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My Gamecube is broke


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So yeah.


How gay is that?


It has trouble reading discs. When I first pop a disc in over half the time it won't read it. Also during games sometimes it won't read it and says disc error. This happens pretty much when ever I open a door in Metroid.


It didn't used to be so bad but now it's over half the time and happens during games. I normally have to open the lid and close it again; but after doing this 10 times it then just says (something along the lines) "Error with disc; please restart Gamecube".


It's very annoying. But I did buy it on the day it came out... so it has lasted quite a bit.


I dunno what to do. Nintendo won't fix it for free... I can't be bothered spending money on a new Gamecube, preowned or not. So I guess it's a wait for the Rev... (sorry, Wii!)

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I still have my launch day Cube and it still works perfectly. I remember it freezing about 5 times in total: about 3 times on Majora's Mask on the CE (but it's known for freezing), Soul Calibur 2, and Metroid Prime. But the fact that it froze on Metroid was my own fault, I was messing around with secret worlds.

But yeah, have some patience, in a few months you'll be able to play your Cube games on the Wii.

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BrokEN; BrokeN!!


Ah bugger. I don't usually do stuff like that.


Anyway, I'll try what you said, Shino. If it does break my 'cube then no worries, really.


Cheers guys (and gals maybe; I can't be bothered to check).

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If you have trouble opening it (they have weird headed screws), use a bic pen, take the ink out, burn one of the sides (so it gets like melting), and while it's soft shove it, hopefully it will take the screw's head form and you'll be able to use it as a screwdriver.

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  • 2 weeks later...
My GC is badly scratching up my game disks. Many of the games I bought about 4 years ago no longer work. And it takes a while for it to read games that I only bought 3 years-4 months ago.


..which was nice.. :indeed:


..my GC works absolutely fine but some games force my Gamecube to make this 'chugging' sound like it's almost struggling to handle the game or something.. (presumably the ones that require the Gamecube to work harder) ..it can be pretty annoying when you're playing late at night with your parents trying to sleep in the next room and you have to have the volume down low.. the chugging means you cant really hear what's happening on screen very well..



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lol, my GC's also worn out. It only plays Donkey Konga now, and super monkey ball when it feels like it. Metroid, no chance, actually the only game that still works properly is SSBM, and that was my first game. Its not my games though, they work fine on my friends, its just my cube, it can only read games that have NO scratches at all. The lazy bitch. xD

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  • 2 weeks later...

My Cube works fine, plays all my games and i've had it about 3 years now. It is my second Cube, someone thought it would be funny to take my first Cube and fill it with polyfiller for an April Fools Joke. As i didn't have a screwdriver that fits the Cube screws, i couldn't clean it out. Funny thing is, it still played my games until it blew up because it got overheated

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when i first got my game cube it fell a meter and landed on a concrete floor (stupid wired controlers and sisters) and works perfectly nintendo consoles need to be durable at one point most of there audience was little kids. now my tv has these funny red patches in the menue of smash bros and somtimes when i go to tournament mod the screen goes blank. but that makes sence because my tv is made by s**y.

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