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Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts


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New Scribes up on RARE's website. Some snippets from it;

2) Will Banjo and Kazooie have the ability to split up again?

Most humble regards,



And on Q2: "No. I can still hear all the nasty sweary names that Banjo-Tooie's lead programmer called me for deciding that splitting up the characters was a cool idea."


I'm hoping to experience: collecting jiggies, finding all 100 notes, and so on



"We do have Jiggies and Notes to collect," the team stresses from a secure distance. "We're aiming to mix nostalgia with sparkly new ideas and technology, so that there will be 'something for everyone'. Or perhaps there is at least 'something for everyone' to complain about.


As I can only imagine you are frollocking in the green sheep fields of Twycross, throwing flowers behind you from a wicker basket, while Jinjos play a friendly game of kickball and gumdrops rain from the sky. I hope this question isn't answered by the time you reply to it, however, I would like to know if Untitled 2008 Banjo-Kazooie Project is going to have a dark theme, a light theme, or a mixture of the two? Banjo-Kazooie felt upbeat and happy, and Banjo-Tooie felt dark and epic. I enjoyed Tooie more, and a darker theme would lead less people to believe it's a "kiddy game" hmm?

Affection and Pancakes,

*~th3 BrEeGu1 oF m1sFoRtUnE~*





'Frollocking'? Sounds like a barely legal combination of 'frolicking' and... never mind.

"This is going to sound a bit noncommittal, but I think we have pitched the new game somewhere between the two," declaims the team leader. "Banjo-Kazooie was slightly too happy for today's 'rough n' tough' gamers, whereas 'Tooie was sometimes overly depressing. So we have a compromise – inanimate objects with googly eyes that have psychological problems as a result of a troubled childhood, dancing merrily on colourful levels to a gloomy soundtrack."


And a new screenshot;





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Another thing I meant to copy in here:


My question to the legendary Rare gods is if there is any remote chance that Banjo-Kazooie or Banjo-Tooie will appear playable on the Xbox 360 anytime ever? The greatest thing in the world would be to have a bonus disc or something with the first two games playable.


The team would like to know: "How much are you willing to pay for this? If a sufficient amount arrives at the Rare stronghold in an envelope marked 'Banjo Team Fan Mail', then we'll consider it. Once we have sobered up, of course."


Personally I think, if both were put together on one disc and the controls were good (i.e no more thumb injuries from the N64!), I'd pay full price for it.

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Hmm. Haven't kept up with the news on this one, but those screens look lovely.. They actually revive my hype for this game. I used to think I'd have an X-box by now, purely for the Rare games, but I never got one. Not even Perfect Dark could persuade me. Banjo Kazooie however, is what I've really been waiting for, and what I miss the most on Nintendo consoles. Even more than Perfect Dark, I want to keep up with the adventures of my favorite bear and bird duo, I want Banjo Threeie. I think when Banjo Threeie is released it'll probably the day I buy an X-box (and Banjo Threeie obviously).

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Guest Stefkov
Also, doe those screenshots remind anyone else of The Truman Show? :P

Because of the big screen with clouds yeah it does.

I just hope we get good levels and such. I loved the snowy levels in the first game.

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Still not overly keen on Banjo's [and Kazooie's] character design!


And I certainly don't get that classic Banjo-Kazooie feel from looking at those screens. It looks to be taking quite a different direction art wise, and yeah I hope it's not vehicle heavy.


Saying that though, I do quite like the new environment style and they had to do something to advance the series.

And hey, it's only two screens and from only one game world!


And OMG do those graphics look fantastic!!

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Anyone else not just remember the original and dk64 to be unremitting bullshit? i hated those games, and i was young enough to enjoy shit back then!


DK64 maybe, the original BK? nope, thouroughly enjoyed it myself. :heh:


Hmm those screens, yes they look awesome but two things...


Wheres Kazooie?

Whats with the vehicles?


I hope they've just chosen to show these as vehicle sections of the game rather than Banjo / Kazooie being dependant on vehicles for the whole game. :/

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Anyone else not just remember the original and dk64 to be unremitting bullshit? i hated those games, and i was young enough to enjoy shit back then!
Seriously WTF?!!

DK64 fair enough, but Banjo Kazooie was one of the finest games of that whole generation!

Wheres Kazooie?
It's only two screens, he'll be in the backpack.


And yeah, it better not be vehicle heavy!

Why the plane? I'd much rather Kazooie do the flying with Banjo daggling beneath!


Actually that looks like the same vehicle in both screens, and it has morphing abilities... but still!

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Graphics look beautiful ^_^


Never played any Banko-Kazzoie games *shamed*


Then again, I only had 5 N64 Games (Zelda:OOT, Zelda:MM, Pokemon Stadium 1 + 2, Pokemon Snap.




Looking forward to this though, Rare is one of my favourite Developers, and I'm actually glad this is on 360, I mean, look at it XD

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Seriously WTF?!!

DK64 fair enough, but Banjo Kazooie was one of the finest games of that whole generation!

It's only two screens, he'll be in the backpack.


And yeah, it better not be vehicle heavy!

Why the plane? I'd much rather Kazooie do the flying with Banjo daggling beneath!


Actually that looks like the same vehicle in both screens, and it has morphing abilities... but still!


no it wasn't. it was a bad mario clone with crap structure, annoying as fuck characters and a reliance on collecting random shit that only an OCD sufferer could love. DK64 was exactrly the same, only worse.

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I hated Banjo Kazooie too, it was just clunky and boring as fuck. Never played DK64 though.


consider yourself lucky.


'oh, look. this game has about as much constructive structure as a laxative enhanced post curry shit. Sweet.'

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no it wasn't. it was a bad mario clone with crap structure, annoying as fuck characters and a reliance on collecting random shit that only an OCD sufferer could love. DK64 was exactrly the same, only worse.


The collecting aspect was EXACTLY the same as Mario 64. Banjo had Jiggies and Notes, Mario had Stars and Coins.


For me Banjo had far more charm than what Mario 64 did. Also the levels were fantastic especially the snow level and the level that went through all 4 seasons.


I will admit I wasnt a fan of Banjo-Tooie though.

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Each to their own, people on here will argue it to the death otherwise. :heh:


Personally I really liked the BK games, they were'nt as revolutionary as SM64 *shrugs* but they certainly were'nt as bad as countless platformers that appeared on the N64 / Saturn / Playstation.


Not that they were all bad of course but for me SM64, BK, BT and CBFD were some of the best platformers around for their time and I can't wait for BK3. :smile:

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