it compare? Some of the reviews I've seen said it was a bit crap compared to the first two. I bought Borderlands 3 on PS4 for the split screen and you should know one thing: They removed vertical splitscreen. I really hate this. They also completely fucked up the frame rate so bad that the game ground to a halt on split-screen whenever you opened your menu. But finally, several months later, they claim to have fixed that.
  13. Not a problem with me, just enabled it.
  14. A console which could not do DLC "We've gotten away with it before" isn't a good excuse for doing something bad.
  15. Not re-released on the same system though. P4 to P4G was PS3 to Vita. P3 to P3P was PS2 to PSP. Obviously you had to buy again because you were changing system. P5R on the other hand is coming out in a changed environment where both systems are capable of, and markets saturated with, DLC, which it could have easily been delivered as. From what I've heard, it's a good expansion - but not enormous, which makes it hard to stomach laying down £40-80 again.
  16. I love the Persona series in general but the idea that we're being made to buy again for DLC as the only option... if this was someone like Bungie we wouldn't stand for such a practice. Also it didn't stick with me like P4 did at all. It was a great entry in the series but... Idk... I may have already said this in the past, maybe in this thread somewhere, but Persona suffers from a "solved game" issue, where the mystery and challenge has all but vanished when you understand exactly how you need to min-max your day and Personas in order to succeed. Despite all this I'll probably still get this, pre-order and all, because man I love Persona.
  17. I don't feel like the quality upgrade could possibly be good enough until there's a revolutionary improvement. Headsets much smaller and lighter, screen door effect 100% eliminated, minimal wires or a smarter solution to wires. Etc. etc. I (think) I'll be happy with my standard Rift until something really comes along and makes a big leap forward (100x bigger than the Rift -> Rift S). The actual visuals will mostly only be improved by the performance of the PC. I do however absolutely encourage you to buy the Index so you can fund this development, for my sake
  18. Why would you need Index for this? It works on the Rift right?
  19. Sure but that doesn't mean it's surprising that the game looks good. They have found that making games is not as financially viable as just maintaining what they've got and running the Steam store, that doesn't mean they've forgotten how to make games. I'm not defending their choice of practise, just surprised that you'd be surprised that it looks well made.
  20. Poor Valve lol, what have they done to tank their reputation so hard. Imagine saying that about the creators of Half Life 2, L4D and Portal
  21. Hey! I just had a listen to some of your older stuff and it sounds great I'm not the one in the position to give the go ahead for the main site tie-in but I'll be happy to do the legwork if needed to put it there.
  22. Thanks for pointing it out. There was a certificate in place but a redirect needed adding, and the content links needed updating.
  23. I haven’t felt frame rates plummet like this since split-screen Mystic Cave Zone on Sonic the Hedgehog 2
  24. I was so naive when this thread was created. House buying is nothing compared to the combination of house buying and selling at the same time.
  25. I'm playing through it on Hard and I accidentally locked out Rhea's max relationship level. Now I guess I have a reason to give it another playthrough
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