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Greatest Gamecube Moments

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With Wii literally just a few months away and Gamecube releases drying up fast, that little box under my TV is now in it's final days. But hey we've had some great times! There's a lot of negative stuff on here, so I thought maybe we should have a positive thread, what were your favorite moments on the Gamecube?


Some of mine, in no particular order:


Metroid Prime - Walking out into Phendrana drifts for the first time, wow, how beautiful?

Zelda WW - Feeling like I was playing a cartoon brought to life

TimeSplitters 2 - Infiltrating a Russian facility and having that Goldeneye feeling all over again

Battalion Wars - Launching a full scale offensive

Resident Evil 4 - Watching heads go pop through the scope of my automatic rifle


These are just a few, but I'd love to hear other people's fave moments, lets give that little box the send off it deserves.

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Well I'd have to say when I 1st opened the box, it was sucha wee cube, and those lil discs :D

Then when it was 1st booted up and I saw the Mario Party 4 start film, and those graphics *drool* They looked so crisp. That kinda look's taken for granted now :(


I definately have to agree with the Phendrana Drifts one, that place is my favourite in the whole Metroid Universe.


Ditto for Wind Waker too I remember exploring Windfall and thinking "Wow".


Another for me has to be Mario Sunshine and the act of filling up FLUDD in the middle of Delfino Plaza; how anyone can despise that game is insane.


And now I'm going to add something noone will expect:

Advance Wars 2; playable on the Cube via the Gameboy Player, multiplayer on the big screen is awesome; If only the same could be done with the DS.


Another great and not really Cube moment is from Majoras Mask and that tree *wtf?*...You know the one I mean :heh: But I wont spoil it, just in case someone hasn't played/finished ;)

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Another for me has to be Mario Sunshine and the act of filling up FLUDD in the middle of Delfino Plaza; how anyone can despise that game is insane.


Agreed. I mean it's such an amazing game, I couldn't believe all the negative responses this game was getting. I initially thought it ws even better than Mario 64 (but in hindsight I've reconsidered), quality platforming all the way through.



I will mainly remember my cube thanks to it multiplayer moments. It was far and away one of the best ever consoles for multiplayer. Timesplitters 2, Mario Kart, F-Zero and Mario Tennis kept me and my mates going for ages. And don't even get me started on Smash Bros...

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TimeSplitters 2 - the GoldenEye feeling all over again.

Eternal Darkness - playing in the dark when low on sanity

Metroid Prime - Most of the game, especially Phendrana Drifts

Pikmin 2 - One of the best new franchises

F-Zero GX - beating all cups on master difficulty. Can't wait when (if) i beat story on Hard/V.Hard

Wind Waker - just a beautiful game

Battalion Wars - Modern war meets Worms, Nintendo-style.


And many more.

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- Starting up my cube and setting the internal clock for the first time.

- Running in terror from the chainsaw guy for the first time in Resident Evil 4.

- Getting the Master Sword full powered in Wind Waker.

- Every new environment in Prime 1 and 2.

- All the sweet cutscenes from ToS.


Lots more, but thats all that comes to mind right now.

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I must contribute gamecubes greatest moment for me was when I deceided to have a competition with my mates in super smash bros melee and we were playing one button melee mode with fixed it at £10 per contestant for every retry an extra £1, I beat them all up winning me just over £250

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Metroid Prime - everything about it, an awe inspiring game, the only game in my eyes that stands shoulder to shoulder with Ocarina of Time!


Eternal Darkness - the way the story was told was unbelievable, this game truly is a work of art!


Wind Waker - beauty, i've never seen such fantastic animation, one of the most beautiful games ever!


Smash Bros - having never played it on the N64, this game blew me away! One of the only multiplayer games to touch Perfect Dark (N64) in it's playability and fun!


Viewtiful Joe - this game really showed that you don't need hyper-realistic visuals or a gripping story to be absolutely amazing, re-invented my love for hardcore 2D scrollers!


Resident Evil 4 - the game is brilliant, everything about it is awesome!

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Metroid Prime - everything, music, gameplay, etc but what stands out for me is the amount of scan/log data and incinerating invisible space pirates with plasma beam. Plus dark beam combo in echoes!


Paper Mario - loveable characters, great script, beautiful graphics, special badges. True gem.


thinking about them makes me think that any sequels will be far inferiour to them, but hey, im usually proved wrong

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It's given me Smash bros....the game that I've wasted half my life on. I still play on in multiplayer with Zell whenever I can, it's simply amazing and well balanced (except Peach, SHE is completely broken and VERY cheap).


Anyway, it's also given me Resi 4 and a glimpse of Ada's legs (on more than one occasion :D). Finally, it gave me Paper Mario (funniest.game.ever) and ToS, which are two of my favourite RPG's ever.

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Eternal Darkness - playing in the dark when low on sanity


This ^ :D Eternal Darkness was the first game I got with my Cube, loved every minute.


Just started playing Resi 4 aswell, that has some really awesome moments. Getting your head sawn off with a chainsaw for the first time is brilliant! :laughing:


Ahh and also the 'wrestling' level on Paper Mario, haha, good times. I need to get out more

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Yeah I have to agree with the playing around with the bios screen and setting of the clock, it brings back so many happy memories for me, and has a real calming effect. Playing Resident Evil Remake was jaw dropping and made me go all funny in the pants. Answering the door all dripping wet in just a towel only to receive my free Wavebird controller was definalely a high point for me. A free Ninty product is to be cherished.

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I agree about Mario Mario Sunshine, I was totally hooked! People may knock it (and I don;t know why) but try naming a better platform game - with using the words Mario 64!


Oh, and Resident Evil REmake was awesome, I remember when my girlfriend got me it for my birthday (years ago) and we were both totally blown away by the graphics and totally immersive feeling we had playing it.

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