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Nintendo Fan

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Everything posted by Nintendo Fan

  1. Great I'll be able to join in for Splatoon
  2. Thanks for the fun guys! I think I redeemed myself after my Mario Kart performance Have fun and a Happy New Year!
  3. Good games all I've clearly lost my mario kart skills lol...its been a long time ok
  4. No no it's fine, I really haven't posted in months not that I posted a lot to begin with but it's understandable no worries.
  5. Nintendo Fan - 0760-7671-4325 Ninty_K - Yes Mario Kart Splatoon 2 Pokkén Rocket League
  6. Not new maybe to some as I've not posted for a long while but yeah i have most people added.
  7. IN for Mario Kart & Splatoon The time slots are good
  8. Switch: Splatoon 2 - 40 hours or more Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle - 25 hours or more Fire Emblem Warriors - 15 hours or more Super Mario Odyssey - 5 hours or more Rocket League - 3 hours or more Pokkén Tournament DX- 2 hours or more Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - 2 hours or more Wii U: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U - 198 hours Zelda Breath of The Wild - 141 hours
  9. I might have been skeptical about the Switch at first but that's all in the past now. I My Switch!. I've had it about 4 weeks now and it's been a ton of fun. The versatility of it is just great it's not the gimmick i thought it was it works!. Home version and portable version in one on anything Switch I now see the benefit it offers. One thing i love about this is being able suspend and resume just like closing the 3DS. Also the UI is pretty slick, very responsive and the little noises it makes make it feel much more Nintendo (maybe its just me). A lot of great games to play but Splatoon has taken up most of my time.
  10. Pretty much this tbh. Also where was animal crossing The Mario trailer my god I'm so happy with that!!! It's currently being played on Nintendo tree house.
  11. This is awesome, it looks beautiful. Did not expect that at all.
  12. A few things that got me excited; a 2D Dragon Ball Z hell yeah! Sea of Thieves still looking promising and a release date for CupHead. Edit: DBZ isn't exclusive!
  13. They must have things backwards again.. Yeah i know this is designed by Hori but after seeing that do i really have hope for the Nintendo version, nope.
  14. Finished the game couple days ago at level 58 i think. It was really good had a great time with it. Story telling wasn't the best but after a quick youtube search on the main villain it all made sense it's pretty deep. Loved boss fights especially in the chapter 9, that's my highlight. I'm collecting the rest of the royal arms, just missing 1 now. Castlemark Tower was no joke even at lvl60. I feel like there's quite a lot of things left to do even after the story ended.
  15. So after finishing Zelda I wanted to jump into another big game and picked this up couple days ago. Having never played a FF i'm actually having a really good time with it so far. The car felt too restricted but i got a chocobo now they're amazing and they can swim!! love the design. I did some side quests for the chocobo guy which unlocked a bunch of different colors, so i'm now rockin a orange one named Moltres I like the more action oriented combat so probably won't play the slow mode, but I've heard it quite helpful on some encounters. So around the beginning of the game i felt like exploring a bit get to know the combat and such. Must say it's a pretty looking game. I find the mines cool, still exploring i pick up some upgrades kill some enemies and keep making my way down.
  16. Yeah, i'll be picking that one up when the time comes. If i had known about these amiibo hacks hell yeah i would've gotten one Fierce Diety Link looks soo badass!
  17. Finished the game after 142 hours. Really loved the exploration in this. My only issues with it were the frame drops in towns / fighting multiple enemies granted i was playing it on Wii U and main bosses being a tad too easy. I didn't 100% the game I plan on doing that once i get my Switch later in the year with the guide book for sure otherwise I'd be lost in Hyrule for centuries. @Hero\-of\-Time love that outfit it's going to be my go to set for my next play through, dlc 2 should be out by then i hope. I've only just finished it but I'm already looking forward to playing it again.
  18. Count me in, I'll hit everyone here with a follow. https://twitter.com/Ninty_K
  19. This is actually pretty good! Having fun with it. And then i got a caution message from my phone lol. I have a Samsung S5, this app is to much fun to uninstall.
  20. This looks so goood! I forgot this was coming out soon and it's budget price too I've not kept up with the series but i do remember having a good time with one of the games on PS2, I played through it with a friend. Definitely looking forward to this.
  21. I'm happy with the new Kirby!
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