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Everything posted by Dog-amoto

  1. Fight Club
  2. Read the Lair review on IGN today - wasn't this supposed to be a system seller? Only got 4.5. Losing Factor 5 doesn't seem too bad now from a Nintendo point of view
  3. Spellcaster for Master System Superfrog on Amiga
  4. Today's new additions: Bonk 3 - Turbografx - 600 points Vegas Stakes - SNES - 800 points Ho hum.
  5. Best way to control a FPS would be a Wiimote/nunchuk/balance board combo You could use the balance board to crouch and lean round corners
  6. Knocked Up 5/10 Average - had it's comical moments, but as usual with this kind of film, you can see the ending a mile away, probably before you've even watched it. Even so, it has one of the best bits of dialogue in film history Her: "I'm pregnant" Him: "Fuck off!" XD
  7. Ha ha! I'm an 80s child so I feel even older. If you remember: Pac Man stickers Visor LCD games Tomy Whoosh toys Watching the original Back to the Future, Ghostbusters, Indiana Jones and Star Wars films at the cinema Grolsch bottle tops on your shoes The flattop hairstyle Betamax Spectrum Atari 2600 Then you can feel old Most of the stuff in your list, I remember my little sister doing, so now I feel extra old, ta!! lol
  8. Was toasting a bagel in a New York hotel and ended up chatting to Amy Lamé (the American woman from Celebrity Fit Club a few years ago) and only realised who she was afterwards. Same goes for Jane Danson who plays Leanne in Corrie. Was chatting to this girl in a nightclub in Bury and it turned out to be her - again, only realised afterwards. Met the British Bulldog in a Wigan pub once. Saw the Queen open the Water Place in Bolton (now demolished) in 1989 My mate has a season ticket at Anfield, sometimes I use his dad's ticket when he can't go, even though I'm a Bolton fan. We sit in front of Ian Brodie from the Lightning Seeds
  9. It's a shame that there are so many crap drivers around, but in my experience, 95% of accidents can be avoided by good driving. Usually, they are caused by both drivers not paying enough attention, even though only one would be at fault. So don't let bad drivers put you off starting driving, if you are good enough, then you should stay safe.
  10. Don't hold your breath - it won't come out till the end of October to coincide with Corruption.
  11. Dog-amoto


    Yeah, but those Vita Chambers make it pretty easy, especially since bosses stay on the same health after you respawn. All you need to do is hack the health stations and they'll die soon enough, even if you buy the farm loads of times
  12. Order from shopto.net. They ship as soon as they receive the product, it's overnight and free. Plus the prices are better too. If I remember correctly, I got Gears 4 days early from this site.
  13. 18% for me Klein-Tyson's the name
  14. I have Sky and use Virgin Broadband Broadband is great, never have problems with it, however for some reason, trying to host Xbox Live games is a no no. Whenever there's more than 4 people in a game of Gears, it lags like crazy. Sky TV is fine, I had NTL a while ago, but I prefer Sky. Even though I've got a HDTV, I wouldn't get Sky HD because of the extra £10 a month subscription charge. £10 for a handful of channels with a better picture??? Robbing bastards. Though I am considering getting Sky+. And to whoever said that the movie channels were just a bunch of repeats - what do you expect?? There's only a certain amount of movies out there, and if they never repeated them, only the people who didn't have jobs/lives/kids would be happy about this. I can imagine the marketing slogan now... Missed a movie because you had a parents' evening and no Sky+? Tough shit!! Sky. We own you.
  15. A couple already mentioned A Ha - Take on Me Beastie Boys - Sabotage Other ones: Tenacious D - Fuck Her Gently (for pure comedy value) Liam Lynch - United States of Whatever Ok Go - Here it Goes Again (the treadmill one)
  16. Dog-amoto


    Has anybody downloaded the demo on Xbox Live yet? Took me pretty much all day to download (though I'm not sure why) and then it crashed halfway in. I'll try it again tomorrow when I can be arsed. Seems very very atmospheric though.
  17. Luigi's Mansion IMO The best game on the cube.
  18. I'm a driving instructor. Been doing it 4 years One of those jobs that's hard when you first start, but it's the easiest job in the world now!
  19. Well, I think that my dislike for the game started when I tried to learn all the moves, and thinking I was dead good, challenged my then-wife to a game and she trounced me by just mashing the buttons, and it was her first go at it. Then again, I just do not like fighting games. Didn't like strategy games much either, but loved Pikmin, so I bought SSBM to see if Nintendo could get me to enjoy a fighting game too, but I just didn't feel the love I'm afraid!!!
  20. About the gingivitis, use an antibacterial toothpaste for one month max. The one I used was Corisol I think. But I still saw a hygienist, scrape, scrape, scrape!!!
  21. Super Smash Bros for me. Think it's the most overhyped and overrated game in the entire history of the universe. Well, maybe I don't feel that strongly, but I just do not like the game. I think it degenerates into a button bashing extravaganza, i can't tell what the hell is going on, one minute I'm happily plodding along, the next I'm flying off the screen because the camera zoomed way out and I can't see anything or even where the hell I am anymore. Some would call it frantic, I would call it a massive clusterfuck. Maybe it's cos it makes me feel old that I just can't follow the action!!
  22. Viz. The early ones were great!
  23. Dog-amoto

    GTA IV

    Yeah, I know that, but we were talking about Mario Galaxy, if that was delayed, then it would be to improve the game
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