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Stand out games of the generation


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argh! dont let how difficult VJ is meant to be put you off! your missing out on a truly awesome game right there, plus its like £4 now or something.

also, you should check out Pikmin, SSBM, Jet Set Radio, or Jet Set Radio Future and perhaps even Crazy Taxi for short bursts of fun. Shenmue too.


I only ever see the second one nowadays anyway. Mybe, if i see it again.

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Metroid Prime

Super Monkey Ball

Resident Evil 4

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker


Playstation 2

Kingdom Hearts

Final Fantasy XII

Shadow of the Colossus


Tekken 5

Katamari Damacy

Metal Gear Solid 2




Oddworld Stranger's Wrath


Game of the Generation

Half Life 2/ Counter Stirke Source

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Shenmue 1 & 2

Skies of Arkadia

Phantasy Star Online


Toy Commander

Powerstone 1 & 2

Jet set Radio

Crazy Taxi 1 & 2


Playstation 2

Dragon Quest 8

God of War

Shadow of the Colossus

Suikoden 3 & 5



Skies of Arkadia Legends.

Super Monkey Ball 2


Resident Evil 4

Animal Crossing

Phantasy Star Online

Zelda WW




Shenmue 2

Jet Grind Audio future

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
Eternal Darkness is the only game i own this generation that i have never completed. Perhaps i should amend that before i move on.


And I did. Today. Appoximatley 4 years after I bought it. For the past 12 days i've set myself the task of doing a level a day if it killed me.


It isn't the only game i haven't completed anymore though, as I bought Chibi Robo, Battalion Wars, Paper Mario and VJ2 in the US the other week, and i've started buying Final Fantasy form the beggining. Even so, I happened to order A 360 off Play.com yesterday, and it was shipped, funnily enough, today.


So the statement "Perhaps i should amend that before i move on" was a bit of a prophecy. :awesome:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't forget the Halo 2 Map Pack. Surprisingly more fun than most of the other Xbox games released, despite being a nine map expansion disc.


I'm going to go ahead and throw a few more games out there.


The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures

What? But this game was expensive! Why yes, it was expensive if you counted the four GBAs necessary to enjoy it, but this game remains one of the most fun and innovative titles Nintendo have ever released. Who would have thought Zelda could go multiplayer? The use of the TV and GBA screens is absolute genius and alone makes this game a stand-out title even if most of you have never played it. It's a riot.


Wario Ware games

Play any of these and you'll know why they deserve to be on here - absolutely brilliant fun.


Tales of Symphonia

Yeah okay, the storyline is clichéd and the character voices are a little annoying, but within that initial cave of thought there resides a beautiful little hermit with a battle system so fun and characters so very likeable. The story is also pretty engrossing... if unnecessary drawn-out and repetitive in places, but the supreme linear motion battle system pretty much makes up for any shortcomings. This is how all RPG battles should be. Tales of Symphonia is my favourite GameCube game by far.



Yeah, it didn't live up to the hype and it was linear as fuck... but this game presented a lot of stuff I'd never been able to do in a game before. Also any game that lets me marry a woman, neglect and sleep with her on a regular basis and then kill her one night when she is sleeping* is a standout game in my most qualified opinion.




*What actually happened is I returned home, horny and longing only to find her asleep. When I punched the bed to awaken her she began to share with me a series of obscentities. I had just killed my sister and took up this super badass sword... and some puny woman was smack talking me? ME? I took up my trusty colour-changing blade and slicenated her to ribbons. Divorce was never this fun in Mrs. Doubtfire.

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