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Nintendo Fan

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Everything posted by Nintendo Fan

  1. looks like zelda wont be comming as early as we thought. early september i think.
  2. Kotaku has found over at Bungie's forums the company is saying there is no link to the interview because it does not exist. Quick News: Jason Jones, the man behind Microsoft's Halo, has apparently gone on record praising the Revolution control system, stating several ideas that could be done with it. Sources are saying his EGM interview is being covered up to prevent bad Press for Microsoft
  3. baten kaitos had an awesome openning, so did tales of symphoina
  4. tales of symphonia was 2 disc and was 80 hours therefore zelda must be 3 at least. because of the graphics and 100 hours.
  5. you said it mate. He probably cant face the fact that Nintendo will have BETTER and MORE games for Download. wooooooo!!! Super mario Bros 3
  6. Quick News: In a very right to the bone interview with the General Manager of Microsoft's XBOX Live Arcade network, Greg Canessa, Nintendo's idea of a Virtual Console is praised slightly, before being put down quite shockingly. Read the full commentary below: http://www.next-gen.biz/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2188&Itemid=2
  7. that's one of the best rpg game that i played on gamecube. it's great. hopefully there will be tales of symphonia 2 on revolution.
  8. will the Revolution games be region free.
  9. can you form a party in final fantasy C C in one player mode or does it have to be multiplayer?
  10. is Final Fantasy Crystal Cronicles any good?
  11. Does anyone know if the Nintendo DS has better sound quality than the PSP?
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