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Nintendo Fan

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Everything posted by Nintendo Fan

  1. I have to watch this again, i can'tget enough of it
  2. This is so cooool. Link owned mario This game is gonna be BIG i tell ya BIIIIIIIIIIIG This is by far the best game trailler!!!!!
  3. Im gonna get both version of the game eventhough if they are the same:grin: (This is an exception coz its ZELDA) Yeah might just do the same Stocka.
  4. Yeah i wanted him to win from the start he was good. I though he'd at least make it to the finals though. Anyway im sure Sir Alan had good reasons to pick Michelle.
  5. i know what you mean i feel sympathy for her but you can't give someone a job because you feel sorry for them. imo Ruth is a much better business persone she could of done alot of things for Sir Alan's company.
  6. Ruth is gonna win!!!! i want her to win!!! Edit: NOOOOOOOO she lost. Ruth is a much better business person than Michelle. Ruth should of won
  7. man the video is awsome:grin:, the graphics look great,this is gonna rock!!!
  8. tennis. This game looks like it gonna be alot of FUN:D
  9. Im definitely getting one on launch, i'll even go to the midnight sale. (never done it before) E3 is soooooooooo near ^_^
  10. Don't no how say 'what time you should meet'. but this says 'What time would you like to meet' Hope this helps. a quelle heure vous voudrez rencontrez?
  11. Galaxy for sure. It has a unique taste. hmmmm Galaxy(Drooools)
  12. Happy Birthday Have a good one ^_^
  13. True say, anyway the moves are more powerfull if you hold and charge.
  14. Man this looks good. 3D sonic games are Awesome, sonic adventure on Dreamcast was my favourite sonic game. but this looks like its gonna be even better. and yeah Sega better make one very similar to this one.
  15. Thnx i remember now, i'll download it when i get my Wii
  16. yeah me too that show ruled:yay: Yeah i want it too, wasn't there a Sailor Moon on Snes?
  17. right now theres: my phone keys 2 pound coins and some coppers
  18. Looks like you had a good time there. Drinking eeh Speechless...
  19. This is me [ATTACH]301[/ATTACH] its my first pic that i posted, it was taken 3 weeks ago. i've got shorter hair now.
  20. Once when i was in year 5, my teacher took all my pokemon cards from me and from a few other students. She put them in her coat pocket which was on left on her chair. hmmm:idea: yep i stayed in the class room until everyone left and got them back. (man i hated her, she had evil eyes)
  21. WiiSpect WiiTurn WiiGale WiiBirth WiiArm WiiFine They may become Wii exclusives
  22. Yeah i agree with you, once you get used to name you'll end up liking it now that i've heard it a couple of times since last night it's actually allright. But it was something that i didn't expect. Anyway all these Wii jokes are now old news so please be mature about this and get over it its only a name the console hasn't changed it will still be Revolutionary.
  23. The Nintendo Wii is on the bbc website its a good read. Quiet funny actually they've got a quoat from a nintendo fan. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4953650.stm p.s. sorry if its alrady been posted before, couldn't be bothered to read all the pages :P
  24. This game looks Awsome and it will be too:smile: The forest scene looks good it looks quite detailed.
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