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Showing most liked content on 08/13/17 in all areas

  1. 6 points
  2. 4 points
    I've put a fair bit of time into the game this week and have progressed really far. Here's few snaps of Team 2 ( Myself, Blade, S.C.G and Lostmario ) doing their thing. I once again had to pick another team after this happened. At first I was like.. ...but the game unleashed this awesome looking job class for me. I had to assemble another team to replace my other two and looked who stepped up to the plate. Some of my exchanges with this team have been flat out hilarious. I set Dazzybee as a stubborn character ( quite fitting ) and him and Glen-i are always fighting. I also got into an argument with Glen while we were fighting in a battle. I used my special move which involved me stuffing Glen-i into my cannon ( not the other way around ) and then firing him at the enemy. This caused him to snap we we started hurling abuse at each other. Eventually it got to the point where we went at it and turned into one of those dust clouds you see on cartoons when characters fight. This ended up happening next to the enemy and while we took some damage ourselves we actually killed the enemy in the process due to him getting sucked into the fighting cloud! I was in stitches.
  3. 3 points
    Have I accidentally clicked the drunken thread?
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points
    What a lovely game, really enjoyed the demo so far! I love the character designs and the vibrant world, such good lucking visuals on such limited hardware! The battle system is alot of fun too, I'm normally not a huge fan of turn-based battles, but these are very quick and full of action. It's hard to go back to the 3DS after being spoiled with the Switch screen though. I really hope we end up getting some big 3rd party support on the Switch rather soon.
  8. 2 points
    Saw you online last night @dazzybee, welcome back. I still don't get how you could just leave your Switch on a plane though. Given how awful the online and save system is, my 140 hour Zelda save file would take precedent over anything else, car keys, phone, girlfriend. That's the first thing I'd make sure was with me and I'd be cradling it until I got back to my front door.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    As much as I enjoyed the game, I have a hard time recommending it to people, especially to casual players. It can be brutal at times and very obscure.
  11. 1 point
    I recommend Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap. It's expensive, not lengthy and you can't comb the levels as much as in the typical Nintendo game, but in terms of how it looks, sounds and plays, the quality is right up there.
  12. 1 point
    I'm the same, Dcubed. It's hard to pull away from my 2DS at the moment. There's so many quality titles to catch up on and the recent releases have all been top notch, single player experiences. Something, as you pointed out, the Switch is really lacking at the moment.
  13. 1 point
    In terms of games that would interest your fiancée, there's not a lot out there at the moment. Platformers are in short supply and its a genre I'm really missing on the Switch. There are one or two indie games that may help scratch that itch but these aren't the same as playing Nintendo's own offerings. Next year will have Kirby and Yoshi platformers released on the platform, so there is those to look forward to. There are plenty of local play opportunities to be had on the Switch, though. So it could be a good invest for the games that offer that. Theres also a little game called Splatoon 2 but if I remember correctly you didn't really like the first game. A price cut isn't happening any time soon. Stock is short and the demand is still there.
  14. 1 point
    The stuff on product placement was eye opening, and Feig filmed scenes for hours letting the cast ad-lib them? then juct cut it to what he liked? no wonder the film was all over the place! sounds like the script was one page with scene out,lines and a note to ad-lib them all
  15. 1 point
    Well I'm fairly free this week, just let me know when you're around and we can arrange something.
  16. 1 point
    hey I'd be down for that. I've actually gone back to the first game a number of times over the past week because as much as I like Splatoon 2, i prefer Splatoon 1 a great deal more, although I can't explain exactly why.
  17. 1 point
    Went to a video games market in Doncaster
  18. 1 point
    So... I'm guessing 90% of the people on here have a switch... and from what I get, people who own this AND enjoyed it own splatoon 2... so I'm guessing it's a no... but if anyone still owns their Wii U and fancies a game of splatoon (seems now the net is much stabler than splatoon 2... maybe worth just doing as a comparison test? :P) let me know!
  19. 1 point
    Was there supposed to be a video link here? Or is this in the wrong thread? yeah, my post should be largely taken up by an embedded youtube video of the Mr. Plinkett'a RLM Ghostbusters review. My post should look like this: http://i.imgur.com/ShWi1xV.png Here's a link to the video I posted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHUV8QLpEAc
  20. 1 point
    Nope. It was like this is the first game as well. It's such an annoying problem that could be fixed with a simple opt in/opt out for the user. However, you can sometimes bypass it by leaving the game in sleep mode.
  21. 1 point
    http://www.playtonicgames.com/greenandpurplepatch/ Well that's nice Lots of nice improvements in this update too. Glad to see that the Switch version will have all the improvements right off the bat (and lizard).