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Nintendo Fan

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Everything posted by Nintendo Fan

  1. hehe, yeah thats what they all say but they cant resist in the end so they've gotta play it.
  2. Woot Woot cant wait for this now. The wait is gonna feel longer now.
  3. They should be free with games or cheaper.
  4. lol me too, misleading indeed. Allthough i think something will be done.
  5. They do look cool, well most of them. Im liking the Zelda and Red Steel box arts.
  6. so... they are the official casses ?
  7. Exactly :awesome:
  8. I put a deposit for the Wii in Game today. Now i just can't wait to get it >_<
  9. Tales of Symphonia the best RPG i've played on my Cube, i loved it sooo much i completed it 4 times. Baten Kaitos when i saw the opening to the game i was immidiatly attracted this game was awsome played it once 9hours straight ^^ I cant wait for Baten Kaitos Origins
  10. Good to see you to ^^ im taking a long break from wow so i'll stick around, then when i get my Wii no more wow for me.
  11. lol 1 million for North America i think its more than enought, but what about europe if shortages were to occure which i thnk will happen imagine the prices of Wii on ebay £500+
  12. Thx for that Pedro, i guess import it is then. ^^
  13. man i compleletly forgot about Baten Kaitos, i dont no whether to import or wait PAL version if there is going to be one. (i've been playing WoW for about 3 months now very addictive) however i will most definatly get this ^^
  14. Big Deal no dvd play back on wii ¬_¬ Dont we all got one anyways ^^
  15. HeHe how stupid can u get ¬_¬
  16. Most 'Game' stores say mid November or 'sorry no info on release date'. Do you have a link on where to pre order Red Steel ?
  17. Just got my AS results and soooooo disapointed with myself, i know i could of done much much better. French C Business Studies C ICT U Media Studies ( its a 2 year course so i got no result but i am predicted a C )
  18. Happy BirthDay RedShell ^_^ It makes me wonder if RedShell is 26 how old is the GreenShell
  19. Im a BIG fan of Nintendo, so i decided to put them together and make: Nintendo Fan
  20. It's no rumour, its True. Hi and welcome btw hope u like it here
  21. If nintendo was to reveal the price wouldn't they have a press conference or something instead of releasing it first on the Daily star? £170 Doesnt sound to bad. (I bought my GC with 1 game at launch for £170) I don't think there will be 24 games at launch, but i know theres going to be loads
  22. It's going to be the 3rd time finish this game This time im going to try get all the characters to a high lvl, the highest i've had was lvl 72 before completing the game. After this game i'll have 15 more games to re-comeplete
  23. Welcome back ^_^ (i new you couldn't stay away till november)
  24. My little brother erased everything from my memory cards I was sooooooo pissed at him i don't mind playing ToS again I'll complete all my again during my summer holidays.
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