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Could i be diabetic? :-/

Guest Jordan

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Guest Jordan

Over the last few months, i have the feeling i may be diabetic.


I've been trying to get off sugary foods and as a result i've been feeling terrible. For the last year, when i'm in certain situations my throat tightens and theres a huge build up of gas in my stomache, leading me to crap loads of burping. I hardly ever drink fizzy drink and mostly water based fruit drinks or orange juice. This is usually when i'm in an unfamiliar or a nervous situation


Recently, i've been getting this much more frequently and i've been getting attacks of all over pins and needles which is very disorententing.


I just wondered if anyone else on the forums has had these problems, i'm gunna get a doctors appointment this week as i'm getting quite worried.

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I don't think you are, I've experienced the throat tightens and the gas in stomach thing. I'm not sure if I've had the attacks of pins and needles all over though... I just went to the doctors yesterday, and I'm not diabetic.


But I'm not a expert in medical things, and therefore my opion shouldn't really matter, but I wouldn't say you were.

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well a change of diet can give you problems especially if you are addicted to foods. you do need sugar in your diet. the gas problem i am not sure if it is connected with diabities? more of a stomach thing.


do you find that you go to the toilet more? are you alot more tired than usual? when you go to the toilet is it stronger than normal?

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Guest Jordan

"Stronger?" Haha, nah actually i don't go for a piss more than 3 times a day and yeah i've been feeling tired but thats due to not getting enough sleep and a messed up sleeping pattern.

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those are normally the first signs to be honest and the reason why your "Wee" would be stronger is because the sugars wouldnt be broken down in your body before getting rid of em. so i wouldnt say you are diabetic but i am not a doc.


you can get free tests from a pharmacey and it takes minutes so maybe you should go there. obviosely there is something wrong so still go to the doc but go get a diabities test first to rule it out.

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Guest Jordan

Well, this does seem resassuring. Thanks guys, i will still check it out to be sure.

I was talking to Arragaun on MSN and he thinks the pins and needles things could just be my body protesting. I've been eating alot of fruit instead of junk food recently and my body might just be craving sugar. Who knows?

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Getting it checked out would be the best thing to do. In the meantime, try not to worry too much about it. Like the saying goes, "we'll cross that bridge when we come to it."

My family was worried for a while that my brother might have diabetes. He basically lives off sugar. :p Saying that, we got him checked out and it turned out fine.

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ive been worried about the same thing lately , so this thread is totally a bad omen for me :(

My problems are that ive did a complete 360 with my diet where im craving and eating alot of sugary food, where a year ago i hardly ever did. Im also tired alot but im hoping thats just because i work 3rd shift and generally dont like my job.

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I think if you were diabetic you would feel terrible while having sugar as your body can't deal with it. I think basically and this goes for any chemical thing like alchol or drugs and food. Your body is giving you a massive V sign as you are changing its routine and what its become used to. But if you persist you will be ok. Ive changed my sleeping patterns recently and am having to drive through my body saying screw you but it will all be ok in the end.


Having said that ask a doctor if your still worried and hope it all goes ok keep us informed. My mums a nurse so if you have any questions I can ask her on your behalf.

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Always see a doctor if you're worried. I have a friend who was having weird problems a bit like yours, and apprently it was due to his hormones going a bit crazy in his later teen years. It doesn't sound like diabeties to me, but best get checked out at any rate.

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Before my cousin found out he was diabetic, which happened to be after he had been on holiday, he was constantly urinating and drinking. I doubt you have diabetes but, if it would help you, go to your doctor to have you blood sugar levels tested.

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If you have too much of anything and then stop having that thing as much, there are always side effects. Sugar definitely does that. You're probably just on a bit of a sugar crash if you're trying to cut your usual amount down substantially.

Same with allsorts of things, caffeine for example. People who drink a couple cups of coffee each day and then suddenly stop tend to get really bad headaches for a week or two afterward.

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