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Nintendo Fan

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Everything posted by Nintendo Fan

  1. I'm not happy about it, but my brother and i are still excited for it. Those recent videos looked awesome.
  2. @Sprout AMAZING video With my current work schedule i hardly have time to game. It's all about to change in next 2 weeks though so I'm really looking forward to that, especially the Smash nights
  3. Count me in Nintendo Fan - Retrolover - Ninty K
  4. Amazon let me down hard! It didn't arrive on Friday so i called up to find out why, i was then promised it would arrive today and guess what nothing... so i went to town and got it from Argos £40 whereas GAME were selling it for £50 lol. It was without the gamecube controller adapter, bloody thing sold out everywhere i went. Pro controller will do for now.
  5. Finally Shovel Knight time has come!! download almost complete just a few more minutes, I'm really excited damn it's been a long wait.
  6. Freaking awesome Mega Beedrill and Mega Pidgeot!! I remember having a fully trained Beedrill somewhere now i gotta find it.
  7. Awesome! mine was shipped this morning. No codes emailed yet though.
  8. I'm a 3DS ambassador also but didn't get a code. They were sent randomly i guess and my luck just sucks.
  9. I'd love a code if anyone has any left to give out.
  10. I'm picking this up on Thursday, really looking forward to it having played the Pirate Warriors games. @Aneres11 I Love your Sig This one is a Action-RPG style mixed with Hack 'n Slash, the Pirate Warriors games were Musou style like Dynasty Warriors. Personally i liked them, this however is a nice change.
  11. Happy Birthday! Have a good one! :)

  12. I liked it, it was pretty good overall. The Mii announcement for smash was nothing to what i had in mind, they're actually pretty good. Splatoon looks like it's going to be really fun!!! Zelda deserved more TIME!!! looked sooo GOOOD. Bayo 2 including the first game, nice move. Bring on Captain Toad
  13. Awesome post Hero!!! 5 minutes to go :bouncy:HYPE:bouncy:
  14. Arrrgh must RESIST!!! Just over an hour to go
  15. My highlights so far: Tomb Raider Scalebound Sunset Overdrive Uncharted 4 AC Unity, especially the co-op game-play they showed
  16. 150cc is driving me mad!! It's always on the last lap of the last course i get everything thrown at me...damn Star Cup
  17. The 12 player online is crazy good, it's soo chaotic lol. @RedShell @Dcubed good games earlier! i was Ninty K (the shy guy)
  18. This Direct wow just AWESOME!
  19. Mewtwo with the option to go mega form would be cool. As for 3rd party, i'd love to see Lloyd Irving
  20. Thanks! it was awesome :)

  21. This is freaking AMAZING!!! I see some favorite courses returning Hype levels gone up...now the wait will take forever.
  22. So i got tired of the Naruto anime taking its sweeeet time, i decided to start reading the manga. (i should have started long ago tbh) Been reading it couple days now, just finished chapter 614.
  23. Couldn't agree more, it's a fantastic game. I'm really glad i picked this up.
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