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Nintendo Fan

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Everything posted by Nintendo Fan

  1. personaly if he did choose to be gay, theres nothing i could realy do about it. cant force him into something he wouldn't want. we'd have a chat about it and if he's sure thats what he wants then i'd be ok with it.
  2. My business teacher told us he is gay, most of us already knew. According to the news paper he read, he told us that your more likely to become gay if you have an older brother. (and yes he has got an older brother)
  3. hmm... i can say i used to be quite chubby during primary school years and suddenly lost wieght during high school. Now im thin well not too thin, oki-sh i would say. My mate Laura says i've changed since she first met me, she says now im a caring person and down to earth kinda guy. Compared to when i we were in year 7 to 9 i used to be a really cheecky bastard. well i guess she's right most people change for the better as they grow older
  4. Light wat a fckin c*** i want him dead. no naruto...?! ffs i was soo looking forward to watching it.
  5. got a french exam 2morrow, 2h 45min long
  6. Happy Birthday ^^ Adam, have a gooood one.
  7. Just done business paper unit 4, it went bad. My hopes for a B are now gone I got one more business paper to do its on the 21 june if i were to score 100% on that then i could get a B, i doubt thats gonna happen.
  8. thx, just about to watch it now ^^ edit: this is sweeeet loved to the fight scene. bit confusing tho marbel wasnt it in
  9. light messed up, i really hope he gets caught this time. Near is just to smart.
  10. I voted football. Never understood the rules of rugby, come to think of it only played 3 or 4 times and that was years ago back in year 8. -like your new sig Takeo ^^
  11. French exam 2morrow, reading and writting paper. its a re-take from last year i was 3 marks away from a B, teacher said might aswell re-take it and boost ur grade.
  12. Daddy all the way! my dad is pretty cool he's getting me a car for when i start uni :p
  13. Happy B'day have fun.
  14. Fall Out Boy - Infinity On High. [ATTACH]1039[/ATTACH] *Thanks For The Memories* great tune.
  15. Lol, i cant fall asleep. so im awake thinking and listening to music. my last day at 6 form (college) ever 2morrow. i've got mixed emotions, one side of me is happy thats all over and i'll be moving on, and the other part of me feels quite sad. i guess i got attached to my school. well i have been there since year 7 and made good friends. next year is gonna be hard without my mates around we're all going to different uni's.
  16. this thread shall never die ToS is a great game, glad to see it back. aye me too last time i played was last year november, (wishing for a new tales for the wii)
  17. i would say start it again to refresh your memory. (completed it 3 times and loved every minute of it )
  18. listening to music, probably gonna go on WoW and try get my mage to lvl 68.
  19. What more can they put in another DBZ game more characters...? I've got DBZ budokai tenkaichi 2, it has tones of players but most of them have very similar moves. I dont think there will much of a change in this new game, story line is always the same. It gets to repetitive.
  20. Once in Drake and Josh, their litle sister was playing a DS but it was called a 'plitendo ps'
  21. Got myself a Black DS lite today. Its sweeeeeeeet! I traded in my original DS for £40 and paid £60 extra for the DS lite.
  22. Shippuden 12 is sweeeet!! wouldnt wanna miss next episode ;p
  23. Lol, (L's idea) good one. *Downloading* Naruto movie 3, 42%
  24. Right now im doing my A levels my last year then off to uni. Im gonna be moving to the uni's campus, uni life im soo looking foward too
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