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Nintendo Fan

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Everything posted by Nintendo Fan

  1. I forgot the Splatfest was today, I haven't had time to finish the dlc levels so no Octoling in multiplayer. Going to play some now, kinda surprised at how many people don't like pulp it's lovely. Team Pulp
  2. Downloading right now! Octolings Forever
  3. That was a nice reveal. I'm in if the toys are optional.
  4. I'm super happy with this, memories came flooding back during the announcement trailer. I cannot wait to play this with my brother again. Blah Blah Blah Meteor Storm!!
  5. HELL YEAH!! Vesperia on Switch. Blah Blah Blah Tidal Wave
  6. Jump Force looked amazing!!!
  7. IN My brother will join as well.
  8. Last night was one of the crazier ones for sure, every time I made progress I'd get hit repeatedly and end up last. Having my brother there laughing at my expense only intensified the raging lol. Well that's Mario Kart right.
  9. My brother wants to join us today if that's cool? @Glen-i I'm trying to get him to join the league.
  10. @Glen-i Yeah he can represent me for tonight. Thanks.
  11. Can't make it tonight but my brother can race for me if that's cool @Glen-i.
  12. Winner winner chicken dinner! I picked the right side for once. cluck cluck.
  13. I'm just not feeling it, I didn't like the way he played in smash and I sucked at managing the Monado Arts.
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