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Knock ginger: Up or down?


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Hehe, aye. Awww man, this makes me wish i was a kid again. All this talk of knock up/down ginger/door thing Ahhhh, tag and bulldogs. Mob and Tag were classic kids games.


Oh, and that almighty line that my mates used to say when i was about to tag them:


"I got CREE! I got CREE! You can't tag me haha."


I can't remember how many times i got into a fight with someone because we were arguing whether they had cree or if they were lying.

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It's knock-a-door run, and be bloody grateful it's called that. Or I'll shit in your mouth, twice.


I thought it was "Tag", then "You're it!". That's how we used to play it anyway.

Tag is for American cocks. It's called Dobbie and you know it!


I think the best game i ever played as a kid was at cubs, we went camping and at night, because it was a forest, we put camo gear and shit, had torches, and played for like 3 hours all sortsa games like manhunt and capture the flag and stuff.

I did that once when I was with the ATC, it was called a Night Ex there.

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Guest Ford Prefect

i think i prefered the year 7 fave, go round punching everyone in their new TB jab and watch them crumple in a heap on the floor. and then laugh at them if they punch you in the arm (mine never hurt :D )

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i think i prefered the year 7 fave, go round punching everyone in their new TB jab and watch them crumple in a heap on the floor. and then laugh at them if they punch you in the arm (mine never hurt :D )


LOL! A few people i know used to do that. I think my brother hit me in the arm the one time after i had my BCG jab. Probably deserved it for the years of tormenting that i did to him.

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"I got CREE! I got CREE! You can't tag me haha."


I can't remember how many times i got into a fight with someone because we were arguing whether they had cree or if they were lying.



You mean Peeps right? General peeps for boys, who had to tuck their thumbs under the index finger while clenching the fist. And the girls crossed the middle finger over the index finger (like the lotto symbol).

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You mean Peeps right? General peeps for boys, who had to tuck their thumbs under the index finger while clenching the fist. And the girls crossed the middle finger over the index finger (like the lotto symbol).


Never heard of Peeps. But, cree is basically like the lotto symbol, except boys did it as well.

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i think i prefered the year 7 fave, go round punching everyone in their new TB jab and watch them crumple in a heap on the floor. and then laugh at them if they punch you in the arm (mine never hurt :D )


Someone did that to me and it virtually exploded. I have a scar on my arm now, nd it stained one half of my shirt in blood.



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This cree stuff sounds like crap.


It was a pain in the arse, trust me.

Imagine chasing someone around the whole yard and then catching them. Then, they try to wriggle their way out of it by saying "oooo, i can cross my fingers/I have cree!"

Makes you want to snap their fingers off. :p

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I'd never knock up a ginger. That's disgusting. Not only the act, but the prospect of creating another ginger is just a wrong to the entire world.


I'd knock down a ginger though. With pleasure.

OI BITCH! I'm kinda ginger and the object of my affection is teh ginger, I love teh sexeh redheads.



"From this day forward, you are no longer my brother, you are my enemy."

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We played:


Tip the can (similar to block 1-2-3 and timp n allie above)


Knick knocking

British Bulldog


Yay! Though I generally hear knacking more than knocking.


Have people played German Bulldogs? The one where instead of just catching somebody, you have to get them to the ground and say 'German bulldogs 1, 2, 3 caught by me"?


Also, one of my friend's english cousins called it 'knocking up and down the ginger'. At the time I was sure they made it up as it just sounds far too retarded. Either way I don't like it, and it seems only the scanger people I know seem to do it now. They also can't run away for shit and are nearly always caught.

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viper has it right. whatever the fuck ginger folks have to do with doors and knocking i have no idea.


Maybe we should all call it that. Everybody would be happy then. Unless, we can go one step further and incorperate "run" into there, as well.


Seems like the majority remember it as Knock a door run, in one form or another, so how about you just drop the ginger... :awesome: Oh, welcome back Ford :heh:

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