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Your first Virtual Console download?


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Obviously it depends whats available at the beginning but games I dont have and would like to get on it are Zelda II and the NES Marios as Ive never had the opportunity to buy Mario Allstars - though I played it and loved it. Id've bought Super Mario 3 for the GBA if it wasnt so dear!


Also, being the sucker I am Id like to atleast get DKC III again, if not the whole trilogy.

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Streets of Rage

Streets of Rage

Streets of Rage


Oh, and if it's available, Streets of Rage.


I would also like Super Metroid, Shining in the Darkness and Landstalker. If they made a list available, I'm sure I would see lots more that I'd like.

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As Long as its available from day one then Comix Zone for the Mega Drive. I have no need to get any of the Sonic games (have the Gamecube compilations) and I have the bulk of NES/SNES/N64 titles already for their original system and don't want to buy them all over again. Comix Zone on the other hand is one of my favourite games of all time and I used to own it for PC, never had a Mega Drive so this will be my chance to get it back. :grin:

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Chrono Trigger and any and every Squaresoft/ Enix title avilable for it. Also:


Street Fighter 2 Turbo

Streets of Rage 2 (the best in the series)

Super Metroid

Super Mario World

Sonic 2

Ninja Gaiden

Contra 3

Metal Slug


You know, the classics.


Oh, and world heroes

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Super Mario RPG

(All the GameBoy Zeldas if they are available on the Virtual Console - sure Iwata said something about GB games on it for download onto DS)

A Link to the Past (if I haven't already got the GBA one)

Super Mario Bros.

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Guest Stefkov

If i can then Harvest moon 64.

Then, doubtful, but if RAre decide to then Banjo Kazzoie, Jet force Gemini, Goldeneye, Banjo Tooie.

oh and Snowboard kids

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Guest Jordan

Lylat Wars, Sin and punishment, Paper Mario, Zelda's that kinda thing.


oh and DEFINATLY Golden Axe and Streets of rage 1/2/3.

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Guest Stefkov

before iforget,im getting Gunstar Heroes, for the genesis, aswell. that game owned when i played it, but not on the genesis though....

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