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Saddam sentenced to death!


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While it'll be good to be rid of his evil from the earth, killing him is just gonna make him more "powerful" to his supporters, he'll be made a "fallen hero" or "marthyr(sp?)"


Also not too sure about the hanging thing, is it gonna be like a public hanging like back in the dark ages? I thought they were supposed to show how they've become a more civilised government, wouldn't a gas chamber or lethal injection be better?


Also i was wondering... when it does happen, does he get a funneral? Like will get a big "send off", will he be given a special burial plot/tomb or just tossed in a hole with no markings?

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While it'll be good to be rid of his evil from the earth, killing him is just gonna make him more "powerful" to his supporters, he'll be made a "fallen hero" or "marthyr(sp?)"


Also not too sure about the hanging thing, is it gonna be like a public hanging like back in the dark ages? I thought they were supposed to show how they've become a more civilised government, wouldn't a gas chamber or lethal injection be better?


Also i was wondering... when it does happen, does he get a funneral? Like will get a big "send off", will he be given a special burial plot/tomb or just tossed in a hole with no markings?



Gas chamber, letal injection can have very painfull and inhuman complications too. You may look unconscious but you will feel every step - from the lack of air and the poison which reduces your heartbeat.


There is no way to carry out a death sentence in a human way except the firing squad - because you get shot in the head or the neck and die instantly.


That the death penalty is a way to force people obey the laws needs a different discussion.

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I don't want to cause to much trouble since this is a UK board mostly but when I look at the cruel actions of former UK prime ministers in WW2 I don't see anyone of those guys hanging...


There are also quite a few leaders in this world who could be hanged for some of the atrocities they have given the go ahead....


Also not too sure about the hanging thing, is it gonna be like a public hanging like back in the dark ages? I thought they were supposed to show how they've become a more civilised government, wouldn't a gas chamber or lethal injection be better?


I was wondering this also. Will the likes of Sky, FOX and BBC broadcast the hanging live from the Baghdad gallows, or will it take place inside a prison somewhere closed off from media?


This is arguably the world's highest profile execution....

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He was sentenced by a Baghdad court- America weren't involved. Plus they don't hang people in America any more...


I've no doubt that Saddam deserves his fate. But the problem is, this trial shouldn't have happened until Iraq was fully autonomous and no foreign forces were on its soil. Only then would there be credibility behind the judgement.


An American puppet trial will do nothing for the longer term future of Iraq.

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:indeed: Just saying this in advance, but I hope some people arent planning to joke about Saddam's death when it happens. Because remember, Joking about death is utterly wrong*.


*Source: Steven Irwin thread


On topic however, the guy deserves this. But me saying that also means bush deserves the death penalty too. Saddam did infact directly murder innocent people, but how many unrequired deaths has bush triggered? Plenty indeed. (Im not saying wars are wrong, but the wars triggered by Bush just gets oil, most objectives havent been fulfilled).


And hanging? Jesus christ, what the fuck happend to electric chair? Because its saddam who's been sentanced, we have to bring out a special gallow? Pfft.

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Since when do people 'deserve' death. Death isn't a pleasent thing. It's nothing to be going outside to have a street party about.


I see no good that will come of this. As others have said, it will just make him a martyr. He isn't in power anymore, so his fate really has nothing to do with re-building that country.

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Well, lets look on the brightside, if the trial was held in this country (for whatever reason) He would of got 10 years in prison and he would of been out in 4




Also i dont really care about this, nor do i care about the shit going down in Iraq, this is all just television entertainment.

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I don't think this will change much, for better or for worse. The second he was dug out of that hole, this was never going to end any other way. Perhaps his trial should have gone up to the Hague instead, for a proper, stable trial in a more established court. In any case, I don't see him becoming a great driving force for the Sunni insurgents, with the violence already escalated to fever pitch. I think it would be best to just get it over and done with now.

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I think people forget that those at war are soldiers, they get payed for that. I don't blame bush one bit for they're deaths.


Me neither, those people knew when they signed up could happen to them. I'm not saying that it's not sad British and US soldiers have been killed but just that they knew that was a possibilty.

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its great to see the end of him and his people.


killing him will bring an end to all those that see a symbol in him and have thoughts of a returning baath party.


i think if you had people in you family killed or gone missing for no reasons then im sure you would be out having a party right now as i did today.


plus theres is a big differance between him and the likes people who might be responsable for crimes. he carried them out against his own people like the kurds an dthe shia.

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What those soldiers didn't sign up for was to be left undermanned and without the tools or equipment they actually need to do the job or defend themselves. The MoD and Donald Rumsfeld are pillocks, make no mistake.


If the US army is under equipped every other army is fighting with stones.


Soldiers signed up to defend their country, not to go bounding across the world being George Bush's personal errand boys.


Well, ain't that a nice job, doing nothing all day. Maybe they should have thought that they serve whatever purpose they're leaders decide it's "best for the country".

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If the US army is under equipped every other army is fighting with stones.




Well, ain't that a nice job, doing nothing all day. Maybe they should have thought that they serve whatever purpose they're leaders decide it's "best for the country".


The US Army might have highly advanced drones, planes and whatever but the basic soldier fighting in Iraq is a untrained, 18 year old boy with a old plastic rifle.


Those guys signed up because they believe in their leader and country - they fight for their believs and attitudes but one question mark is still there. Was this war justified or has the general public been fooled? Being naive as I am I believe that the average US citizen did not know that the "War on Terror" may just have been a war for resources.


Normally a country in our time just has to defend themselves but don't wage war like the USA did. Hitler, Milosevic, ... attacked other countries for no reason ... now just think about what Bush did and where did the WMD suddenly go?


I blame Europe for it after all we send all the strange guys, criminals and whatever to America in 1492...

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