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Sonic And The Secret Rings


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It's about time Sonic was dumbed down, anyway. Nobody gives two shits about exploring, just give us some goddamn speed already.


AAaaaahhh! I need this game. I think now is the right time to sell my body.


Agreed, what some people called dumbed down I'd call returning to roots...


I know how you feel I want it to,my April Student Loan can't come soon enough.

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Hmm... A lot of conflicting views here. :hmm:


I decided I wouldn't be getting this after watching various videos of it in action, gameplay wise it comes across as very clunky. It appears to take ages for sonic to pick up speed and the forced movement looks a bit annoying too, but the thing I really don't like the look of is the jumping / attacking enemy's. This jumping up, kind of floating, and then charging into enemy's from that position looks like it totally kills the flow of the game, I wish it was just like the original 2D version whereby you jump but keep on moving forward at the same time and not lose any speed.


Would people with the game agree with any of that, or have I completely misinterpreted the way it plays via the online videos?


The only other negative point for me based on gameplay footage I've seen is the soundtrack, really bad considering the early Sonic games had such cool music and Sonic Rush was pretty good too, (plus no SD feature to help it out like Excite Truck) can the game be played with just the SFX?

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Hmm... A lot of conflicting views here. :hmm:


I decided I wouldn't be getting this after watching various videos of it in action, gameplay wise it comes across as very clunky. It appears to take ages for sonic to pick up speed and the forced movement looks a bit annoying too, but the thing I really don't like the look of is the jumping / attacking enemy's. This jumping up, kind of floating, and then charging into enemy's from that position looks like it totally kills the flow of the game, I wish it was just like the original 2D version whereby you jump but keep on moving forward at the same time and not lose any speed.


Would people with the game agree with any of that, or have I completely misinterpreted the way it plays via the online videos?


The only other negative point for me based on gameplay footage I've seen is the soundtrack, really bad considering the early Sonic games had such cool music and Sonic Rush was pretty good too, (plus no SD feature to help it out like Excite Truck) can the game be played with just the SFX?

Yes I would agree with you on that. You can do small jumps though that dont really effect your speed

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This game is awesome.

Don't know what Serebis problem is,not once had a control problem.


I'm trying not to rush through it fast.Just got the Soul Gauge and it's awesome :D

The speed changes and get's a whole lot faster and the book/comic still is great and the jokes and humour in this isn't corny which is a plus.


So funny how he saved a certain look-a-like aswell.


And also the mini-games,I think are great,spent an hour on them already.


Well Sonic's awaiting and I highly recommend this game.


Only downfall I say so far is the jumping but that's it.

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This game is awesome.

Don't know what Serebis problem is,not once had a control problem.


I'm trying not to rush through it fast.Just got the Soul Gauge and it's awesome :D

The speed changes and get's a whole lot faster and the book/comic still is great and the jokes and humour in this isn't corny which is a plus.


So funny how he saved a certain look-a-like aswell.


And also the mini-games,I think are great,spent an hour on them already.


Well Sonic's awaiting and I highly recommend this game.


Only downfall I say so far is the jumping but that's it.


Same, U found the jumping a little annoying but I think I'll get used to it.


That should be I by the way, I'm not saying you found it annoying...

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Wow you have flown through it. How many hours play have you had? Looks like another short game but with plenty to come back for.


Quite a few hours, and I still have plenty of missions left to do for each level, too.


It appears to take ages for sonic to pick up speed and the forced movement looks a bit annoying too


At first, the acceleration is a problem. Upgrades sort this out, tho. The jumping I find doesn't ruin the flow of the game - stopping can be useful at times, and very useful for certain misisons


Sonic keeps getting stuck and walks continually up through rocks or the sides of lily pads, unable to jump or go backwards or left and right on many occassions


Odd. I've never had a problem like that.

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Same, U found the jumping a little annoying but I think I'll get used to it.


Me too, i find that a small jump (just tapping 2) is too small for almost everything.. and a big jump (holding 2) sometimes doesnt stop sonic where he is... and he falls to his doom.

Other than the jumping im finding this very fun indeed. Once you get speed upgrades or whatever you wanna call emm it makes it much more enjoyable.

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Me too, i find that a small jump (just tapping 2) is too small for almost everything.. and a big jump (holding 2) sometimes doesnt stop sonic where he is... and he falls to his doom.


A few tips:


In some levels there are spikes on the floor. The small jump is useful. Also, some skills make the small jump very useful.


Use the 1 button in conjunction with the jump for when stopping is required.

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"*Clunky motion, killed flow etc etc*"


Would people with the game agree with any of that, or have I completely misinterpreted the way it plays via the online videos?


Yes and no.


Thing is, the upgrades help out *a lot* in addressing almost all of your concerns. Sonic gets faster, easier to control, and gains a lot of abilities that will make some of your early issues with the game disappear.


The fighting is mostly clunky though, especially if you got into STH at all, and none of the extra homing attack upgrades redeem that. I wouldn't say it kills the flow, because you'll be constantly moving even when you dispatch of enemies, it's just that it feels sort of forced. Especially since the camera tends to freak out during those moments, often opting for a twitchy overhead perspective that doesn't really seem intended at all.


But no, I'd say it gets increasingly smooth as you upgrade Sonic, and it gets increasingly rewarding to play because of that aswell. It all has a bit of a steep learning curve though. In that regard - and many other - it feels a lot like Sonic Riders.

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I'm in agreement that it starts slow but IMHO that's a necessity to ween you on the controls. Before long Sonic gets incredibly fast and all those issues go away, plus you can turn on and off various speed and movement enhancements to suit your own play style.


All in all after 1 days play I'm extremely happy with this game and it really is the best 3D Sonic by a country mile.

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I'm in agreement that it starts slow but IMHO that's a necessity to ween you on the controls.


Good point, it's surprisingly awkward to control at first. Soon enough their comments about keeping it simple get completely laughable as you hold down two buttons and turn the wiimote upside down to get Sonic to charge a jump straight up. It all takes some getting used to, to say the least.

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Yes and no.


Thing is, the upgrades help out *a lot* in addressing almost all of your concerns. Sonic gets faster, easier to control, and gains a lot of abilities that will make some of your early issues with the game disappear.


The fighting is mostly clunky though, especially if you got into STH at all, and none of the extra homing attack upgrades redeem that. I wouldn't say it kills the flow, because you'll be constantly moving even when you dispatch of enemies, it's just that it feels sort of forced. Especially since the camera tends to freak out during those moments, often opting for a twitchy overhead perspective that doesn't really seem intended at all.


But no, I'd say it gets increasingly smooth as you upgrade Sonic, and it gets increasingly rewarding to play because of that aswell. It all has a bit of a steep learning curve though. In that regard - and many other - it feels a lot like Sonic Riders.

Well it's certainly sounding a lot better after reading that, Cheers.


Now if someone could just answer my question about the music (whether or not you can turn it off) I'll be one step closer to reconsidering the game.

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Graphics are pretty decent - draw distance is great and it's really , really fast. A definite step above the likes of Hero's but not quite the same as Sonic 06 (which is a good thing in my opinion).


Don't think you can turn the music off although you can however change the language to Japanese and have English Subs which dramatically improves the experience ;)

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Meh ok game. Feels like the game is playing me though, all I have to do is move left and right and attack the same enemies in the exact same way. The story and levels seem all over the place as well but still I suppose it's quite fun, I only play 20/30 minutes at a time as it gets a bit boring for me after that.

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