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I used to frequent Cube-Europe since before the Cube came out under the name of Psykopoo, which was my alias when I used to write into NGC and CVG, but it was a bit lame, and I never made much of it, I only used it to comment on some of the news articles and stuff, never actually posted in the forums.


Come R-E, I was a pretty different person, and most of my friends call me Bard, partially because it's a description of what I am, and also because it rhymes with my real name. I play guitar and sing, and thats pretty much where the Bard thing comes from, and I am also a huge Blind Guardian fan, and they have a song called "The Bard's Song" which I really like, I am also a memeber of "The Circle of Bards" BG fanlisting.


Anyway, because I liked the sound of the name, I decided to keep it, oh and I also post in red on the forums I visit, because I like the colour, my comments are easy to find and it kinda distinguishes me from other people.

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I've been discussed, I feel honoured :P


Yeah I just wanted the name Falco Lombardi because I have it everywhere else, no big deal though lol.


Been around since C-E but didn't really post until it became R-E. I miss the comments under the news posts. FIRST POST!!! :D

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Use to play Phantasy Star Online on my cube loads. Was signing up to a website couldn't think of a user name. But I was playing PSO at the time thought "hmm my character is a RAmar. That will do". The site registered it as Ramar, and thus my internet name was created. I use the name for most sites I sign up to. So when I came to C-E ages ago I used the name.

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I made this name by just arranging some vowels and consonants. I made it because I needed a name for C-E. Later on it was a small wtf?- moment when I realised that bog actually means something.


And moria always reminds me of an italian mod that was on C-E (or my mind is playing tricks on me, just like it did with ford prefect and svt4him...)

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I made this name by just arranging some vowels and consonants. I made it because I needed a name for C-E. Later on it was a small wtf?- moment when I realised that bog actually means something.


And moria always reminds me of an italian mod that was on C-E (or my mind is playing tricks on me, just like it did with ford prefect and svt4him...)

You might be thinking of Omario. (was he italian?)

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I can vaegly remember edge.


Oh and does CooInTheZoo still come on here. I remember a thread where he wanted to change his name and we were all like "No way man!" and he was all like "yes way man!" and I'm not sure if he did. I remember him changing it to Coo but then I think He either changed it back or to something else.


PS: Katie's post about edge replying to her first post made me thing of CITZ as he replied to my first post when I was worried about customs on my DS.


PPS: OOOH he should have changed it to CITZ.

He changed it to Toby for a bit a while back, I believe.

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Guest Ford Prefect
No no no, that was Walty....i think. :S



yes, walty was italian, he was also a wanker but thats another story......


Omario is/was english, lived in grimsby. tho he was half syrian i believe.he's probably got reletives being effected by the latest shit the israelis are getting up to.

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I was on the old forum, so when these ones started i decided to make a new name with it. I think it was the time of twilight princess hype and the wii-mote being revieled......I like zelda and the twilight princess is the next game so, i thought ahhh "twilighter" but it had an "er" on the end so it needed the "the" so i became "the twilighter". It also sounds very fantasy, which i like.

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Not much explanation needed, my username is this guy off ff8:




Plus, Zell sounded pretty cool at the time I suppose.



Yeah FFVIII is (IMO) the best FF game. Zell is cool but not as cool as Squall. Rinoa is hot. But PWMOFFC members know that Tifa is where it's at.

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I joined C-E 2 years ago under the name of Mr. Brightside, because I was a huge fan of The Killers and I really liked the song "Mr. Brightside".

Although about a year later I changed it to "The Villan" because the nickname for Aston Villa F.C. is "The Villans".

And the 854 at the end is my post count on C-E, although I went back on there last week and discovered it had become 855. Shit!

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