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Sony: "online will be free. Oh, and now you can buy games through it"


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Sony, who claim to just want to "compete with iTunes", have announced that you can buy "digital downloads" (such as games) from their "free" online service (they don'y mention if you have to pay to play games online).


Its interesting to note that Sony think that in a "few years" hardrives will be "obsolete". Now it this me, or are Sony saying "in a few years, part of your expensive PS3 will become obsolete"


So, now sony have ripped off the Virtual Console of the Wii.


Sony will announce when the "online servers" will be released (and a new PS3 model) when they see how Nintendo do it.

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Ripped off the Virtual Console? So like Nintendo ripping off Xbox Live Arcade then?


These threads just feel like little digs at Sony.



It's not like they don't deserve it, they are arrogant, this arrogance will hopefully lead to their long overdue downfall IMO.


*Edit* as for the whole Nintendo ripping off Xbox arcade / live thing, check this out, just found it,




Personally I would find it amusing if Nintendo were to take M$ to court over this and win, mind you I would also find it amusing if they found a way to take $ony to court also, but meh *shrugs* ::shrug: ultimately all this is pointless though, I just can't wait for the Wii to come out as the PS3 is a joke IMO and while the 360 is decent, any good experiences I have had with the console have been made moreorless redundant due to faults (I am on my 2nd console now which I suspect might be faulty) and glitches.


All I can think of now is roll on the release of the Wii, Nintendo / Zelda FTW :yay:

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Some of the higher staff at Sony are crazy, but there's plenty of normal people there as well. I think that the PS2 has derseved it's number 1 spot, actually pretty much all consoles this gen have been excellent. I feel sorry for the normal people at Sony, who don't have a word to the public, all this pointless hatred directed at them.


I don't think they deserve a downfall. Not till everything is fully out and we understand each system. The PS2 has been excellent. Awesome games on that system. Just some people are too stuck up to try them.

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Some of the higher staff at Sony are crazy, but there's plenty of normal people there as well. I think that the PS2 has derseved it's number 1 spot, actually pretty much all consoles this gen have been excellent. I feel sorry for the normal people at Sony, who don't have a word to the public, all this pointless hatred directed at them.


I don't think they deserve a downfall. Not till everything is fully out and we understand each system. The PS2 has been excellent. Awesome games on that system. Just some people are too stuck up to try them.



I have tried them, and I don't like them, I prefer Nintendo games, always have, still do and probably will do so indefinately. It's purely down to preference but as for philosophy etc Sony are just so full of lies, bs and hardly have an original bone in their entire collective body IMO.


Sure the PS2 might have some "decent" games but they are few and far between and generally not worth my time when I have so many other games on other plaforms that I both enjoy and have earned my respect over the years, if Sony had given me a reason through either hardware and or software over the years as to why they deserve my respect then they would have earned it by now.


But they haven't, and thus they don't deserve my respect and never will IMO and paying $599 so I can enjoy such "features" as non existent real time weapon change, tired franchises such as Riiiidggge Racccerrrr! (as it is now known) and attacking Giant Enemy Crabs in their weak spot for massive damage, seems to be more of a collective insult to me rather than something that commands respect.


If Sony want my respect I can only give them one simple piece of advice...


"Don't hold your breath... because if you do, you'll die" :laughing:

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I don't think they are few and far between, unless you are talking about the first year of the system. If you don't like them fair enough, but I know I couldn't miss games like:


Metal Gear Solid 3

God Of War

Virtua Fighter 4 Evo

Final Fantasy series

Suikoden series

Devil May Cry

Dragon Quest VIII

Guitar Hero

Shadow Hearts: Covenant


Shadow Of The Colossus

Gitaroo Man


Katamari Damacy


The PS2 is worth buying at the price it is now just for those games alone, but that's just me at the end of the day. I love to play games, it doesn't bother me what system they are on. At the end of the day I want to play all the good games out there and to do that I have to buy all the systems. Even a PS3 (when it's cheaper :P)

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Micrsoft have a great online play service (from what I've heard) and Xbox Arcade; Nintendo will have respectable, free online play service, WiiConnect24 and the VC (which is completely different from what Sony are offering btw); Sony offer browsing their online media shop for free and are likely to have a prepay online play system.


Interesting how each company is approaching the online facility. They totally reflect the companies.


Microsoft = Online PC gaming

Nintendo = THE Retro gaming experience

Sony = Media Commerce

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Guest Stefkov

I dont see why Nintendo would want to sue Microsoft, i mean they are letting Rare make Diddy Kong racing on the DS. Also those things ms employees said aboutt he wi were mainly all positive, so i think ms and nintendo could become friends. And then maybe we might get Jet force Gemini, goldeneye, perfect dark, Banjo Kazzoie on the VC.

Again sony say how browsing will be free. not if itll pay to play online, they like to not mention those points, especially when they talked about the psp in their confereence, 'We have shipped over 4 million psp's(not right amount just a guess)' I mean it it a great achievement to have given out the consoles, but not to have sold them and got some numbers higher than competitors, but alas that is why.

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Micrsoft have a great online play service (from what I've heard) and Xbox Arcade; Nintendo will have respectable, free online play service, WiiConnect24 and the VC (which is completely different from what Sony are offering btw); Sony offer browsing their online media shop for free and are likely to have a prepay online play system.


Interesting how each company is approaching the online facility. They totally reflect the companies.


Microsoft = Online PC gaming

Nintendo = THE Retro gaming experience

Sony = Media Commerce


I agree with that. It's interesting how they're all making use of the online functions, but in different ways. The online 'war' next generation is going to be very interesting.

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Nintendo will always have the huge library behind it.Something sony and microsoft will never have.However i believe if done like nintendos virtual console(and u know it will)sony's on line could be powerful.Imagine the ablilty to download the final fantasies etc.....ok i woulnt care but think of all the people that would......give me super metroid any day though

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I dont agree with this "ripping off XBOX Live" attitude. First of all Nintendo was the first to have online gaming on consoles with SNES Bandai Satellaview. They had downloadable demos, updates and episodic content. But they saw that the world wasn't ready for it yet. Second, the things that Microsoft did with Live were the obvious steps to be taken, so you think the other companies shouldn't do them because Microsoft did it? OH and LIve arcade was a fiasco before 360, Microsoft just pushed it after Nintendo anounced Virtual Console. What matters is that you'll be able to play online with whatever console you buy, the rest is just nonsense.

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Ripped off the Virtual Console? So like Nintendo ripping off Xbox Live Arcade then?


These threads just feel like little digs at Sony.


I doubt Nintendo ripped off Xbox Arcade, seeing as Nintendo has actual history of games behind them which people are willing to get over Microsoft's, what, 5 years in the games industry?

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I doubt Nintendo ripped off Xbox Arcade, seeing as Nintendo has actual history of games behind them which people are willing to get over Microsoft's, what, 5 years in the games industry?

XBLA isn't limited to MS games though, otherwise we wouldn't have games like Guantlet, Smash TV, Robotron and Joust already, with things like Street Fighter, Pacman and Mortal Kombat on the way, all of which are just as good as any of Nintendos earliest games.

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It'll be on the Virtual Console aswell as Xbox Live Arcade though.



I'm just saying that although MS have not been in the console business as long as Nintendo, XBLA games go back just as far as Nintendos VC games and are of similar pedigree. It also has the advantage of new games being developed for it constantly, some of which are real gems, which is something you'll never see on the Wiis VC.


Microsoft's, what, 5 years in the games industry?


That's not right either BTW, MS have been making games for over a decade, they may not have been console games, but they're still games.

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