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If you are getting a secondary console, which one will it be?


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PS3 when and if the price goes down, XBOX 360 no way just dont like XBOX


Are you sure you want to miss out on games like Perfect Dark Zero, Enchant Arm, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Fable 2 etc? Xbox 360 is a must buy for any self respecting gamer, I'd say. Maybe not at launch, but the games on the way look fab (if you ignore the hoards of generic FPS and war games... although having said THAT, The Outfit looks fantastic fun with it's humorous light-hearted take on WW2).

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i think if i ever have to tuch the sex box controller angain willingley or in an involentrey spasm i will throw it with the brick of a system not far behind, so in that case it has to be a ps3 after the the rev................360 no time for u mate weres my twilight princes im turnin in to a bloody wolf waitin.......u dont want to see me angry!




no point trying to say the xbox is good cause u just wont listen

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My criteria for purchasing a console, in order:


- Who is EAD developing for?

- Are there a significant number of interesting quirky titles? (Katamari, Ico, Pikmin, etc)

- Who is Capcom developing for?

- Who is Namco developing for?

- Which system has the most RPGs?


Because of this I purchased Nintendo's console as well as Sony's this generation; but not Microsoft's. I suspect the same will be true of the next generation, though I hear Sony is losing a lot of third party support.

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Getting a Xbox360 on launch, then i will see the release dates for Revolution, if Europe are WAY behind USA i will import one probably, although i'm hoping Nintendo have learnt by there mistakes and start releasing European games the same-time as USA ones!


My brother is getting a PS3, i'm not too keen as of yet!



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I think the revo would be my secondary console tbh. There won't be many games coming out for it (IMO) except some true classics and thats why I also bought my GC, for those rare ninty classic games that aren't available elsewhere.


PS3, I simply need more time to make up my mind. I need more info about it in order to make my decision.


However even though I class the revo as my secondary console, I can't make up my own mind on my PRIMARY console. The 360 ain't looking that great tbh. I'm just not impressed by the launch games they have announced for it yet and they seem to be continuing the trend of releasing very generic games, i.e shooting, war, sports etc that is a bit bland. Other then that, If I want a console which has the same games but with "Superb graphics!!", online play and all that HDTV shit, then yeh, I would go for the 360. :hmm:

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I'll probably be going with a Xbox360, at least for this generation - my bro had a Xbox which was pretty cool. I like a lot of the franchises, like Halo, Project Gotham and it looks like Rare are finally getting round to releasing some damn games. It'll also be cheaper then the PS3, but thats got some great franchises too - Metal Gear Solid, Gran Tourismo and all the best F1 games. And Sly Racoon - man, I LOVE Sly Racoon. All of this is secondary to the Revolution though. I'll maybe buy that a year after launch to stock up my collection on nice and cheap second-hand games, and then maybe get a 360 a year after that. By then prices should be way down.

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A 360 if either definately, it has a fair few games that interest me where PS3 has few so far but I don't i'll get either for a couple of years anyway. PD0 does look pretty sweet though. Also the online play is a big plus on the 360 so 360 if either but most likely not.

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Might just stick with a Revolution, NEVER been satisfied with a non-nintendo console since the Master System (and ive had them all before anyone says anything).

Might get a 360 if

- Ive got a few hundred quid lying around and theres a few GREAT games i want

- Kameo and Perfect Dark are THAT good

- Pro EVo or Winning ELeven and other 3rd party games don't come out for the revolution


The PS3 is almost a guaranteed no-no for me, unless they have some particular exclusive games I want, though I couldn't think of ONE that could possibly be!!

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Um as of yet, revo is only console i'm interested in remotely, the remote seems like a great idea, but even that isn't set in cement as i need to see the games. And nothing on the PS3 warrants a purchase of it yet, i mean MGS4 made me wet my pants and all, but i can imagine sony slapping a hefty price on it, and that coupled with the fact no other PS3 game has caught my attention yet doesn't make it seem worth it (granted thats only looking at the games announced so far) Now if ff7 was to be released though i'd snap that machine up quicker then....well i dunno what but quicker then something


...oh and domster when was Shin Megami announced for PS3? any pics or video clips or anything?


I've not really thought about the Xbox 360 to be honest as i don't have the cash at the moment, but a few of my mates have pre ordered it so i can always get a sample of it then reconsider.

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