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Revolution's Graphics


What do you think the Revolutions Graphics will be like  

98 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think the Revolutions Graphics will be like

    • Dont care about Graphics full STOP
    • Slightly better than a Gamecube
    • Slightly WORSE than an XBOX 360
    • In between XBOX 360 and PS3
    • Significantly better than the competition
    • MIND BLOWINGLY UNBELIEVABLE *light years ahead*

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Very grown up to say that but you realise its completely untrue. Ocarina wouldn't be the game it is if it wasn't 3D, Resident Evil 4 wouldn't be half as popular if it still used Pre-Rendered GFX...


Graphics do a lot for a game, its just how they are used that counts.


As I´ve said previously: Everybody has different opinions and mine is that I like gameplay before awesome graphics. I´m NOT against great graphics, I´ve never said that, I´ve just state my opinion which is gameplay before graphics.

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As long as they're not taking steps back, it doesn't bother me. I'd rather have a cheap console that's easy for third parties to develop for.


Realistically, there's not really a lot more you can do right now. Resident Evil 4 was fucking amazing, for the next few years you can only make minor improvements upon that.

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What about the graphics being the same as the rest? Silly Demuwan

"Very grown up to say that but you realise its completely untrue. Ocarina wouldn't be the game it is if it wasn't 3D, Resident Evil 4 wouldn't be half as popular if it still used Pre-Rendered GFX..."

I think its quite obvious that no one ever argued about that, simply that MIND BLOWING GRAPHICS!11! arent essential to a game.

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I beleive it is going to be way better than we expect. But actualy I would be happy if it is at least two times better than the cube itselve.


Graphics are allready good as far as I'm concerned. Just make the enviroment in the games more interactive. Than I'm one happy camper!!


Oh yeah bring on more RPG's and Adventure games

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there's been quite a few comments floating about that the rev will be less powerful than the other consoles, but ninty have yet to release ANY details on these. at the min they're blowing their trumpets about the amazing new controller... i think they have more surprises up their sleeves, after all they did say that the new "broadway" and "hollywood" chips would be the new "centre of home entertainment" or something like that before they concentrated on the details of the controller! maybe they just don't wana release all they're chickens yet before they're ready to hatch...?

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me thinks power and graphics dont really matter that much any more its not like thers major jumps in in graphics like we used to see back in the day its just slight alterations witch make it a bit more realistic if i wanted reality i would stand out side and watch the world go by but if i want constent action i wont be going to the video shop to get the latest adition of arne blowing somthing up with a bazooka i want to do it my self! and as long as the controlls arnt as slugish as halo i will be doing it all day long-well night some of us have to work but the bottom line is game play game play people thats why most of us have stuck with nintendo. even the saga saturn had mor game play in its short lived life than the sex box

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Im happy the way the graphics are right now, do we realy need that much better? And yes, ive come to agree i did over-react about graphics not making a game, but it wouldnt put me off buying it even if it had gamecube graphics.

But its pretty much confirmed that games will have better graphics on revo than they did on cube.

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I don't care if they'd be worse than the 360 or PS3 as long as it improves over the Cube acceptably. I would feel ripped off if the gap Rev <> Cube would be smaller than N64 <> Cube. I don't have worries about that, it's probably slightly under the Xbox 360 anyway.

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I find it amusing how everyone goes on about how they don't care about graphics, and how 'graphics don't make a game,' because despite being true in a way, when the first shots of Zelda Revolution are revealed people will be like OMG THE GRAPHICS ITS GOING TO OWN !!11!!


I believe Graphics don't automatically make a game good, but can help because they build to the atmosphere and setting, especially in adventures and RPGs.

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Exactly, Hostile, that's probably what we can expect. The Revolution will probably not be more powerful the 360 in raw numbers simply because of the price of the console, but by careful design and picking the right hardware balance (developers are already complaining about that since E3 with the 360 and PS3) you can get very far. It will never equal PS3, but that's just out of its league.

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when people talk about gameplay they miss a specific thing


smooth gameplay


if something moves nicely, feels right and overall gives the feeling that you should get from the game, then the graphics are secondary

mario64, while the graphics were great for its time, it was the smooth and solid gameplay that made the game


the rev will easily be around the 360, and i'm willing to bet that even in HD, they won't be ALL that different, and i have seen a true HD set up, its nice, but not as great as everybody keeps trying to make out

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I would like to sign up to the "graphics aren't the most imporatant thing in games" camp. Also, not a great deal of us are likely to obtain a HD TV within the next 5 years, so I'm not too bothered by the whole HD support thang. Do you have a HD TV? If you don't know, you don't have one. I don't think there's much point until more TV broadcasting and DVDs start going HD standard anyway.

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Iwata stated that there woudln't be too much of a difference in graphs on-screen between revolution and the competition. But that same Iwata stated that there isn't too much of a difference between twilight princess and gear of war. So the man needs new glasses. Even thicker ones, made by some secret cave-Jap who has rather long eyebrows and posesses the scrolls of Japans most secret glass sharpin' techniques.


So, I polled for the lightyears ahead. I shall expect no less from a company on whom I have spend enough money to feed some twelve African villages for a series of months.

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I would like to sign up to the "graphics aren't the most imporatant thing in games" camp. Also, not a great deal of us are likely to obtain a HD TV within the next 5 years, so I'm not too bothered by the whole HD support thang. Do you have a HD TV? If you don't know, you don't have one. I don't think there's much point until more TV broadcasting and DVDs start going HD standard anyway.

It doesn't hurt to add another plug.


Seriously, there's no downside to HD support; games are already rendered in higher resolutions than 1080i and if it's supposed to be connected to PC monitors as well it has to go far beyond the old 640x480 resolution. The plug might cost a couple of cents more to make per console, but if they're bothered by that, why do they put in monitor output?


We'll only be glad when we do have a HDTV in five years.

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