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Should the veil be banned?


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I don't like them who wear them :( they scare me. Reminds me of terrorists etc.


Anyway at some places Christians are being told to take there crosses off around they're necks. So I think it should work both ways really.


It doesn't work both ways though. Just like racism, Muslims can sue if something racist is said to them, even if they all call themselves racist words. But it doesn't work the other way, no one cares if something racist is said about white people which I think is more common anyway. There has to be uproar from the black community though over racism, no one cares about white racism, nothing is done about it, but the government bends over backwards to stamp out black discrimination.

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It doesn't work both ways though. Just like racism, Muslims can sue if something racist is said to them, even if they all call themselves racist words. But it doesn't work the other way, no one cares if something racist is said about white people which I think is more common anyway. There has to be uproar from the black community though over racism, no one cares about white racism, nothing is done about it, but the government bends over backwards to stamp out black discrimination.


I don't think it's black stuff anymore now anyway. It's religious stuff more-so these days.


A lot of muslims believe in female circumcision aswell, even though there is nothing remotely to do with the religion that says it should be done. People believe what they want to.


Female circumcision has to be the worst thing ever. It's also very anti-woma; it's like saying, "Right, i'm gonna chop off your dick now".

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It doesn't work both ways though. Just like racism, Muslims can sue if something racist is said to them, even if they all call themselves racist words. But it doesn't work the other way, no one cares if something racist is said about white people which I think is more common anyway. There has to be uproar from the black community though over racism, no one cares about white racism, nothing is done about it, but the government bends over backwards to stamp out black discrimination.


Your totally right.


For e.g Someone walks up to a muslim and says, " you curry smelling terrorist" or whatever. And yes it will upset them. Then the muslim says back, " you milk bottle".


This goes to the headmaster. The white person will be badly punished while the white racism was completly ignored.

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I personally think it should be banned because it's oppressive, a risk to security (they ask people in banks, garages, etc, to take off motorcycle helmets but not veils), and it's just stupid.

If some Muslim bloke thinks his wife can't go out without a veil and not be taken by another man, then he is officialy a fuckwit.


Oh, and someone here said that Athiests aren't taken seriously. I can tell you from personal experiance that is one hell of an understatement.


Your totally right.


For e.g Someone walks up to a muslim and says, " you curry smelling terrorist" or whatever. And yes it will upset them. Then the muslim says back, " you milk bottle".


This goes to the headmaster. The white person will be badly punished while the white racism was completly ignored.


I'd quite like to be called a "milk bottle". It would make be laugh. It's just so, so stupid.

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I'd quite like to be called a "milk bottle". It would make be laugh. It's just so, so stupid.



I think that was an example. :p


But it's true, white racism is completely ignored. And I'm not saying that black/Asian people are not welcome over here, far from it, but our government needs to stop serving their every need and actually focus on their nation.

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I personally think it should be banned because it's oppressive, a risk to security (they ask people in banks, garages, etc, to take off motorcycle helmets but not veils), and it's just stupid.

If some Muslim bloke thinks his wife can't go out without a veil and not be taken by another man, then he is officialy a fuckwit.


Oh, and someone here said that Athiests aren't taken seriously. I can tell you from personal experiance that is one hell of an understatement.




I'd quite like to be called a "milk bottle". It would make be laugh. It's just so, so stupid.


Another funny one (which my Indian friend has called me many a time) is "Snowman".


My opinion is they shouldn't ban the veil. People should be allowed to wear whatever the fuck they want as long as it isn't offensive (and my belief is that covering one's face isn't offensive). And if they ban it, it will start a bloody chain reaction where in the end all clothes will be banned and we will all be strutting around in the nude (well maybe not but you see my point).

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Oh, and someone here said that Athiests aren't taken seriously. I can tell you from personal experiance that is one hell of an understatement.


That was meeee:D


Maybe it was an understatement, but I live in a large majoritally atheist/christian village, and appart from the odd thing in the news (anyone wanna join the police? I'm sorry, you're white) i don't here THAT much of it)

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Well, if you went to Saudi Arabia, would you be expected to dress like everyone else in their society? Things just don't seem to work two ways.

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Heres something random


* Mein Kampf sells many examples in England in areas with a large Arab population [1].


* An Arabic edition of Mein Kampf has been published by Bisan publishers in Lebanon.


* Mein Kampf is sixth on the Palestinian bestseller list[2] and a bestseller in the entire Arab world [3].


* A new Turkish edition was reported to be a bestseller in Turkey in 2005 [6] [7].

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What about Ninjas?

You won't see them until it's too late anyway.


For e.g Someone walks up to a muslim and says, " you curry smelling terrorist" or whatever. And yes it will upset them. Then the muslim says back, " you milk bottle".


This goes to the headmaster. The white person will be badly punished while the white racism was completly ignored.

Surely the problem with your example is that the Muslim was retorting, not attacking? But yes, I see what you're getting at, and it's certainly true. But, whilst it's certainly unjust, what can we do about it? Minorities will always feel persecuted, however untrue it may be, and any attempt by an out-group to comment on the practises of an in-group will always be reviled — just look at how gamers respond to claims of videogames generating real-world violence¹.


So, my understanding is that veils are worn as part of Wikipedia reference-linkhijab, which is essentially dressing modestly — as far as I'm aware it isn't a cut-and-dry method of oppression, as men should be subject to it as well. I don't have any sort of problem with this as a concept, and I realise people follow it as it is traditional for their beliefs, but I do find facial coverings to be off-putting in the same way as balaclavas or, to a lesser extent, sunglasses. It dehumanises people, really.


I think emplacing a ban is a bad idea as it will only serve to rise tension, but if it was encouraged for people not to wear the niqab and burqa — the two veil types that cover the face — I think it would largely resolve the problem. I'm not saying it would be instantaneous, but it's certainly a better idea than making veils against the law which is definite overkill.


¹Not that I've ever seen a convincing argument linking the two, but if you look at how gamers respond it's almost reflexively defensive, an automatic response that means the comments are dismissed out of hand.

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I have to say that been in a shop it's bloody annoying when people have their face covered, we get a fair amount of shoplifters, mostly wearing hoodys and scarfs around their face. I'm sorry but we have to be able to see their face, so anyone covering it is treated more threatning to the shop than someone without. Religion or no religion, it's a pain in the arse.


So If someone comes in with a veil on. I'm going to treat them as a suspect and watch them with a eagle eye. I'm I racist because of that?

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Personally, this is how I see it. During the national census something like 10,000 or more people claimed their religion was Jedi (therefore making it an official religion – might have been more people than that). As a Jedi it is my duty to wear an over sized potato sack with a massive hood, so you can't see my face. I say, Jedi's unite, don your sacks of rebellion potato good-ness and see if they make you take your hood off!


Note - stupid post to lighten the mood :blank:

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Heres something random


* Mein Kampf sells many examples in England in areas with a large Arab population [1].


* An Arabic edition of Mein Kampf has been published by Bisan publishers in Lebanon.


* Mein Kampf is sixth on the Palestinian bestseller list[2] and a bestseller in the entire Arab world [3].


* A new Turkish edition was reported to be a bestseller in Turkey in 2005 [6] [7].




Bloody hell!

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No, that is stupid.

However I think internally within the muslim community it will become the norm. Not because of legislation.. but because Jack Straw has a fucking point.


It makes community relations much easier, it gives the muslim female community an identity and makes everything a lot more open.


If there are some arrogant fuckers who don't want to then they will be part of some kind of dieing generation and will be seen as outsiders.


The benefits of being more approachable will certainly outweigh their dedication to their religion- this is entirely open to interpretation. This is what should be respected.


By banning them we are forcing interpretation of their religion which is fundamentally wrong.


Is it wrong to ask someone to take it off? Hell no.. is it wrong to force them? Yes.


No debate is taboo, Jack Straw has done a good job raising this debate.


edit- with regard to the Jedi's I think it is 5,000 to create a religion and about 7,200 replied with Jedi. Not entirely sure.. there might be another 0 on those numbers.

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Your totally right.


For e.g Someone walks up to a muslim and says, " you curry smelling terrorist" or whatever. And yes it will upset them. Then the muslim says back, " you milk bottle".


This goes to the headmaster. The white person will be badly punished while the white racism was completly ignored.


You can't just make up a hypothetical situation and pass it off as fact. Sure, reverse racism exists, but that's no way to back up your claims. Heck, I hate using the term 'reverse racism'. Racism is racism. By applying two different names it's subtely implied that the situations are somewhat different.


Heres something random


* Mein Kampf sells many examples in England in areas with a large Arab population [1].


* An Arabic edition of Mein Kampf has been published by Bisan publishers in Lebanon.


* Mein Kampf is sixth on the Palestinian bestseller list[2] and a bestseller in the entire Arab world [3].


* A new Turkish edition was reported to be a bestseller in Turkey in 2005 [6] [7].


No offense, but where exactly did you get that information? I can't help but feel you only take in reports that are tailor made again islam since you seem to show a heavy bias against it.


And as for Mein Kampf, even I've read it. I don't think you can jump to too many conclusions from a person reading it.


My personal opinion on the whole topic? Let it be has always been my frame of mind..

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No offense, but where exactly did you get that information? I can't help but feel you only take in reports that are tailor made again islam since you seem to show a heavy bias against it.


And as for Mein Kampf, even I've read it. I don't think you can jump to too many conclusions from a person reading it.


My personal opinion on the whole topic? Let it be has always been my frame of mind..


Well, i was looking for extracts from the book, i started on wikipedia.

Im not making any conclusions from this


But you are right about the bias, i wont deny that

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