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Sonic And The Secret Rings


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First Review



Fast, enjoyable gameplay

Tons of replay value

Good camera

Good controls that-once you get used to them-work with the game nicely

Story that is funny on purpose

Enjoyable Multiplayer

Japanese voices available



English VA's

Annoying helper Shahra

Some level up powers seem like they should of been available from start

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First Review



Fast, enjoyable gameplay

Tons of replay value

Good camera

Good controls that-once you get used to them-work with the game nicely

Story that is funny on purpose

Enjoyable Multiplayer

Japanese voices available



English VA's

Annoying helper Shahra

Some level up powers seem like they should of been available from start


I don't swear often on this forum, but HOLY SHIT.


Where did you get this from? Which review, Dante?

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It's no worse than the whole Bowser/King Koopa thing.


Or the other one that irritates me...Princess Fucking Peach. She's Princess Toadstool, and she will always be! Peach, no, just get out. :(


but bowser sounds better than king koopa and peach...well you have a point there


I prefer the bottom one....looks more creepy.


we must also remember that sonic satam is ten years older than sonic X.there was no real storylines in the games when satam was made.it had to make up its own and was very original.Whether you grew up with it or not.i Encourage you to check it out.its very dark and serious and really sonic at his best

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First Review



Fast, enjoyable gameplay

Tons of replay value

Good camera

Good controls that-once you get used to them-work with the game nicely

Story that is funny on purpose

Enjoyable Multiplayer

Japanese voices available



English VA's

Annoying helper Shahra

Some level up powers seem like they should of been available from start


Is it possilbe to have the Japanese voices with English subtitles or is it not known?

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What can't I say?


That from the videos the multiplayer looks rubbish, yet I think the single player looks great? What's wrong with that?

Are we not allowed opinions anymore!!




We don't use such words around these parts,it's forbidden :hmm:



Though in my opinion we should get rid of that :heh:

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My biggest worry is about.. you know.. what's actually fun about it. Broken as Sonic 06 was, the combat was excellent. Mixing up slide tackles with homing attacks and bouncing on the ground to take out big clusters of enemies sometimes approached Sega magic of old. Here it seems like you just flick the controller whenever the game wants you to.


Camera being good? I've seen instances in videos where it clips into walls - and this is a STATIC camera, supposedly! I'm much more worried about this than I ever was, post demo, about Sonic 06, so needless to say this still has to prove itself. To me at least.


The load times should be shorter by default, and there's no mission based town bits, so I expect it to automatically be less frustrating to play based on that alone.

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My biggest worry is about.. you know.. what's actually fun about it. Broken as Sonic 06 was, the combat was excellent. Mixing up slide tackles with homing attacks and bouncing on the ground to take out big clusters of enemies sometimes approached Sega magic of old. Here it seems like you just flick the controller whenever the game wants you to.


Camera being good? I've seen instances in videos where it clips into walls - and this is a STATIC camera, supposedly! I'm much more worried about this than I ever was, post demo, about Sonic 06, so needless to say this still has to prove itself. To me at least.


The load times should be shorter by default, and there's no mission based town bits, so I expect it to automatically be less frustrating to play based on that alone.

Yeah that bad camera moment is at the start of one of thye Evil Foundry videos (at IGN I think), but that's pretty much the only case of a bad camera I've seen! It does ocassionally loose Sonic I think when you homing dash off at a wierd angle, but the camera is vastly improved!


I think the fun of this game will come from tearing though the levels at high speed once you've learned them. After playing through each one, say 10 times or something and you know exactly what obstacles are where, when to jump, when to speed boost etc... it will be awesome fun.

Couple this with the missions getting more and more challenging and you'll get to a point where you'll really feel like you've mastered the game!

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Players will control Sonic with the Wii Remote by holding the controller sideways with both hands, much like an NES controller, and will be able to use the controller in unique ways that will take advantage of the Wii Remote's control mechanisms.


Unlike other Sonic games, Secret Rings features an "on-rails" system whereby players will not have to hold forward to proceed; the game does it for you, making Sonic run in a semi-linear path.


Sonic's movement will also be controlled by tilting the controller left or right, much like a steering wheel. Pulling the controller towards you allows you to make Sonic walk backwards, combining this with turning allows Sonic to rotate 360 degrees.


The Number "2" Button is used to jump into the air while Sonic is running. If the player holds down this button, Sonic will slow down (and will even stop if it's held for a long time) to charge up a jump, and upon being released, he will execute a high jump through the air. This system resembles, somewhat, the system present in Sonic Riders.


Tilting the controller forward quickly right after a jump will execute Sonic's "Homing Attack" featured in previous games to attack enemies or home in on items. Only by executing the sequence with proper timing will you be able to perform combo attacks, and hit other enemies or objects up ahead.



The story begins with Sonic flipping the pages of the classic book, 1001 Nights. Suddenly, he is visited by the tale’s central character, Shahra the Genie, who reveals that an evil entity known as "Erazor Djinn" is absorbing the power of the One Thousand and One Nights book and causing pages of it to disappear. If he is not stopped, his power will be unleashed onto the real world unless a "blue hedgehog", according to legend, can stop him. Shahra grants Sonic the ability to travel into the book’s world, using a special ring. Armed with his signature speed, "Sonic and [his] crew take part in an epic quest" to save the missing pages and set the world of the 1001 Nights tales back in order.

The game's plot will be based on select excerpts from the book, 1001 Nights, including such fables as "The Seven Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor" and "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves", all of which are inspired from the classic tales found within the book.


Currently known adventure stages-

Sonic and the Secret Rings will feature eight stages in the main game, but only six of them are officially known to the public at this time.


Lost Prologue:

The first stage of the game, this level serves as a Tutorial stage as Shahra "will show you the ropes on Sonic's various abilities".


Sand Oasis:

This level is set in the Arabian Nights theme from which the game's setting is designed from. The obstacles found throughout Sand Oasis include purple enemies that simply float, red enemies that spew fire at Sonic, as well as giant swords/axes that launch at Sonic, spikes on the ground and at the top of the building as well as the flame throwers inside a temple. The level's boss is a large purple scorpion.


Dinosaur Jungle:

Set in the Dinosaur era in the past, this level features new pathways such as prehistoric jungles and running across the backs of certain dinosaurs.

Obstacles found throughout Dinosaur Jungle include various cacti, green enemies that simply float, the red enemies that spew fire, as well as the dinosaurs themselves; if Sonic is attacked by any of these threats, he will lose a maximum of 20 rings. There are also treasure chests and a magic carpet dispersed throughout this level. The level's boss is a giant Tyrannosaurus Rex-like creature. This stage is based on the "Sinbad" tale, when Sinbad journeys on an adventure into a mysterious forest.


Pirate Storm:

This level is set in a stormy area on the shoreline, filled with pirate ships. Not much is known, but obstacles will include a section where Sonic rides a rocket high above the water. It is also claimed that this level will have plenty of old school platforming challenges.


Levitated Ruin:

This level resembles a floating palace high in the sky. The level's boss is a Gargoyle-like creature.


Evil Foundry:

A level with a large Arabian style palace filled with traps and hot molten metal. Very little is known about this level except a possible boss mentioned by the March 2007 issue of Nintendo Power, which described it as a metallic creature of some sort, arising out of a pool of molten metal.


Skeleton Dome:

Set in a mysterious cavern on the brink of collapsing, this level features trails that will fall beneath Sonic's feet if he's not fast enough, as well as "branching paths" mentioned previously in an interview. Players will confront a fork in a road and will be required to choose one of three paths, all of which lead to different areas to explore. Skeleton Dome features a skeleton-like boss. Not much else is known about it at this time.


Currently known party games-


Spot! Pitch Black!- Players use torches to light up panels in the dark and determine which one is different from the others.


Look Up! Skydiving!- Players race in the air, dodging thunderclouds and other obstacles along the way to the goal.


Seek! Edge Race!- Players control their very own Omochao and must guide it through a maze of pitfalls and obstacles to the goal.


Hold It! Treasure Haul- Players must sneak up on the asleep genie and carry gold away to their designated area without waking him.


Play! Violin- Players play their violins in tune with the genie as closely as possible for maximum points.


Whack! Hatchet- Players chop as much firewood as possible without hitting any Omochao that may appear.


Spin! Safe Dial- Players try to decode a secret code to open a room full of treasure, much like Sonic the Theif from Sonic Shuffle.


Aye, Aye Captain! Pirate Flag- Players try to mimic the pirate who raises flags in a game of Simon Says.


Shine On! Kri Ma Djinn- Players must eliminate all the Kri Ma Djinn lurking in the dark using mirrors.


Spike! Fruit Catch- Players catch falling fruit from the sky in an attempt to create their own.


Get 'Em! Parasol Diving- Players must use parasols as they descend from the sky with goals of collecting airborne coins.


Spin! Cogwheel Relay- Players must spin gears and cogs to eliminate as many Kri Ma Djinn as possible.


Whack! Giant Stakes- Players must use hammers to knock down as many posts as possible before their rivals.


Stay Tight! Big Balloon- Players cautiously blow up a giant balloon without making it pop, similar to Bowser's Big Blast from Mario Party 2.


Row! Canoe Salvage- Players swim in a lake, trying to collect medals whilst avoiding hungry crocodiles.


Pull On It! Carpet- Players must yank as many carpets from underneath Pri Ma Djinn as possible.


Go! Mine Cart Race- Players race in a mine shaft.


Knockdown! Balance Battle- Players balance on giant balls to avoid falling off a platform, similar to Bumper Balls from Mario Party.


Hit It! Home Run- Players play a round of baseball with goals of striking homeruns, similar to that of Baseball from Wii Sports.


Grab It! Kri Ma Djinn- Players must catch Kri Ma Djinn falling from the sky using an extendable net.


Fore! Putting Golf- Players play a round of golf on a special golf course, similar to that of Golf from Wii Sports'.


Other mini-games will have players performing the following tasks:


Players shake the controller to listen to "ringing sounds" emitted from the Wii Remote's speaker in an effort of locating treasure.


Players shoot balloons on-screen using the Wii Remote.

Players race using canoes.



Bonus features-

Through a "Special Mode", players will also be given the opporunity to unlock some 255 bonuses using a "Special Book" that contains pages upon pages of unlockables (stated to be 225 on the official US Site). Some of these unlockables include new characters for party games, movies of the making of the game, cutscenes, video interviews, concept art, music from the game, and even new, secret modes. It has also been revealed through trailers that, not dissimilar to the next-gen title, Sonic the Hedgehog, players will also have to locate hidden medals scattered throughout each of the stages. These Gold and Silver medals will be used to unlock bonuses and other specials from the "Special Book". Through the Official US Site, it has also been revealed that through points earned in Party Mode, players can purchase "magic carpets" from the "World Bazarr". The purpose of these carpets is currently unknown but they are most likely to add replay value to the game.


The book consists of 15 seperate pages of different unlockables. It is likely that the US Site came to the number of 225 unlockables, [assuming] that there are 15 unlockables per page; the Producer for the game could've, likewise, inadvertently exaggerated the number of available unlockables for the game during a recent interview, claiming "255 unlockables".


Nevertheless, the unlockables are categorized by pages inside the book, designated as follows:


New Characters/History of Sonic: Page 1

Artwork/Concept Art Unlockables: Pages 2-7

Music: Pages 8-9

Magic Carpets: Page 10

Other Unlockables: Pages 11-12

Gold Medal Unlockables: Pages 13-14

Special Unlockables: Page 15




Each level will also feature a total of 12 different challenges, five of which are level specific, two of which are the normal "Story missions" or each of the two respective Act missions.


Beat the Clock: This mission requires players to complete stages within a specified time limit (essentially, a time-trial).


Stealth Attack: This mission requires players to avoid attacking all enemies.


Chain Challenges This mission requires players to hold onto their rings without getting attacked by an enemy or hitting an obstacle.


Rampage: This mission requires players to destroy a certain number of enemies.


No Pearl: This mission requires players to avoid charging their soul meters, the meter that enables Sonic to use his special abilities.


Specific: 5 seperate stage-specfic challenges that are dependent upon which level you play on. This may include a mission where players will traverse stages in reverse.


Interestingly, 6 of the 12 challenges for each stage must be cleared before players can progress to the next stage.


In addition, through information collected from trailers for the game, it has been confirmed that time totals, ring totals, and scores will be tabulated throughout the course of the game.


Sonic Games:


SEGA Studios USA (ie: Sonic Team USA)

-Sonic Adventure 2/Battle (DC/GC) 2001

-Sonic Heroes (GC/PS2/XB) 2003

-Shadow the Hedgehog (GC/PS2/XB) 2004

-Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) 2006


SEGA General R&D Dept. 1 (ie: ex-UGA staff)

-Sonic Riders (GC/PS2/XB) 2005

-Sonic and the Secret Rings (Wii) 2007


Dimps Co. (ie: ex-SNK staff)

-Sonic the Hedgehog Pocket Adventure (NGPC) 2000

-Sonic Advance (GBA) 2001

-Sonic Advance 2 (GBA) 2002

-Sonic Advance 3 (GBA) 2004

-Sonic Rush (DS) 2005


Backbone Entertainment (ie: ex-Digital Eclipse staff)

-Sonic Rivals (PSP) 2006

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