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New Simpsons Movie Trailer


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Wow, I really didn't find that funny.


I think I finally know what went wrong with the Simpsons, there's really no episodes about character depth anymore, it's just pointless stories with a lot of jokes that refer to pop-culture, it really is just a tamer version of Family Guy which fails to impress people that like Family Guy (or better comedies).

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Yeah, Simpsons has still got it. Can't wait for this.


It'd be stupid to put the best jokes in the trailer anyway. I'm surprised they've squeezed in so many little bites of comedy as it is. If the throwaway jokes they're putting in the trailer are anything to go by then this is going to be a chucklefest for me.

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Why are we here? Does life even have a meaning?


Oh dear the trailer has lead Owario to have an exostential crisis.


Anyway...kinda related; was watching The Simpsons earlier that I hadn't seen before and Homer became an ice cream man and was giving all the popsicle sticks to Marge so she could make them into sculptures. He dropped down a big bag full of them and said "This is the most fun I've ever had giving you wood" I just cringed and laughed at the same time. Childish but fun.

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God this film looks so crap.


If they made it 5 or 10 years ago when the Simpsons was actually still FUNNY then it would be fine, as it is, nothing in any of those trailers was funny.


I still laugh at the new Simpsons and find them just as funny as they have ever been.

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I loved that trailer, and won't be suprised if it were to win animated movie of the year. It looks fantastic hopefully it'll be a 2.5hour film. But those people who say this isn't funny are the kind of people who love the stupidity of Little Britain - Unfunny with capital letters and at the time, league of gentlemen, again call that comedy you need your body flung to the nearest sun.


Simpsons. Word

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