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Showing most liked content on 08/16/17 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Any idea if it might be a broken pipe, or if maybe it just leaked from the door? Cause we had the second thing happen in our old flat, soap/water just seemed to have leaked from the door onto the floor. Only happened twice, think it might have been an issue of overfilling the machine or putting too much soap in. After taking pictures to show to family of what we've done so far with the house, I decided to throw together a little before and after image for the main rooms we've changed. It's nice to see the progress we've made in the house over the last few months. The second bedroom is one of our next projects, as it currently just serves as a storage room for games/music instruments and other stuff. Loads of things left to do around the house, but it's getting there.
  2. 3 points
    I just can't get over how amazing and true to the originals this game is. How can Sonic Team not produce something like this since 1994? It was only a couple of days before this game was released when I began getting excited about it. There have been so many crap games in the past and this has made me feel apathy towards Sonic. Playing this has made it feel like Sonic & Knuckles was only released not so long ago. I can't explain how happy I am with this game. I feel like the kid at xmas in the 90s receiving the latest Sonic game.
  3. 2 points
    Seems to be a sale on Telltale games on the PS Store at the moment so have just bought the first season.
  4. 2 points
    I wish Nintendo created a new 2D Super Mario Bros game that used the same graphical style as Super Mario World rather than the "New" style. Also, Sega did try and do a "New" with Sonic 4 but the mechanics were just shocking. I much prefer Mania.
  5. 1 point
    I've no idea how that happened. Caught red-handed
  6. 1 point
    The League Table A couple of shifts in places with The Mole retaining top place for now. Only 3 weeks to go, lets see who ends up on top. Before I give you the theme I need to say something. I think it's time to give up my hosting roles, considering I might be busy on Thursdays once again. I will keep running it for final 3 weeks maximum, then I need someone to take it over, otherwise the League will not start again. If you're interested, send me a message, I can help you get set up by sending over the files. Right, Signing off for now, here is the theme, introducing Mirror mode and a bit of frantic items. Enjoy!! Next League Night Thursday 17th August 8pm Group 1, @BowserBasher is host The Mole @Glen-i @BowserBasher @punio75 @S.C.G @martinist @Dcubed Other Players @Clownferret @Emerald Emblem @londragon @welsh_gamer @DazzeL @King_V @Vileplume2000
  7. 1 point
    Give the Walking Dead games a try. Definitely worth playing and I rate them highly. I've just finished Season 3 and loved it. Do eeet.
  8. 1 point
    More specifically Saturn, but yes. I don't think it's odd at all. Some of you are discussing what it would have been like if Sega pitted this (ie. 16-bit style) against Mario 64. I am merely saying that I wanted (in the '90s) for Sega to keep the 2D style going, but on their 32-bit machine. It wouldn't have looked exactly like this - they'd have been able to make the Sonic sprite more detailed, for one small example.
  9. 1 point
    VR's must-play game-changer finally revealed
  10. 1 point
    I don't think I've smiled that much at a video game in years, yeah, I'm talking about Chemical Zone 2 boss. I'd read to expect "something cool", but was totally unprepared for that. Great moment. I never played Sonic as a kid, I only had a SNES and N64, played through all the original Mega Drive games on the Wii VC and absolutely loved them, this game is a continuation of that awesome gameplay. Totally agree with the high scores flying around. Also, how good is the music? Love that they kept the original tunes but updated them, and the way they change on the second zone of each stage is super cool. This is exactly how retro-inspired games should be done in 2017.
  11. 1 point
    Calling all brawler fans! 99Vidas is coming to Switch.
  12. 1 point
    I would say that if you have VR, you buy it. If you don't, it demands that you play if for ages even for the simplest things. I mean, it's a great game, and I even bought a flight stick for it, but I wouldn't recommend it if you already get your fix from NMS. It's not a game you simply open up and play for an hour. It can take an hour just to get the docking right the first times :p. But if you ever get VR later on, then get the game. Then you can simply boot it up and just sit in awe scoping around the stations.
  13. 1 point
    I'll try my best not to shit on Elite: Dangerous. But, the truth is, I really dislike it. I don't usually regret spending money on games, but Elite is the first game in a very long time where I regret my purchase. I just didn't find it very fun. I found it too convoluted, too steep in difficult at the start and not very rewarding. One of my friends commented that you need to put loads of hours into it to get something out of the play. It is not a casual experience. But, you're hearing this opinion from someone who dislikes the game immensely. You might really enjoy that experience. I'd recommend watching a few videos of others playing the game to see what it's like. I plan to go back to it one day to give it another crack, because I hate giving up on shit. But, my time is really limited this summer and I'd rather it went on more worthwhile games.
  14. 1 point
    If you're already getting your space fix from NMS I wouldn't bother right now. It does indeed have a steep learning curve and although it has a lot of good things about it, I found myself watching numbers the majority of the time as the distances between celestial bodies is more realistic... and space it big. NMS is much more immediate and much easier to jump in and play. With the new patch I also found more things to do in NMS.
  15. 1 point
    From what I can tell, it has a very steep learning curve and lots of things you need to know but the game doesn't tell you most them. @Fierce_LiNk hated it and hasn't touched it again... I would look at some videos first if I were you, as it is completely different from No Man's Sky.
  16. 1 point
    I love this game so much already and only just got to chemical plant act 1. It's just sublime. The music though. I didn't think the soundtrack could get any better but it is just so on point and I have my Switch blasting out as loud as possible as I play.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    Twas my wedding anniversary today. Celebrated by going to a 24 hour karaoke place in Tokyo at 9am, then going and watching the latest Pokemon film in Japanese, understanding none of the dialogue. We then went shopping for random crap at Sunshine City (including tiny baseball caps for our guinea pigs) and then finishing off the day at the planetarium. A good day was had by all.
  19. 1 point
    Currently staying in a capsule hotel in Tokyo, and it's been great. Until tonight, when a load of LADS have appeared and are being very loud and arseholey. One loud American dude proclaimed, 'Yeah, they turn the lights off after 10pm to get us to be quiet. We don't have to though.' I'm tutting silently in my capsule.
  20. 1 point
    The Chemical Plant boss is too perfect.
  21. 1 point
    Okami announced for the other consoles and not switch - what is Capcom's problem? It's a very very bizarre situation.... I think it'd sell far better on Switch too as Nintendo platforms haven't seen the HD version, plus it's such a Zelda rip off. With Afternoon Collection, Megaman collection, this - all, in my mind, more suited to Nintendo, no appearing, just don't understand what they're doing!!
  22. 1 point
    EA, like Capcom, are still looking to only test the waters with their releases on the Switch. It seems like the Wii era all over again, with 3rd party developers sending out test games to see if there is a market for their types of games on the platform.
  23. 1 point
    Great games yesterday, @Zell, @Shorty and @Daft. I couldn't work out the other person was as I don't have them added. @Eenuh and I were totally in awe of your high levels and superior skills. Normally, we switch our characters around every few games, but we stuck to what we knew best as we didn't want to let you guys down. That opening bit on Hanamura when we were defending was crazy. It was like a shooting gallery.
  24. 1 point
    Going to a party in a dorm tomorrow. Why?
  25. 1 point
    I'm not a fan of these kinds of things where publishers are essentially asking gamers to beg for a release, no matter what the console. From a business point of view it is a free way of seeing whether the market is there for your product without having to do any research yourself but it still seems scummy. However, they do sometimes work. Bandai Namco done this with Digimon on the PS4. They essentially held the localisation of the game ransom until enough support was shown in the West. Operation Rainfall is another example of fans having to beg for their games to be released and it working. Whether or not these companies had intentions of releasing their games over here anyway is another matter but on the surface these types of things do seem to get results from time to time.