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Donkey Kong 64


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Ah donkey kong. It took me a while to get into it. It is good though. The levels were all pretty damn big and it took quite a while to get through first time round.

DK Arcade AGH!!!! That was the most rewarding part of the game though.

Sadly my cartridge is a bit broken so I've found it's erased itself about 4 times! Usually just after getting 101% which was quite annoying.


I can't say it's a great game however, but they clearly put a fair bit of work into it, and it's quite pretty.

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I may get this game in the future but that would all depend on whether I manage to get an expansion pak or not. Has anyone has any experience of third party expansion paks? And if so, any problems?


Perfect Dark has been sobbing in my wardrobe for years.. wanting to be played..

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Why would you have PD and not an expansion pack??


..the amount of times I have heard that.. and it still frustrates me to this day :heh:


I didn't have enough money to buy Perfect Dark and an expansion pak the day I was in.. and there were 2 expansion paks available in the shop so i thought I would come back and get one the following day..


..except they had been sold and I never saw one again.. and I've only just recently discovered shopping online.. so.. no is my chance, really..


..hmph.. I should have bought the expansion pak first, then went back for Perfect Dark..

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DK 64 really disappointed me. One big collect-a-thon, with superfluous sidekicks, sub-banjo-kazooie gameplay, uninteresting levels and terribly unfair bosses (jack in the fecking box).


Bought Rocket: Robot on wheels at the same time as this - much better imo.

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The last post was over two and a half years ago.. but since I finished Donkey Kong 64 today I thought I would post my impressions :heh:


Overall, there is quite a feeling of disappointment :hmm: I completed it 101% in around 35 hours so I saw everything, but one of the major problems was that I saw everything.. again.. and again..!


As most of you are aware, a lot of the game is based around collecting a horrific amount of items, from regular bananas to golden bananas, banana fairies and more :eek:


In my opinion, there wasn't enough variety in the game and was ultimately inferior to the excellent Banjo-Kazooie (one of my favourite games of all time :heh:) and the Donkey Kong Country trilogy..


The mine cart stages were OK, as were the various races throughout the game and whilst some of the bonus barrels led to a few mildly entertaining mini-games, they were clearly overused.. it would have been nice to see a few more! I had to do Beaver Bother twice on Creepy Castle and was nearly sick.. I hated that one :mad:


In all honesty, it probably wasn't worth hunting everything down for 101% but it was definitely worth making it to the end of the game as Hideout Helm and the boss fight with K. Rool were probably the highlights of the game :smile:


It was also nice to play the original Donkey Kong as I had never played it before :eek: It was certainly challenging, but it felt good to get the Nintendo Coin afterwards :hehe:


In summary, it was all fairly average and it felt like a grind to get through some of it.. but now that it's over, Okami is just around the corner :yay:

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Could have sworn I posted about this game somewhere on the forum, so it mustn't have been this topic...


I agree with nando. I, too, fully completed this again not so long ago (within a year I'd say) and you get left with a feeling of disappointment. It's really tedious, especially since it involves so much backtracking. The worst thing is that you need to change characters and retrace old ground since you might come across purple bananas, an orange blueprint guy and a red balloon in just a short stretch of a path.


Banjo Kazooie, in contrast, is great. You don't have to keep backtracking through levels and although it's shorter, it's far more enjoyable. Banjo Tooie was quite tedious, too, but not as bad as DK.

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Guest Captain Falcon
The last post was over two and a half years ago.. but since I finished Donkey Kong 64 today I thought I would post my impressions :heh:


Overall, there is quite a feeling of disappointment :hmm: I completed it 101% in around 35 hours so I saw everything, but one of the major problems was that I saw everything.. again.. and again..!


You generally had to do all the mini games at least twice and some weren't fun the first time. The first time I beat the game (and I still have my original save file on the cart strangely enough as I do with OoT and MM), it took me about 45hrs and at the time, I know I enjoyed almost all of it. Now it only takes me about 30 but it's been a while since I last played it.


As most of you are aware, a lot of the game is based around collecting a horrific amount of items, from regular bananas to golden bananas, banana fairies and more :eek:


In my opinion, there wasn't enough variety in the game and was ultimately inferior to the excellent Banjo-Kazooie (one of my favourite games of all time :heh:) and the Donkey Kong Country trilogy..


Well B-K was a far smaller game when you think about it. DK64 would have been better if there were just Donkey and Diddy and whilst they had their individual moves, they would always walk as a pair and each could collect anything they could reach. There would have been enough variety had the game not gone on and on as it did. Show us everything once and have us wish to repeat it rather than show us everything twice and have us fed up of it.


The mine cart stages were OK, as were the various races throughout the game and whilst some of the bonus barrels led to a few mildly entertaining mini-games, they were clearly overused.. it would have been nice to see a few more! I had to do Beaver Bother twice on Creepy Castle and was nearly sick.. I hated that one :mad:


To me, Beaver Bother was just plain broken. It would take me attempt and attempt to beat that thing. It's so much down to luck it's untrue.


In all honesty, it probably wasn't worth hunting everything down for 101% but it was definitely worth making it to the end of the game as Hideout Helm and the boss fight with K. Rool were probably the highlights of the game :smile:


It was also nice to play the original Donkey Kong as I had never played it before :eek: It was certainly challenging, but it felt good to get the Nintendo Coin afterwards :hehe:


In summary, it was all fairly average and it felt like a grind to get through some of it.. but now that it's over, Okami is just around the corner :yay:


One thing that always impressed me was the character model for K.Rool. I don't think there was a single better animated object in an N64 game. He was enormous and yet so fluid in his actions. And then the fight at the end was the icing on the cake.


Another thing that impressed me was the atmosphere. It took what B-K started and went way beyond.

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I just noticed something that could be taken a different way in my last post..


I had to do Beaver Bother twice on Creepy Castle and was nearly sick.. I hated that one :mad:


What I meant by this was that Beaver Bother actually appeared in two different sections of the same level and not that I 'only' had to do it twice to beat it.. it occasionally took several attempts :mad:


There was one time I only had one beaver left and a decent amount of time and he just would not go down the friggin hole.. I hammered my fist into the bed a few times playing that :hmm:


Could have sworn I posted about this game somewhere on the forum, so it mustn't have been this topic...


When I was searching for this topic I saw one in Wii Channels Discussion.. it might have been there :smile:


Also, I agree with everything else you said : peace:


I think it was last week that darksnowman, not a fan of either game, said to me it looked better than Banjo-Kazooie thanks to the Expansion Pak.. but I completely disagree on that point! The graphics in Banjo-Kazooie have so much charm and diversity that it is just beautiful and is probably one of the best looking games I have ever played :eek: ..certainly on the N64 :hehe:


I felt Donkey Kong 64 looked a little bland and sparse in comparison :sad: ..and I love my snow levels in games so Freezeezy Peak was an absolute delight :yay: Crystal Caves was so dark and depressing :hmm:

Edited by nekunando
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Congratulations nando! I have to say I totally agree with the general consensus on this game. Changing apes, collecting all that stuff... awful! Donkey Kong himself should have all the strength and agility you'd need.


It was the worst 3D platformer of the era and I never finished it, although I suppose I might have more patience now we've got GameFAQs and such. I loved Super Mario 64 and Banjo Kazooie, but this was so bad it put me off even trying Banjo Tooie!


One thing I did like though was the Donkey Kong coin-op. I'm pretty sure it was the arcade one (housed in a cabinet as it was), not the NES, and as such it was the most enjoyable version I've played. Not worth keeping the game for though!

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It was also nice to play the original Donkey Kong as I had never played it before :eek: It was certainly challenging, but it felt good to get the Nintendo Coin afterwards :hehe:


To me, the Donkey Kong arcade destroyed the game. I loved it until then. I spent hours and hours completing it.


And then the game told me to do it again.


As a result, I haven't completed the game.

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...it put me off even trying Banjo Tooie!


In a way, I'm the same :hmm:


I have no intention of starting into Banjo-Tooie any time soon as, obviously, I've just taken care of a lengthy, similar type of game in Donkey Kong 64 and would like to take myself into games like Okami (Wii), Shadow of the Colossus (PS2), Silent Hill (PS1), Jet Set Radio (DC), Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (GC), House of the Dead: Overkill (Wii), Illusion of Time (SNES) and Shenmue II (DC) before dipping into it.. and really, the list goes on :eek:


I fully expect Banjo-Tooie to be superior to Donkey Kong 64, but I tried to get into the sequel to Banjo-Kazooie last year and just didn't get the special feeling that I had when I played the original :hmm: ..but it was still early days so I won't judge it yet :heh:

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I have no intention of starting into Banjo-Tooie any time soon as, obviously, I've just taken care of a lengthy, similar type of game in Donkey Kong 64 and would like to take myself into games like Okami (Wii), Shadow of the Colossus (PS2), Silent Hill (PS1), Jet Set Radio (DC), Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (GC), House of the Dead: Overkill (Wii), Illusion of Time (SNES) and Shenmue II (DC) before dipping into it.. and really, the list goes on :eek:


Do you own all those games? I must admit, I assumed you were a big fan of Okami already!


Shadow of the Colossus is a great game.


As for Banjo Tooie, maybe I'll download it if I ever get an Xbox 360 and really get the urge to play it!

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Do you own all those games? I must admit, I assumed you were a big fan of Okami already!


..don't let the signature and avatar fool you, I'm one of a number of lunatics on here that have had it sitting sealed in the collection for months :eek:


I have been really looking forward to it but I felt I needed to clear up some other games before I could really find the time to sit down and enjoy it without the distraction of other games needing attention :heh: I have finished off a ridiculous number of games in the last couple of years but The Pile™ still seems a daunting prospect :eek:


I haven't bought any game for a wee while now as it got to the stage where I had to dive into the sea of games in my room and see them through to a finish.. and it has been great :smile: The last few months I have probably enjoyed games more than I had for the previous couple of years as I was finally starting to concentrate on games from start to finish instead of spreading myself too thin and not really getting the best out of anything :hmm:


In answer to your question.. yes, I do own all of those games :yay: ..and only Jet Set Radio and Illusion of Time have really begun (I reckon I'm probably about half way through them) and the rest I will be starting from scratch :hehe:


I could have mentioned Golden Sun (GBA), Castlevania: Circle of the Moon (GBA), Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia (DS), Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Jusice for All (DS), Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates (DS), Paper Mario (VC), Silent Hill 2 (PS2), Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (PS2), Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2), Devil May Cry 2 (PS2), Onimusha: Warlords (PS2), Onimusha 2 (PS2), Onimusha 3 (PS2), Beyond Good & Evil (GC), Skies of Arcadia: Legends (GC), Tales of Symphonia (GC), Headhunter (DC), Resident Evil 2 (N64)..and honest to goodness, more.. but you get the idea :eek:


It's pretty insane when I think about it :indeed: ..but then I also think of how lucky I am and how much fun I am going to have with gaming for the next few years : peace: I have no intention of buying any game in the near future and will be happy to wait til anything I could want comes down considerably in price!


..and if you think I'm made of money when you look at the list, think again :eek: I do well to find the best price for any game I buy and the collection has been put together over a number of years :hehe: I only own a few DVDs (possible not even into double figures..) and am not really into music so don't own many CDs either :heh: I don't drink.. I don't smoke.. clearly, I just seem to buy games at bargain prices :heh:


If you want to play a platformer that's different then I suggest Conker's Bad Fur Day if you haven't already played it.


Conker's Bad Fur Day is fantastic.. but I have already finished it :heh: I did it back when it came out and I enjoyed it so much! I actually chose it ahead of Banjo-Tooie despite loving Banjo-Kazooie so much.. and it was completely the right decision :yay:


I apologise for the unnecessary life story..

Edited by nekunando
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Congrats on finishing it, / nando / ! :yay:


You're more of a glutton for punishment than I'll ever be as I couldn't bring myself to fully complete DK 64. It was such a slog and definitely not the glorious jump to 3D we were all expecting after the sublime DKC 3.


I'm glad you liked the final battle but tbh, I thought it was rubbish! K. Rool was too goofy (as was the whole game) and they had to find a way to shoehorn in segments for each Kong... and for some reason, they decided that ending things in the boxing ring was the way to do it. :wtf:


Onwards to The Pile™.

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I loved Donkey Long 64, that said, I was a huge DK fan and I only completed it by defeating K rool, I didn't bother getting 101% :p

It might have been my youth, and the fact that Diddy Kong was in it, and the way I was just blown away by the sheer size of the game and the awesome graphics and the amazing music that drew me in and made my glasses so rose tinted I couldn't see the tedious collecting as a problem at all!

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I haven't bought any game for a wee while now as it got to the stage where I had to dive into the sea of games in my room and see them through to a finish.. and it has been great :smile: The last few months I have probably enjoyed games more than I had for the previous couple of years as I was finally starting to concentrate on games from start to finish instead of spreading myself too thin and not really getting the best out of anything :hmm:


I'm like that at the moment. I've got a Wii Pile and a DS Pile. I don't own a Wii, but I snap the games up if I see them for £10. For some reason I keep leaving the DS games to go onto something else. Also, a lot of them are RPGs, which tend to have long and boring post-games! I don't know why I bother with them, but I do!


..and if you think I'm made of money when you look at the list, think again :eek: I do well to find the best price for any game I buy and the collection has been put together over a number of years :hehe: I only own a few DVDs (possible not even into double figures..) and am not really into music so don't own many CDs either :heh: I don't drink.. I don't smoke.. clearly, I just seem to buy games at bargain prices :heh:


I'm very much the same. I buy consoles when they're about £130 and games when they're about £10-20. I do try to get them new if I can, and I will pay full price for a new Zelda, but I very rarely feel I should have paid more (I would have paid full price for Dragon Quest VIII).


I don't much like DVDs either. I only ever listen to two CDs - Flight of the Conchords and Dragon Quest VIII: Symphonic - and that's just to accompany me whilst I'm drawing. Glad to hear you don't smoke! No idea why anyone does, it's terrible!

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