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Everything posted by Dog-amoto

  1. How about a thread where people post pictures of the Miis they have created...perhaps a Celebrity Miis thread?
  2. This made me LOL! Naughty Rare!!
  3. My god. I've been up since 4.30 this morning. My GAME doesn't open till 7, not setting off for another hour or so, but I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep! Got the day off today, so excited!! FFS, I'm a 28 year old bloke and I'm as giddy as a kid on Xmas Eve. Times like this make me glad that I play games!!
  4. Wouldn't you be really pissed off if you had a Bill Murray Groundhog Day thing going on, and you woke up tomorrow to find it was still the 7th and you had to relive the day over and over again?
  5. I had an email from play.com saying that due to shortages with Nintendo, my component cables will not be here for launch day. Order status still says preordered. Those who ordered Wiis from play.com had better check their email just in case they've done the same for consoles. Also, I wouldn't expect the console tomorrow as play.com are in jersey and it usually takes 2 days to arrive. I'll be picking up my Wii tomorrow morning at 7 from GAME so I'll see if I can bag some component cables from them. Best make sure I don't get caught playing Gears of War till 2am tonight again otherwise I'll never get up in time and it's first come first serve on games and accessories. Not long to go now!! :bouncy: :bouncy:
  6. Game have shipped my copy of Wii Play today, so hopefully I'll get it tomorrow
  7. http://www.eyegas.com/xmas05/ Sprout game. I got 630 but I'm sure you'll do better
  8. Yeah, but you're a southerner and therefore, foreign so your views on the English language are irrelevant! :p
  9. Anybody who's ordered the component cables from play.com? My order is still live, yet you cannot find the page for the component cables(you know, if you wanted to buy one, try to search for it) which worries me a bit, as they don't normally take the page down, they just list it as sold out right??
  10. Probably just play Gears of War for a bit, nothing too special. Although I will be packing my Gamecube away to demote it to the loft.
  11. GAME told me that they would hold it for two days...surely they can't sell your pre-ordered Wii that you have paid for on the same day it comes out, what about the people who will be working all day Friday and can't pick it up will Saturday?
  12. Fixed. You said you wanted help with your English. We say 3 o'clock, we don't use the 24 hour clock in this case. "Told" should be "said" unless you said "i told you" "Wii" should be "Revolution" lol
  13. National Lampoons Christmas Vacation and two versions of Scrooge - the 1970 musical with Albert Finney and the 1951 one with Alastair Sim.
  14. Any sign of these yet? Somebody at GAME told me that only the really big stores would get them at first, but weeks before the US launch, they had them in most stores. I'm not too bothered myself, as I'm gonna hold of until the 8th, but it'll surely generate more interest from the Xbox/PS3 crowd who hang out at game shops
  15. No, it was near Bolton town centre, had just picked up my gf from the M.E.N arena and was on the way home. Poor thing was still warm. Dog-amoto is the nickname that my mate has given to my dog, for some reason cos he's convinced that she's secretly Miyamoto in disguise and she somehow assists me in always beating him at Mario Kart. Yes, he's pretty odd, but I find it funny listening to his excuses!
  16. What's N64/NGC called nowadays? Is it still going?
  17. It sickens me how people can run over someone's pet and just leave them there lying in the road. The poor thing was probably killed instantly as there wasn't much blood at the scene. All we could do was to move her off the road and call the local shelter so she didn't get run over more so at least her owners wouldn't have had to see her totally decimated. It's just really upset me as she looked a little bit like my own dog, and I couldn't bear to imagine the same thing happening to her. Just needed to get that off my chest, thanks for listening
  18. Good thread! Master System: Lucky Dime Caper starring Donald Duck NES: Super Mario Bros 3 SNES: Street Fighter II Mega Drive: Streets of Rage II Saturn: Discworld N64: OOT PS2: GTA: San Andreas Xbox: Half Life 2 Gamecube: Resident Evil 4 Xbox 360: Gears of War Gameboy: Tetris GBA: Metroid Fusion DS: Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time
  19. I dunno, how about this one? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkWvtVpiWvs
  20. Joystiq criticise TP because you can't read the signs! Scraping the barrel for the sake of trying to be controversial methinks? http://www.joystiq.com/2006/11/11/nintendos-new-zelda-falls-flat/ For the lazy... At great risk to personal health, this author dares criticize The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for the Nintendo Wii. All the leaves are brown. (And the sky is grey.) Imagine being a freshwater fish after a heavy rain. All around you: brown. Zelda's like this. The game's muddy color palette doesn't sparkle in the way that previous iterations of the venerable Zelda series sparkled. As our protagonist wanders through villages, we find ourselves wishing that those villages could be razed and in their places built more beautiful towns, filled with magic, character, and more than just the colors to the left and right of "rust" on the color wheel. (It's disappointing the Nintendo backed off of the cel-shaded art style that made The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker so fantastic.) The engine that couldn't. Whenever someone dares voice his misgivings about the Wii's disappointing graphics rendering capability, defenders instantly parry, "It's the game play, stupid!" These folks are right that the controls of games are of primary importance, but do gaming a disservice when they artificially partition game play and graphics. Graphics can (and should) enhance game play. In the latest Zelda, the game's designers have been forced to sabotage game play to atone for the console's graphical shortcomings. Example: roadside signs are illegible. In Zelda, merely reading signs becomes laborious and annoying. You must first walk up to the sign. You must then press the controller's "a" button. When you do this, the game zooms in on the sign (taking a moment to do this). The game then shows you the text of the sign. Finally, having read the sign, you must hit another button to zoom away from the sign and regain control of your character. If your character were blind and had to read via Braille, then bumping into signs and fumbling a button would be appropriate. But such a kludgey mechanism merely rankles here, because most modern games have legible signposts. (Nevermind that previous Zelda games have used this same mechanism: it's clumsy. It's doubleplusungood because it's coming from the same company that's been thumping its chest about "innovative controls" for the last year. Controls should never interfere with immersion.) To read a sign in The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, merely stand in the street and look at it. Signs (by design) are meant to be read from afar. Zelda's clumsy sign-reading is just one example of how graphical shortcomings result in decreased immersion and a lower overall fun factor. Oblivion won praises for its immersive feel. Zelda falls short of the bar set by modern virtual worlds. This simple example demonstrates the importance of graphics to game play. There are plenty of other game play elements affected by the Wii's weaker graphical engine. One more example: at one point the player must catch fish in order to solve a puzzle. Thanks to the indistinct graphics, it's actually impossible to tell how much of your bobber is underwater, making it more difficult to know when to set the hook in order to reel in a fish. In sum: it's clear that we're playing a GameCube game that's had motion-sensitive controls bolted on in order to move Wii boxes off of retailer shelves. Zelda will do that job admirably -- it will still sell in the millions. It will earn praise. But to compare this title to PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 games isn't fair to the game. To give any Wii titles a fair shake, we're going to have to compare them to Xbox, PlayStation 2, and GameCube games. This isn't our official review of the title -- there's plenty positive to be said about Zelda, despite its unappealing visuals. Stay tuned for that post in the very near future. In fact, another Joystiq blogger is working on a rebuttal to this post right now.
  21. Two words...MIDNIGHT LAUNCH!! Well worth the extra 30 quid! :p
  22. I'll find out and let you know. My post was only designed to warn a few of you who have only recently ordered with GAME to check that you would defo be getting one at launch.
  23. Too bad it only comes near me 2 days before launch. No point in going really
  24. My mate just rang me this morning to say he had a letter from GAME telling him that they will be unable to fulfill his preorder. He can either wait on the off chance that they will be allocated more stock or get his £20 back. I've not had a letter yet, but will be very disappointed if I do as I ordered mine on 29/9 a few days after they started taking preorders. He preordered over 3 weeks ago so anyone who ordered around that time or since would be wise to contact their local store Good luck
  25. Read my post again, I said that it is one of a possible many scenarios. I never said it WOULD happen, I just said it COULD, and that it would be a shame. To blindly believe that Nintendo is bulletproof because they are doing something different again and that they will yield the same results as the DS would be foolish. Yes, Nintendo will do well in the short term, but you can't honestly say that you are 100% certain that the Wii controller is not going to feel gimmicky and tired after a few years of using it. IF that was to happen, then I'm sure that a lot of people would look at the prettier games on the now cheaper PS3/360 and perhaps make a purchase, leaving the Wii in the cupboard until the next Mario game comes out. As for the copying thing, you are right - it would be difficult for Sony and Microsoft to implement a new peripheral, but not impossible if they felt they needed to. And how do you know for sure that all Nintendo's patents are solid??
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