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Time Lengthy Bosses


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You should all have experienced at least one, especially if you've played some RPGs. I'm talking about boss fights that take AGES, and when you die you're like 'AH F*** I'VE JUST WASTED AN HOUR DOING THAT FOR NOTHING!'

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Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door:

Shadow Queen - It's not so much the actual fight that pisses you off all that much, but instead having to watch the huge Crystal Stars scene every time you attempt again. Heck the Crystal Stars theme still goes on in my head whenever I think about the game.

Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga:

Bowletta - I don't know what it is with Mario RPGs...this one required so much concentration too, I think it was like my 11th go when I finally did it and took nearly an hour.

Golden Sun:

Saturo & Menardi/Fusion Dragon - Beating S&M took me long enough, but when they then went on to form into the dragon and you couldn't save in between, well, lets just say I didn't find it pleasurable.

Enchanted Arms:

Lord of Earth - On this right now, it takes long enough for you to use Atsuma's move to prevent him from regenerating, and even after it gets repetively long.

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Anything from Skies of Arcadia. Man that game took part of my life.


I know its not a boss, but I have got to add Fire Emblem. A decent level on that can take an hour, some taking up to two, only to lose one of your favourite characters, and have to start all over. That game has made me cry before.

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I dont think Tales of Symphonia bosses took that long either - if they were turn based Im sure it would be different. I cant mind who Abyssion is though... the water temple type boss perchance?


Id agree with you all the way on the Fire Emblem point LazyBoy, if you dont do a level right and lose someone and have to restart... argh!... it made the game great though and I wouldnt change that aspect of it.

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Secret of Mana, the large Mana beast that looks like Flammie, that took me 3 hours to beat and it was so painstaking to do. After I realised it was going to be a long battle I cued up my VCR and recorded the ending so the next time I played I didn't have to waste three hours of my life. Just battle for 5 minutes then play the end sequence. I also did the same thing for the hardest setting on Super Probotector.

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I'd have to disagree with you there Stocka about golden sun. I finished both in about 5 mins give or take a few. That outer space attack was a bitch though.


Symphonia is only worth mentioning if you play them on mania mode. Then they use the more advanced techs such as indignation judgement. But people have taken then down using even just one character.

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I finally got round to finishing Mario + Luigi pit. Almost a year after everyone else since loads of us were giving tips in the official thread at the time. It turns out all I had to do was go through this door I never tried because I thought it was locked to progress. Yes I agree the final boss is a kick in the balls if you die, but victory is sweet.

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Well I was lv 26 with mario + Luigi and 25 with the kids when I did it. I think the main reason people had problems with it was by the time you were able to damage the twin you had to decide between healing or getting in one last attack. Also the parts where you had to jump the spinning foot vortex was annoying at some stages.

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Yunalesca in FFX.




I'd have to second this guy, it took me about 3 days to beat her, just trying over and over again. The worst thing is, whenever you died and wanted to fight her again, you'd have to watch like 15 minutes worth of cutscenes all over.

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