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This is not the Hot girl Gallery, so don't post pictures unless they are relevant to your post.

This thread is not for sexist remarks.


This thread is for discussing your feelings and experiences with girls.

In love? Got a girl that Fancy U? Did your Girlfriend do something great or something horrible. If you want to share this is the thread for it.


I'll start by telling you about my relationship. I and my GF has been together for 1year and 10months.

But in 2months time she is going to cuba to study. This is offcourse a major bummer. Not sure how that will work out.


In other news, I'm a stupid boy :woops: I once went partying and took with me a girl friend and said she could sleep over. Not in my bed offcourse. Nothing happend but when my GF found out she was really hurt.. and I don't blame her. When she moves to cuba I'm afraid I may do something stuipd again. But lets just hope I'm not that dumb.


My GF status right now: Rosey and kosey

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I've had a grand total of 2 girlfriends. There was also another girl before them two, but that didn't work out.


My first girlfriend: Liz.


Had some really fun times with her, and i think i took it quite badly when we broke up. We didn't really have that many unhappy moments, so i guess it was a pretty good experience for me. Got me into this whole relationship lark.


Relationship time: 4 1/2 months



My second and current girlfriend: Rebecca


I asked her out about 2 months after my last relationship ended. We've been together ever since. There's been lots of amazing times, but also some times when it wasn't so great. Overall, she's probably the best thing thats ever happened to me. She makes me feel good about myself and i've gained lots more confidence since i started going out with her.



Relationship time: 2 years, 3 months and counting!


She's currently on holiday in Cyprus, and i'm really missing her at the moment. Really can't wait til she gets back.

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I do not have a GF at the moment. As you might have heard. I did a while back but we just went back to being friends after not being able to go out anywhere due to lack of funds. Quite annoying, but we still speak to each other a lot.


My friend, if you will. Also has a twin sister. I don't know her as well but we get on with each other if we bump into each other at any point.


So, I am single. Although if any girl would ever be interested in me they would probably need their heads looked at. I'm not exactly good-looking.

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This forum knows the whole of my love life from the meaningless post thread anyway.


Might as well tell my current one.


I met this girl at the skatepark on Sunday, hot as FUCK. Me and a couple other guys liked her. I managed to get hold of her msn. Anyway, we were talknig, and eventually she said she liked me.


But this other guy had already asked her out yesturday, and didnt wanna say yes mto me, after saying no to him, and had told him she'd see how it went at the weekend. (she doesn't like him, jsut letting down lightly)

Anyhow, i should be going out with her by the end of the weekend. *fingers crossed*


Shes REALLY cool too :D

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I've only had 3 girlfriends in total, which is not only because I'm a picky bastard, but also because I'm kinda reclusive.


My first girlfriend doesn't even count really, becuase I was 11 (lawl) and in primary school at the time, we liked each other and all, but I think we did it mostly just to get some attention, but all in all, it was a wierd time because I don't remember it too well, and also perhaps because I remember thinking at the time that having a gf was overrated lol. We didn't exactly understand everything that a relationship entails.


Me and my girl don't really go out much on account of she doesn't like to drink, so whenever I go out on a massive bender with my mates, she bitches at me, but it's all good, she's a lot more responsible than me, which can be wierd cause shes a bit younger.


Tbh, were more like friends than a couple, which is kinda nice, cause we have a lot in common, I mean, most guys' girlfriends' are more like sex buddies if you know what I mean, or, at least, thats the way it seems to me, but when we spend time together it's usually just the same as if I was with my mates...except for, you know, all the kinky sex and whatnot...I'm kidding...anyway, it's going along nice and easy at the mo...

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My last girlfriend put me off girls for a little while - so, right now, single and loving it.


Thing is, when you're looking for a girl, they all seem fantastic. When you're spending a lot of time with one, they can really piss you off just like a friend.

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My last girlfriend put me off girls for a little while - so, right now, single and loving it.


Thing is, when you're looking for a girl, they all seem fantastic. When you're spending a lot of time with one, they can really piss you off just like a friend.


he speaks the truth!

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still a bit hurt from last relationship which finished bout 2 weeks ago.


we were going out for 2 and a 1/2 months she dumped me as "we are too different" and she sent me a txt one week before dumping me saying "are you homophic i want the truth!" riggggggggggggght that really pi$$ed me off as she was serious (her best friend is gay) and even thou i told her NO (she got told im homophobic by one of my mates..wtf as she hardly knows any of my mates)

next girlfriend im gunna try chatting up a attactive girl one night so i fancy them back not just them fancying me and me wanting to go out cause i dont want to be single like the last 2.


because im shy i missed out on going out with my best mates girlfriend when me and mates met her. she later admitted to me and mates it was me she fancyed first...greaaaaat. (my best mates can chat up girls like its nothing but i have probs with shyness...i usally spot a few girls looking/smiling at me..but can never get the balls to go over and chat to them..when im drunk i sometimes do but depends on mood at time)


i find girls eariler to talk to then blokes these days so i dont know what prob is hehe

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My gf is a semi gaming GF, and hot (opinion i guess but people seem to agree).

By semi i mean that she plays some ds and xbox live arcade games.. at the moment she's the barometer i use to see if a game is casual player friendly so if she doesn't get on with the Wii when i get one, I'll be expecting it to flop (unfortunately)



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yeah i went out with this girl I knew pretty well. i always thought she was pretty good looking then she got bored of the bf and started hitting on me. which was fun.


ended a bit quickly though. I felt like a right knob end about it because my buddy had held a torch for her for a while, and she jumped from one relationship to another too fast. which sucked.

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