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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. Remember when games were made because companies had a great idea for a game, not because bigwigs decided they wanted a slice of pie from a particular market. And those developers knew they could make something great, and they worked on it until they knew it was done and then they released it? Remember Mass Effect?
  2. That's not so much overrated, that's undersupported. Judging the machine for its capabilities and wasted potential rather than its library, its a great bit of kit.
  3. The PS Vita is the machine that let me play Persona 4 Golden, that alone makes it a memorable entry in my collection I don’t really play handheld systems at all anymore but I’m sure if I did, the Vita would’ve reigned supreme for me. Great piece of kit! I still maintain they should’ve made memory cards cheaper many years ago as that was a prohibitive factor for many people considering picking one up.
  4. Congrats 'wolf I proposed once and did exactly that, I got a cheap but cute ring as we were in Italy and I thought we could pick out a nicer one while we were there. The less said about how that engagement eventually ended up the better though
  5. Just in case that sounds like a bargain to anyone, I should point out that Shadow of the Tomb Raider is £21.95 at The Game Collection
  6. Shorty


    Welcome to the boards! I'd also love a good excuse to revisit the old Metroid Primes. Never picked up the trilogy for Wii and it seems almost perfect a port for the Switch.
  7. I was surprised to find this one so divisive seems the perfect throwback to the old style. Personally I love it, I can't wait for an excuse to replay it and get my other half to play it.
  8. Sorry but I don't know what you mean by the tag? To create a link like that you would normally paste it, then click the option to not embed it, which appears at the bottom of the editor ( "Your link has been automatically embedded. Display as a link instead "). Or use the link button (chain icon) in the WYSIWYG in the first place. Some BBCodes do still work, but as you say, the editor is just turning them into html. This is just something built into CKEditor, and there's no list of them that I know of unfortunately. Hope this doesn't seem dismissive, I want to help if I can.
  9. This software doesn't use codes the way the old one did. Old codes have been converted to HTML. This editor takes links (to images, tweets etc) and automatically formats them. What would you like to use, that you no longer can?
  10. I had that on the Wii U and found it... difficult. You had to rely a lot on the other player's skill which made it frustrating for both parties.
  11. I should've mentioned that some things like Metal Slug and Enter the Gungeon might be out of my SO's wheelhouse, might stick with some of the more chilled options Thanks for the feedback everyone.
  12. What are some great local 2-player games I might've missed? I've got Snipperclips and Overcooked 2.
  13. Batman is currently £3.49 for PC on CDKeys https://www.cdkeys.com/pc/games/batman-arkham-vr-pc-steam-cd-key?mw_aref=74dth566
  14. Well, she actually got the job what a relief!
  15. Shorty


    I hate to be so inflammatory but I can't believe anyone likes this game at all! After the first couple of runs and then trying to do some free play, it's just incredibly... boring.... Slow descents and empty slopes are so far detached from the exciting arcadey games I'm used to. I get that they're taking the more realistic approach akin to Skate but it falls so short for me. Maybe I should give it another go? But I feel like the game should've really thrown something exciting at me at the start to get me hooked. I think I'll dig out the new SSX or even dust off the Gamecube and play SSX 3 again if I want some more snowboard action.
  16. I'm hoping this is something bigger than LBP, which I could never really get on with. It felt like a lot of work for confusing and limited reward. This however looks like it can have some pretty great possibilities that make it worth the effort. The VR aspect alone is pretty important because one of the big things limiting PSVR to me was, apart from roomscale movement tracking, the lack of homebrew content. This could fill some of that gap. Also you can craft 3D prints, that's awesome for me too! I'm wondering if there's a way I could create accompaniments to my D&D game in this.
  17. My other half went for a job interview last week, and was told that she'd hear back either way by this Tues. Man it has been unreasonably stressful for the last 3 days watching my phone during work waiting for any news, can't imagine how she must feel! I know it's not promising that it's a day past the deadline but I can't help but be hopeful, as it's a really good opportunity without having to move anywhere. In my work, watching people come in for interviews I can't help but feel that it's such a harsh process for so many applicants, who clearly have interviews that seem like they went very well, but the odds are stacked heavily against them purely because of the numbers.
  18. You want to strain the PS4's cooling system check out the Anthem demo, I think my PS4 actually moved forward 3 inches with how much the fans were going, and I didn't even get a game to load.
  19. Did you at least skip back a few times? It's kind of designed in a way that you're meant to see multiple endings without repeating yourself at all, except for a few tactfully sped-up sections.
  20. Cosmetics are pretty important (to some people) in a game like this after a certain point. You all have the same gear so anything that makes you look different from everyone else is desirable. In MMOs people will grind for months for a certain cape, helmet or even clothes dye. In Overwatch, loot is literally only cosmetic but still millions clamour for the new skins at every event. The problem with microtransactions is nothing to do with whether they’re game-boosting (that would be a whole new can of worms) or cosmetic, it’s whether they involve a roll of the dice, or whether they kill the joy of chasing certain loot when you know others will just buy it for £4.99 and invalidate your efforts. Or when quest rewards are loot boxes with crap items and duped in that tempt you to pay for one more chance.
  21. I think the main criticism will be if the game is laced with microtransactions, if none of the reviewers considered the long-term focus/endgame, and/or if there's a lot of things wrong with bugs, balance etc but developers take a long time to respond to issues. I'm sure it plays great if you just pick up and run through a bunch of missions, but a game like this needs a lot of focus on variety and replayability. This is my kind of game, I want to want it, but since just before the last Destiny 2 DLC I've learned to wait and see before I get too excited.
  22. I don’t think an entire franchise like Resi will die any time soon. It might go bad for a while but itll just resurface again under someone else’s charge. Think of it like a Batman movie. You’ll have Adam West, then you’ll have Michael Keaton, skip a few and Christian Bale, Ben Affleck. There’ll be the good and the bad. And then they’ll take a break and then they’ll go back to basics, and then they’ll evolve and then they’ll try again... some game franchises are here to stay.
  23. I dunno, I kinda feel like DLC should feel like more than missions that didn’t make the cut. Great DLC in the past has told new stories with new main characters even. We could’ve had some Miles DLC or we could’ve actually been Black Cat. Don’t settle for less just because you want more later!
  24. I got the DLC for a tenner and "platinum'd" it, it was pretty good but yeah, didn't mix things up at all. Still it was nice to swing around again and get all the new suits.
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