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This thread has got me started with the pencills (the only way to go!) again.


Heres my first two efforts both of Link from Twilight Princess (aka me ;))






Hope you guys like them, may post a picture of one of my horses if I ever get round to drawing it!

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Ok guys, I need your opinion...


I am currently designing some sort of picture that I'm gonna paint atraight onto my wall at home, it will consist of a tiger (I was born during the Chinese year of the tiger) and my zodiac symbol, which is Libra.


At the moment I've come up with a few things, but can't decide which I like best, they are all basically the same but with some slight differences...





Like I said they are all very similar, just wanna get your opinions!

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Ahhh, so no eye slits and black background, you know I was initially learning towards eye slits and white background!


I'm a bit worried that if I go for one of the black backgrounds then there'll be too much black, after all it is gonna be done quite large on the wall next to my bed!


Have to see what others say...

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I picked the one I said for 2 reasons,


firstly, I just liked it, outright, without thinking about it. I felt it was the best and often gut instincts are good.


Secondly, I don't really like the 'slits' if you look at them too long, they look like really bored eyes.

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Ok, I've decided to go for the top left one, I came to the conclusion that the eye slits made the tiger look too friendly!


I've already drawn it on my wall and shall get some paint at B&Q tomorrow and finish it, will post a piccie when its done so you guys can tell me what its like!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thought I would bring this thread back too life, finished my wall symbol and am loving the result...




Also been drawing some piccies of horses...




This is my neighbours horse called Fin, the second one is just using "dark strokes" on photoshop but I think it looks really good.




This is one of my horses called Merlin




These two are of my friends horse, I re-drew the first one on A3 as she wanted a nice piccie of her horse and if she paid someone do to it then it would be ridiculously expensive (I just got six buds off of her - definately worth it :heh:)


Actually thinking about seeing if I can get some comissions done, since I've seen people pay around £100 - £150 for ones that aren't really any better!

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  • 4 weeks later...
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  • 7 months later...

Pretty sweet Jamba, love the perspective and the reflections.


I wish i could draw.
Anyone can draw if they practice enough. Instead of just complaining "I wish I could...", pick up a sketch pad and practice every day ;)
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He's right man. I have been "learning" to draw from teachers for a year now and my actual skills at shading and stuff are still pretty bad. Thing is though that once you learn to use techniques such as overlap, perspective, foreshortening and understanding some anatomy, you are well on your way.


I'd suriously sugest looking at some books out there as well. How to draw the Marvel Way is very good i think. Another thing (cos I did this), don't look at part of what people try and teach you in drawing and say "nah that doesnt sound lke it will work for me". Honestly it ususally means that you find it too hard and you just arent willing to put in the practice to get good at it. Once you do get good at it you will feel silly (as i did) for not using it more before. But hey you might not be like that.


@Shorty: Thanks matey, there are still things that I dont like in it (as there always should be) like something to do with the guys pose on the left. I think his shoulders should be a bit more back because they are forcing his chest to look a bit thin. Also need to work on some mark making skills to be able to get some texture into these things.

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Nice drawing Jamba. I like the nice clean style you used. =3



I scanned in two of my illustrations, which are based on the story of Alice in Wonderland. Colours and stuff aren't as good as the real thing, but oh well. ='3





First Alice at the tea party with the Mad Hatter, the March Hare and the Dormouse. Done in coloured pencils. =D




And this is Alice with the Caterpillar, done with oil pastels on cardboard. Those pastels are really thick though, so I had to use my fingers to mix the colours and a normal pencil to add in some detail and outlines. Colours really look better on the real thing (more colourful), but I still like it. Teacher really liked it too. =3

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Really beautiful work Eenuh. The Tea Party really reminds me of some Italian Futurist paintings that I've studied (Lights at Night (1910-1911) by Carlo Carrá).


Yeah I do usually work much more roughly than that but this was meant to be a finished piece for a project so I worked really hard on getting the parspective bang on. Talking of which (and it really only is a tiny point - cos your work is awesome) you might wanna have a look at the curves on the Hatter's hat. There's something not quite right about them. Everything else is perfect though, lots of character.

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Really beautiful work Eenuh. The Tea Party really reminds me of some Italian Futurist paintings that I've studied (Lights at Night (1910-1911) by Carlo Carrá).


Yeah I do usually work much more roughly than that but this was meant to be a finished piece for a project so I worked really hard on getting the parspective bang on. Talking of which (and it really only is a tiny point - cos your work is awesome) you might wanna have a look at the curves on the Hatter's hat. There's something not quite right about them. Everything else is perfect though, lots of character.


I'm not really sure I see what you're talking about, other than my lines being wobbly (got no steady hand). Could you point out what you mean?

I think maybe I get what you're trying to say (the top part should be more curved to match the bottom part or something?), but it's not something I can change anymore. Coloured pencils are a bitch to erase. X3

Plus I showed it to my teacher already and he said it was good, so yuy.


Thanks for the comment though. *gonna look up the painting you mentioned*

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Nice drawing Jamba. I like the nice clean style you used. =3



I scanned in two of my illustrations, which are based on the story of Alice in Wonderland. Colours and stuff aren't as good as the real thing, but oh well. ='3





First Alice at the tea party with the Mad Hatter, the March Hare and the Dormouse. Done in coloured pencils. =D




And this is Alice with the Caterpillar, done with oil pastels on cardboard. Those pastels are really thick though, so I had to use my fingers to mix the colours and a normal pencil to add in some detail and outlines. Colours really look better on the real thing (more colourful), but I still like it. Teacher really liked it too. =3


i LOVE the second one, its amazing!!

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