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Nintendo Fan

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Everything posted by Nintendo Fan

  1. Funny thing, i used to collect them but never knew how to play the game Lol. i still got some poekmon cards left, i gave most of them away for yu-gi-oh cards, i dont play card games no more but its a good thing to keep em incase you go back to it.
  2. I like the font used, not so much for the green. 7/10
  3. I've met Dcubed at the Metroid Hunters tournement in Oxford HMV.
  4. - Music - Friends - Strawberries and cream - Holidays
  5. ouch!! What a dumb ass. A man without a penis is no longer a man.
  6. It comes out on my last day of college =D then my first exam is on 15th of june.
  7. The Fray are awesome, i recently bought their album. 9/10 System of a Down
  8. If you manage to fix the pixelated pokemon it will look much better, even so i'll still give it a 9/10 pokemon =D (This time next week hopefuly i'll have pokemon diamond)
  9. The only song of theirs i've heard is, Another Stranger Me. I think that song is awesome, so... based on that i'll give it a 10/10 =D Bullet For My Valentine
  10. Lacuna Coil - Falling Again
  11. Never heard of them. Linkin Park
  12. One of my favourites. [ATTACH]971[/ATTACH]
  13. Don't know if you've seen this, but check it out. It's Death Note but acted out by people http://www.crunchyroll.com/showmedia?id=32649
  14. hmm... i'll give it a 7 looks good tho.
  15. when the next episode of death note and is it on weekly ?
  16. I can't be asked to go back. French and Busniess Coursework due in 2morrow and still got some pages to write.
  17. Got these recently. [ATTACH]970[/ATTACH]
  18. finaly done with downloading naruto shippuden epi 8-9. (i couldn't fall asleep so im gonna watch it now)
  19. The game footage looks great, this game will be fun. The graphics are some of the best i've seen on wii.
  20. i cant find it on youtube, do you have a link on where i can watch it ?
  21. is naruto shippuden episode 8-9 is on thursday ?
  22. 1.youtube.com 2.n-europe.com 3.google.com
  23. I've got something agaist butter its just pure nastyness. i havent eaten butter on toast for 12 years now, i throw up if eat it for some reason. its kinda weird in the only one my family that doesn't eat butter.
  24. Got it yesterday, so far im loving it. The wii controls are fun. Havent tried the gamecube or classic controls yet. [ATTACH]964[/ATTACH] Also got this mp3 as a gift only 1g tho. [ATTACH]963[/ATTACH]
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