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Go Go Power Rangers!


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In a discussion myself, Flinkymon and Haden had earlier this evening. This thread is for the sexiness that is the Power Rangers, starting with the greatness of their enemies.





We're taking it back to the fucking old school now!

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Ah so many good memories of the old skool Rangers.


Best bad guy had to be Green Ranger when he was evil, he tanned the lot of them. Tommy was awesome when he came back as the White Ranger though.


Anyone remember when Zack, Trini and Jason left the show? I remember you never got to see any of them in human form only in Rangers form and they had some shoddy voice doubles. I guess their contracts ran out or something.

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I wonder, did anyone buy the megazords and action figures?

Never did get that fucking dragonzord.


Ive got a very vague memory of the episode in which the white ranger first appeared. Was tommy swimming in a lake when they teleported him out to their little fortress of cornyness?

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I had the Megazord and Dragonzord. I needed Titanus (is that how it was spelt?), which was the ultimate zord or whatever they named it.


I had all 6 power ranges in 6" and 12" figures, had most of the zords, and a few enemies, Lord Zedd being the top enemy I had.


Is it sad to say I recognise most of the enemies from season 1?

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Anyone remember when Zack, Trini and Jason left the show? I remember you never got to see any of them in human form only in Rangers form and they had some shoddy voice doubles. I guess their contracts ran out or something.

They left in protest to being pretty extortionately underpaid. Their walk out had no negative effect on the ratings whatsoever.


God, I loved this show.


I had about 15 figurines as well as guns, swords, megazords, morphers, the green ranger's dagger that played a tune to summon the dragonzord... I sold them all for £26 at a car boot sale and for some reason thought that was good at the time. So stupid:cry:

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They left in protest to being pretty extortionately underpaid. Their walk out had no negative effect on the ratings whatsoever.


That was around the time that Tommy (Green, White, Red Zeo, Black Dino Thunder Ranger) was the whole show. Probably why the ratings didn't suffer although Jason Is the ultimate ranger of all time.


EEvil thankyou for this thread!

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Power Rangers is part of my first memories of school. God Evil I gotta thank you for the nostalgia.


Did anybody here see the Power Rangers movie?


Yeah, but I can't really remember it at all..... The White Ranger as in it, wasn't he?

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The First power rangers movie was godly. I used to think the computer animation used on the zords in that film was top class, havnt seen it in a long time so im unsure if it ould actually stand up today.


Turbo!!: A Power Rangers Movie however was, without a doubt, one of the worst films of all time.


EDIT: Okay, the CGI was not so hot

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I remember going to see The Power Rangers Movie. It was amazing because it was a setup by my parents. My dad took me and my brother to town and said we had to meet his friend by McDonalds which was opposite the old cinema. He said we had to help his friend move stuff into his flat near by, we were forced to go. So we waited, which felt an eternity which was realistically probably 25 minutes. Then my dad came to the conclusion that he wasn't going to turn up, and sprung the idea of going to see The Power Rangers Movie. I was so excited and stupid at the time. Amazing.


Got the moive on video, watched a month or two back just to remind myself of its greatness.

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Just to let folks know I have all of the first series Zords. ALL OF THEM...



Green Dragon Zord + Tommy (anyone remember that the gold thing he wore was actually a shield, which he gave to Tommy in an expisode?)

.. and Titanus!


Want to sell if anyone is interested but the p&p would be painful though.

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I still watch Power Rangers Space Patrol now from time to time, when I'm bored on a Saturday afternoon but it never comes close to the greatness of the first Seasons.

I dressed up as the White Ranger for Carnival and got the White Tiger Zord as well as the Green Ranger.




Quality film, they should've taken the remixed uniforms for the series.


They actually did, it was called metallic armor or something and they used it whenever fighting that poor evil creatures that got owned in every episode.

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Not at all, we often talk about this at work.


I still have all the morphing figures ( you pressed the belt buckle to morph them ) mint with boxes in the attic, wonder how much they will go for on ebay.


Who was hotter then, Kimberley ( original Pink Ranger ) or Cat ( the 2nd Pink Ranger ). Kimberley all the way for me!

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Meh, me and my uncle watched through the entire first series all the way to the end of zeo (Its still joint from the mighty morphin series) on Fox kids a few years back. It was fricken awesome.


I think jetix still shows it but not as frequent and i doubt they show it in order too, but its still worth checking out if you want to watch it. Me? I watched the series when i was young, and i watched the series as a teen. Im waiting til im 35 and force my kids to watch it.

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Aaah Power Rangers, many fond childhood memories. The enemies are laughable now, but back in the day this was awesome. Pudgy Pig is the most memorable enemy for me and that was a brill episode, one of the first ones I ever saw. It was so great when it first started. A shame that it's all gone crap now tbh. Old Power Rangers ftw!


I stayed up til 5am this morning, watching Tommy become the Evil Green Ranger, then switch to become a good Green Ranger.


Is it wrong to still love this show? :heh:


*Shrugs* If you like it then who cares what anyone else thinks? I admit I'd probably watch it again myself, just for nostalgia purposes. :heh:

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