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The Christmas Thread


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I thought seen as there are only 27 shopping days left till Christmas. I thought we should have a thread dedicated to what people want for Christmas. It can be something physical(i.e games,books,dvds,etc) or something non physical(i.e good will to all, stop fighting around the world,etc.)


Simply just list what you would like to receive for xmas.


Merry Christmas to all


EDIT: Stocka for told me their may be hundreds of these threads shortly, so I would like it if a mod could sticky this thread for the festive season please and could one of you mods change the name of this thread to please. So you can talk about anything from pressies to turkey.

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Guest Stefkov

I dont want anything. My Wii will probably be being played on that day.

I'll probably get something nintendo realted off my bro and parents.

My parents even asked what i wanted, and i dont know. So i said to my mum, in gamestation they're doing 2 for £15 on those mario karts. She might not have gottenthe hint though.

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I want some cash to put towards a 19" Samsung TV. Though I think my parents are going to buy the TV give me it on Christmas and then I pay them so much so they aren't spending a fortune on me.


But having a job has really changed my view on things, I can just buy what I want now instead of having to wait for Christmas and Birthday (which are only one day apart in my case). So having bought myself a new pc, and having set aside £300 for my Wii, there isn't else that I feel I need, other than a new TV.

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On request of the OP this is now the official Christmas thread. So post whatever about Christmas, what you want, what you expect, pics of your tree, what your plans are, what you like to eat and - post-Christmas - your stories. Whatever!


Note: just because one person requested a sticky official thread, doesn't mean anyone can do it, I genuinely thought it was a good idea.

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A Zelda Christmas is no frail matter. It is highly likely to be the best Christmas you have ever truly had if you didn't get Ocarina for Christmas way back in the old times.


Aye, I did get Orcarina for Christmas and it was a truly magical day. I also got Majora's Mask on Christmas too! It wouldn't be the same getting it on the 8th. (I missed my pre-order anyway heh)

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